
Union renewal and development

We bring together our member organisations to discuss and share experiences, good practices and ideas on responding to collective challenges. Together we are building the education unions of the future: mass participation organisations that reflect the diverse interests and identities of their members and offer educators a multitude of ways to engage and contribute.

Our work in this area

  1. News 24 July 2008

    Masters Programmes for Trade Unionists now Open for Application

    As part of the Global Union Research Network, EI strongly supports the international masters programmes on labour studies. They offer an excellent opportunity for EI member organisations to strengthen their capacities to face the challenges of globalisation.

    Masters Programmes for Trade Unionists now Open for Application
  2. News 5 June 2008

    Asia Pacific teacher leaders criticize Burmese military

    A month after Burma’s devastating cyclone left 133,000 people dead or missing, the chair of EI’s Asia Pacific Regional Committee has lashed out at the Burmese military government for continuing to thwart humanitarian and rescue operations by international aid agencies.

    Asia Pacific teacher leaders criticize Burmese military
  3. 5 June 2008

    We must do better

    In order to fulfill the international commitments they have made, donors will have to increase funding for aid programmes faster that any other public expenditure, according to the latest Development Co-operation Report from the OECD.

    We must do better
  4. News 27 May 2008

    Teacher Trade Unions meet in Georgia

    EI has brought together representatives of the teacher unions from the non-EU countries in southeastern Europe to discuss the strengthening of their organisations and the kind of support which they would like to receive from EI.

    Teacher Trade Unions meet in Georgia
  5. News 13 May 2008

    Children severely affected by China’s earthquake

    Education International expresses its deep sympathy with the victims of the massive earthquake that struck China on Monday at 14:28 local time with a magnitude of 7.9.

    Children severely affected by China’s earthquake
  6. News 9 May 2008

    Burma: EI calls on the military junta to allow international aid to be delivered by relief agencies

    Education International is deeply concerned by the current situation in Burma caused by the cyclone Nargis and consequent flooding. EI deplores the reluctance of the Burmese authorities to facilitate the delivery of aid so urgently needed by the people of the regions most severely hit.

    Burma: EI calls on the military junta to allow international aid to be delivered by relief agencies
  7. News 14 April 2008

    Teacher union leaders in Europe gather in Brussels to discuss current challenges

    Members of the EI Pan-European Committee and the Executive Board of the European Trade union Committee for Education (ETUCE) are in Brussels today for a two-day meeting to discuss challenges confronting teacher trade unions in the region today.

    Teacher union leaders in Europe gather in Brussels to discuss current challenges
  8. News 5 April 2008

    Teachers mourn sudden death of NUT leader Steve Sinnott

    Steve Sinnott, General Secretary of the National Union of Teachers in the UK, died suddenly on 5 April 2008. He was 56. The leaders and members of Education International join with teachers across the UK and indeed around the world in mourning the loss of this outstanding teacher trade unionist,...

    Teachers mourn sudden death of NUT leader Steve Sinnott
  9. News 20 March 2008

    The Success Story of the EI-PGRI Consortium Project

    In 1945, the Persatuan Guru Republik Indonesia (PGRI - "Teachers' Association of the Republic of Indonesia") was established as a teachers' trade union.

    The Success Story of the EI-PGRI Consortium Project
  10. News 19 March 2008

    EI appoints new Deputy General Secretary

    At their meeting in Brussels last week, the officers of Education International voted to appoint Charlie Lennon to the post of Deputy General Secretary. He has been serving as EI’s Chief Coordinator for Administration and for Europe for the past four years, and will take up his new post effective...

    EI appoints new Deputy General Secretary
  11. 13 March 2008

    Africa: EFA threatened by teacher shortage

    A critical shortage of properly trained and qualified teachers is threatening the achievement of Education for All and Millennium Development Goals by 2015, according to a new study by Education International.

    Africa: EFA threatened by teacher shortage