
Union renewal and development

We bring together our member organisations to discuss and share experiences, good practices and ideas on responding to collective challenges. Together we are building the education unions of the future: mass participation organisations that reflect the diverse interests and identities of their members and offer educators a multitude of ways to engage and contribute.

Our work in this area

  1. News 7 October 2010

    World Day for Decent Work 2010

    Trade unions across the world are mobilising on 7 October to tackle the global economic and employment crisis and demand fundamental reform of the world economy.

    World Day for Decent Work 2010
  2. News 30 September 2010

    Quality public services key to sustainable economic solutions

    Landmark international conference brings together private and public sector workers, government and civil society leaders Quality Public Services – Action Now! October 12-14, Geneva, Switzerland

    Quality public services key to sustainable economic solutions
  3. News 30 September 2010

    Registration opens for EI World Congress

    As the countdown begins to Education International’s Sixth World Congress in Cape Town, South Africa, the registration process for the thousands of participants is now live.

    Registration opens for EI World Congress
  4. News 21 September 2010

    Resources available to celebrate International Day of Peace

    The non-profit organisation ‘Peace One Day’ has launched a free global education resource pack with lesson plans to help young people learn about non-violence, conflict resolution and inter-cultural cooperation in schools.

    Resources available to celebrate International Day of Peace
  5. News 9 September 2010

    Latest edition of Worlds of Education now online

    The latest issue of EI’s flagship magazine features a series of articles on World Teachers’ Day; the failure of recent G8 and G20 summits on education, and development from the E-9 Ministers’ Education Forum amongst others.

    Latest edition of Worlds of Education now online
  6. News 9 September 2010

    International Literacy Day: Teachers’ unions mobilise

    Unions have marked International Literacy Day with a series of global events. EI participated in the Centre for Universal Education and International Reading Association’s launch of a study into early reading which calls for urgent support of assessments and instruction.

    International Literacy Day: Teachers’ unions mobilise
  7. News 30 August 2010

    Pakistan: Teachers come to the rescue of flood victims

    With EI's help, three Pakistani teachers' organisations will support thousands of educators who lost their homes and personal belongings. They will provide up to 30,000 victims with aid supplies including clean water, clothing and tents.

    Pakistan: Teachers come to the rescue of flood victims
  8. News 26 July 2010

    Archbishop Tutu announces retirement from public life

    Archbishop Desmond Tutu is to withdraw from public life, after decades of struggling against apartheid and global injustices, to spend more time with his family – and watch cricket.

    Archbishop Tutu announces retirement from public life
  9. News 6 July 2010

    G20/G8 Summit Declarations: Governments agree to disagree

    The Trade Union Advisory Committee (TUAC) and the International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC) have drafted a joint evaluation on the G20 Labour and Employment Ministers’ meeting.

    G20/G8 Summit Declarations: Governments agree to disagree
  10. News 29 June 2010

    Iran : European Commission supports trade unionists

    Responding to a joint International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC)/Education International (EI) letter to Catherine Ashton, the High Representative /Vice President of the European Commission, the European organisation reiterates its support to trade unionists in Iran.

    Iran : European Commission supports trade unionists
  11. News 25 June 2010

    Education for All success at ITUC World Congress

    The 2nd ITUC World Congress, taking place in Vancouver from 21–25 June, has closed with a firm resolve to struggle for the attainment of quality public services and education for all, as a key part of the strategy to exit the global economic crisis.

    Education for All success at ITUC World Congress
  12. 24 June 2010

    Strauss-Kahn and Lamy fail to convince International Trade Union Confederation in Vancouver

    The face-off needed to stay polite but firm. And it did. On Tuesday, 22 June, Dominique Strauss-Kahn and Pascal Lamy, Managing Directors of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and World Trade Organization (WTO) respectively, set out their organizations’ stalls to the 1,400 delegates of the International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC)...

    Strauss-Kahn and Lamy fail to convince International Trade Union Confederation in Vancouver
  13. News 24 June 2010

    Call for G20 to promote quality education with qualified teachers

    The presidents of Education International and the Canadian Teachers’ Federation (CTF) have called on the G20 to support a new global partnership for teacher education and professional development.

    Call for G20 to promote quality education with qualified teachers