
Union renewal and development

We bring together our member organisations to discuss and share experiences, good practices and ideas on responding to collective challenges. Together we are building the education unions of the future: mass participation organisations that reflect the diverse interests and identities of their members and offer educators a multitude of ways to engage and contribute.

Our work in this area

  1. News 17 June 2011

    Latin America: Regional Conference defends public education

    Among the outcomes of EI’s eighth Latin America Regional Conference in Buenos Aires, Argentina, were statements to defend quality public education, support for teachers in disputes across the region, and a proposal to revitalise the Latin American educational movement.

    Latin America: Regional Conference defends public education
  2. News 12 June 2011

    EI General Secretary is awarded honorary degree

    The EI General Secretary, Fred Van Leeuwen, has been conferred with an Honorary Fellowship by the Educational Institute of Scotland (EIS) at its Annual General Meeting. The EIS was granted the right to award Fellowships under a Charter given to the union by Britain’s Queen Victoria in the 19th Century....

    EI General Secretary is awarded honorary degree
  3. News 31 May 2011

    Congress News and Information

    Countdown to Congress! The 6th World Congress of EI will convene in Cape Town, South Africa, in 50 days! Congress related events will begin with the EI/PSI Sexual Diversity Forum on 18 July and conclude with the final session of Congress itself on 26 July. In between there will be...

    Congress News and Information
  4. News 30 May 2011

    EI to protect teaching's high quality standards in Europe

    EI’s European Trade Union Committee for Education (ETUCE) has met in Brussels to review key issues for teachers’ unions and education across the region.

    EI to protect teaching's high quality standards in Europe
  5. News 25 May 2011

    Pakistan: New schools open after flooding

    EI welcomes the opening of new schools in rural parts of Pakistan which were devastated by flooding last July.

    Pakistan: New schools open after flooding
  6. News 18 May 2011

    Indian and Spanish teachers strengthen their trade union links in Madrid

    Representatives of EI affiliate, Federación de Enseñanza de Comisiones Obreras (FE.CC.OO) met EI Vice-President and General Secretary of the All India Primary Teachers Federation (AIPTF), Subramaniam Eswaran, on May 11 in Madrid.

    Indian and Spanish teachers strengthen their trade union links in Madrid
  7. News 18 May 2011

    EI: “ICT in education is a tool, not an end in itself”

    Education International is participating in the World Summit on the Information Society currently held in Geneva from 16-20 May. Representing EI on the panel in two sessions on “E-learning: Teachers Count” and “Education and ICTs”, Hans Laugesen from the Gymnasieskolernes Lærerforening (Denmark) presented teachers' perspective with regard to the use...

    EI: “ICT in education is a tool, not an end in itself”
  8. News 6 May 2011

    Congress News and Information

    Additional practical information is now available, concerning the participants of the 6th EI World Congress, which will be held in Cape Town, South Africa, in the Cape Town International Convention Centre (CTICC) from July 22nd to July 26th, 2011.

    Congress News and Information
  9. News 3 May 2011

    COPE releases a summary of 2010 activities

    The Council of Pacific Education (COPE), an EI affiliated umbrella body of teacher organisations in the Pacific, has published the Journal of the Pacific teacher union’s latest edition.

    COPE releases a summary of 2010 activities
  10. News 29 April 2011

    Winds of change for social justice and democracy

    On Labour Day, as trade unionists around the world celebrate the role of workers in the fight for democracy and social justice, the international union movement takes inspiration from winds of change sweeping across Arab countries.

    Winds of change for social justice and democracy
  11. News 12 April 2011

    6th EI World Congress: Sign up now for your breakout sessions

    24th July, the third day of the forthcoming EI World Congress in Cape Town will be dedicated to breakout sessions. This time round, the number of breakout sessions has been reduced and the duration of each session has been lengthened so as to enable participants to engage more in debates...

    6th EI World Congress: Sign up now for your breakout sessions
  12. 25 March 2011

    Communications specialists gather to promote teacher unions

    EI’s Communication’s unit brought together counterparts from affiliate members in Europe and North America at the annual EI Communicators’ Network (ComNet)meeting in Brussels, Belgium, from 21-22 September 2010.

    Communications specialists gather to promote teacher unions
  13. 25 March 2011

    OECD’s Education at a Glance 2010: what can unions learn?

    In its new report Education at Glance 2010, the OECD presents a vast array of statistics relating to education in its 33 member countries. The report should be given close scrutiny by education unions as it has traditionally been used to argue for more efficient spending and further strengthening of...

    OECD’s Education at a Glance 2010: what can unions learn?
  14. News 25 March 2011

    Countdown begins with action plan for Congress 2011

    The Executive Board of Education International, the global union federation representing 30 million education personnel across 171 countries, has concluded its 37th meeting in Cape Town, South Africa, with a clear plan of action leading up to its World Congress in July 2011.

    Countdown begins with action plan for Congress 2011