
Union renewal and development

We bring together our member organisations to discuss and share experiences, good practices and ideas on responding to collective challenges. Together we are building the education unions of the future: mass participation organisations that reflect the diverse interests and identities of their members and offer educators a multitude of ways to engage and contribute.

Our work in this area

  1. News 2 March 2010

    Education International expresses solidarity with victims of the earthquake in Chile

    After the catastrophic events last weekend when an 8.8-magnitude earthquake hit Chile, on behalf of all member organisations around the world, EI expresses its concern and support to the Colegio de Profesores de Chile (CPC) and the Confederación Nacional de Trabajadores de la Educación Chilena (CONATECH).

    Education International expresses solidarity with victims of the earthquake in Chile
  2. News 26 February 2010

    Haitian teacher union confronts tragedy, plans for future

    More than 1,100 teachers lost their lives in the massive earthquake that devastated Haiti on 12 January, according to estimates by leaders of the Haitian teachers’ union. But Jean Lavaud and Rene Jolibois of the Confederation Nationale des Educateurs d'Haiti (CNEH) said they have been overwhelmed by the solidarity shown...

    Haitian teacher union confronts tragedy, plans for future
  3. News 24 February 2010

    EI proposes major policy initiative

    EI has decided to invite its member organisations to participate in a consultation process to develop a comprehensive policy on education for adoption by the 2011 World Congress. A consultative document has been issued to member organisations containing a series of key questions. The overarching theme of these questions is...

    EI proposes major policy initiative
  4. News 12 February 2010

    One month on, Haitians stand united together in grief

    One month after the catastrophic earthquake of 12 January, Haitian teachers and trade unionists will join their fellow citizens in a national day of mourning and remembrance for the estimated 230,000 people who perished on that terrible day.

    One month on, Haitians stand united together in grief
  5. News 3 February 2010

    Haitian teacher unionists eager to rebuild education sector

    Although their schools have collapsed and their homes are destroyed, the leaders of the Confédération Nationale des Educateurs d’Haïti are already working with the Haitian president and education minister on the complex task of starting up classes, getting children back into school, and rebuilding an education system that was struggling...

    Haitian teacher unionists eager to rebuild education sector
  6. News 1 February 2010

    EI warns that public spending cuts will slow economic recovery

    Speaking at the annual meeting of the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, EI General Secretary Fred Van Leeuwen warned government representatives and business leaders that public spending cuts will slow down economic recovery and, worse, will be like a slap in the face to the millions of people who...

    EI warns that public spending cuts will slow economic recovery
  7. News 22 January 2010

    Dominican teachers show solidarity to Haitian refugees

    Teacher unionists in the Dominican Republic are doing their utmost to bring water, food and medicine into the border zone as Haitian refugees flee Port-au-Prince in search of humanitarian relief.

    Dominican teachers show solidarity to Haitian refugees
  8. News 21 January 2010

    Unionists care: AFT affiliate sends medical help to Haiti

    A dozen nurses, paramedics and other health professionals affiliated to the American Federation of Teachers left for Haiti on 20 January to provide much-needed medical assistance for the victims of the devastating earthquake.

    Unionists care: AFT affiliate sends medical help to Haiti
  9. News 18 January 2010

    Haitian teacher unionists found alive

    EI is happy to report that two more leaders of its Haitian affiliate are confirmed to have survived the massive earthquake that devastated the capital Port-au-Prince last week.

    Haitian teacher unionists found alive
  10. News 15 January 2010

    Teacher trade unionists missing after Haiti disaster

    Following Tuesday's devastating earthquake in Haiti, EI is trying to establish contact with the colleagues of its national affiliate, the Confédération National des Enseignants d’Haïti (CNEH). While EI has received news of some colleagues, others are still unreachable. Any assistance in establishing communication with them would be greatly appreciated.

    Teacher trade unionists missing after Haiti disaster
  11. News 13 January 2010

    Teachers gear up to help Haiti

    Education International and its affiliates are beginning to collect information and funds in preparation for an international solidarity effort to assist members and their families in earthquake-stricken Haiti.

    Teachers gear up to help Haiti
  12. News 12 January 2010

    EI opens its new African regional office

    On January 7, the new EI office premises in Accra, Ghana, were formally opened by the Minister of Education for Ghana, in the presence of EI President Susan Hopgood, EI General Secretary Fred van Leeuwen and EI Deputy General Secretary Charlie Lennon.

    EI opens its new African regional office
  13. 22 December 2009

    Dutch, Burundian and Indian teachers share experiences

    “When I saw the ad in our union magazine …I thought: Okay, why not?” says Rachel Heller, teacher and International Coordinator at Maartens College, and a member of EI’s Dutch affiliate AOb. “I had spent two years Malawi as a teacher before. I wanted to do it again.” “I thought:...

    Dutch, Burundian and Indian teachers share experiences
  14. 22 December 2009

    COP 15 - Teachers lead the way on sustainability

    As thousands of scientists, environmentalists, journalists, policymakers and world leaders prepare for COP 15, the crucial United Nations climate change conference taking place in Copenhagen in December, teachers and trade unionists are also mobilising to help ensure that a strong new agreement is reached.

    COP 15 - Teachers lead the way on sustainability
  15. 22 December 2009

    EI President steps down after election to federal public office

    Australian teacher and trade unionist Susan Hopgood takes on the presidency of Education International following the resignation of EI President Thulas Nxesi, who has been elected to the National Assembly of the Republic of South Africa.

    EI President steps down after election to federal public office