
Union renewal and development

We bring together our member organisations to discuss and share experiences, good practices and ideas on responding to collective challenges. Together we are building the education unions of the future: mass participation organisations that reflect the diverse interests and identities of their members and offer educators a multitude of ways to engage and contribute.

Our work in this area

  1. News 3 June 2010

    Latest edition of EI’s Worlds of Education now online

    EI’s flagship magazine is full of articles from around the world of education, including a review of activities that our members organised to celebrate Global Action Week and the 1GOAL Campaign, ahead of the Football World Cup.

    Latest edition of EI’s Worlds of Education now online
  2. News 2 June 2010

    EI members devastated by tropical storm in Central America

    EI members and emergency workers in Guatemala, Honduras and El Salvador are struggling to get aid to communities cut off by Tropical Storm Agatha which battered the region over the weekend.

    EI members devastated by tropical storm in Central America
  3. News 28 May 2010

    Notice for the 7th EI Africa Regional Conference

    On behalf of the General Secretary, we wish to notify your organization of the pending EI Africa Regional Conference, scheduled from the 29th November to the 4th December 2010, in Brazzaville, the capital city of the Republic of Congo.

    Notice for the 7th EI Africa Regional Conference
  4. News 10 May 2010

    Special European Regional Committee Meeting called to consider new draft By-Laws

    The EI/ETUCE Bureau held a special meeting on 5th May to consider proposals submitted by member organisations for amendments to the revised draft By-laws which were presented to the Committee/Board at its last meeting in March. The Bureau decided to incorporate some of these amendments into the text of the...

    Special European Regional Committee Meeting called to consider new draft By-Laws
  5. News 10 May 2010

    Taking the case for education funding to Finance Ministers

    EI took an active part in a TUAC delegation which met on Tuesday in Rome with the Italian Finance Minister, Giulio Tremonti, who will chair the OECD Ministerial Council later this month.

    Taking the case for education funding to Finance Ministers
  6. News 14 April 2010

    East African teacher unions share experiences in negotiation

    Teacher unions from East Africa are taking part in a joint workshop on negotiations from 13-15 Apr in Nairobi, Kenya, with special reference to economic and financial issues.

    East African teacher unions share experiences in negotiation
  7. News 7 April 2010

    Haiti: unions develop Action Plan for recovery of the education system

    The Executive Board of EI affiliate CNEH is working on an Action Plan, after getting feedback from the Federations, and the preparations for the International Trade Unions Confederation (ITUC) Summit in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic, 8-10 April.

    Haiti: unions develop Action Plan for recovery of the education system
  8. News 1 April 2010

    Unions call for decent work while rebuilding Haiti

    In its statement today at the United Nations International Donors' Conference towards a New Future for Haiti, held in New York, the United States, the International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC) reiterated that "decent work must be central to the reconstruction efforts of Haiti and to shape a new development model...

    Unions call for decent work while rebuilding Haiti
  9. News 31 March 2010

    Latest "Worlds of Education" now online

    Hope for Haiti: The new edition of EI’s flagship magazine focuses on the solidarity shown by teachers worldwide after the devastating January earthquake.

    Latest "Worlds of Education" now online
  10. 29 March 2010

    Seeds of hope: Growing a network of green schools in Burkina Faso

    Environmental education is a passion for Ouedraogo Ousséni. A teacher at Municipal School C in Kaya in the north-central region of Burkina Faso, he has been developing a plant nursery project with his Year 6 pupils since 2000.

    Seeds of hope: Growing a network of green schools in Burkina Faso
  11. 29 March 2010

    Hope for Haïti: Education at the heart of recovery

    On the afternoon of 12th January 2010, Jean Lavaud, General Secretary of the Confédération Nationale des Educateurs d’Haïti, was visiting his union colleague Magalie Georges at her Port-au-Prince school, utterly unaware that in a matter of moments their city and their lives would be changed forever.

    Hope for Haïti: Education at the heart of recovery
  12. 29 March 2010

    World Social Forum: Learning to unlearn the lessons of neoliberalism

    Conceived of as an open space for dialogue within global civil society, the World Social Forum was first held in 2001 in Porto Alegre, acting as a counterbalance to the annual World Economic Forum held in Davos. Under the slogan "A different world is possible," participants in the WSF propose...

    World Social Forum: Learning to unlearn the lessons of neoliberalism
  13. 29 March 2010

    Copenhagen: A small step forward, but much remains to be done

    The controversial Copenhagen Accord, ratified early in the hours of 19 December, is the least that the international community could have agreed in order to recognise and begin to avert the worst expected consequences of global warming. After two decades of scientific study and two years of negotiations, reaction around...

    Copenhagen: A small step forward, but much remains to be done
  14. 29 March 2010

    Copenhagen teachers and students work to create a carbon-neutral school

    As world leaders meet at COP 15 to negotiate a global agreement to avert climate catastrophe, students and teachers in Copenhagen are taking concrete steps towards making their school carbon neutral by 2015 – a full decade before their city aims to achieve carbon-neutrality.

    Copenhagen teachers and students work to create a carbon-neutral school
  15. News 18 March 2010

    A wave of solidarity: Rebuilding education in Aceh

    Five years after the cataclysmic tsunami of December 2004, Education International is proud to release a video documentary on its most ambitious development cooperation project ever – to build and equip 35 schools in the devastated region of Aceh, Indonesia.

    A wave of solidarity: Rebuilding education in Aceh