
Union renewal and development

We bring together our member organisations to discuss and share experiences, good practices and ideas on responding to collective challenges. Together we are building the education unions of the future: mass participation organisations that reflect the diverse interests and identities of their members and offer educators a multitude of ways to engage and contribute.

Our work in this area

  1. News 8 May 2012

    Latin America: call for joint strategies for quality education

    The President of the Regional Committee in Latin America, Hugo Yasky, has called for a joint trade union strategy to promote quality public education within the region. At the opening of the Committee’s annual meeting on 7 May, Yasky emphasised education unions’ crucial role in “defending the fundamental right to...

    Latin America: call for joint strategies for quality education
  2. News 2 May 2012

    Taiwan: moving ahead on teachers' rights

    “We want to see the teachers’ union blossom,” Vice President of Taiwan, Mr. Vincent C. Siew, told an EI delegation - headed by General Secretary Fred van Leeuwen and Chief Regional Coordinator Aloysius Mathews - visiting Taiwan this week.

    Taiwan: moving ahead on teachers' rights
  3. News 27 April 2012

    Global Unions: Governments must act for a sustainable and equitable recovery

    It is more than five years since the financial crisis hit, followed rapidly by a larger economic crisis. This economic earthquake exposed the dangers of financialisation; of having the real economy subservient to finance; and of two decades of growing inequality.

    Global Unions: Governments must act for a sustainable and equitable recovery
  4. News 12 April 2012

    UNCTAD XIII: countries must focus on effective development assistance

    EI supports the International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC) demand that countries should honour their commitments to provide development assistance. The ITUC demand is set out in its statement to the thirteenth session of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD XIII), to be held from 21-26 April in...

    UNCTAD XIII: countries must focus on effective development assistance
  5. 29 March 2012

    A commitment to improve education and strengthen the teaching profession

    Comments opening the last discussion at the International Summit for the Teaching Profession, New York, March 2012. By Fernando M. Reimers Ed.D., Ford Foundation Professor of International Education and Director of Global Education and of International Education Policy at Harvard University.

    A commitment to improve education and strengthen the teaching profession
  6. 29 March 2012

    Success Breeds Success

    Reflections by John Bangs, Senior Consultant at Education International and Honorary Research Associate at Cambridge University, on the 2nd International Summit of the Teaching Profession, New York, March 2012

    Success Breeds Success