
Union renewal and development

We bring together our member organisations to discuss and share experiences, good practices and ideas on responding to collective challenges. Together we are building the education unions of the future: mass participation organisations that reflect the diverse interests and identities of their members and offer educators a multitude of ways to engage and contribute.

Our work in this area

  1. News 12 July 2007

    New Congress documents available to download

    Congress documents including the program, practical arrangements and voting procedures are now available to download.

    New Congress documents available to download
  2. News 12 July 2007

    Congress Newsflash: Transport in Berlin

    Please note that there will be organised transport from only Tegel Airport to the 3 Congress hotels (Ellington, Park Inn and Estrel) from 19-21 July.

    Congress Newsflash: Transport in Berlin
  3. News 11 July 2007

    Breakout Sessions at the 5th EI World Congress

    On 23rd July, participants to the 5th EI World Congress will be treated to a choice of 44 different breakout sessions.

    Breakout Sessions at the 5th EI World Congress
  4. News 4 July 2007

    Rebuilding Aceh Through Education For All

    On 30 June, EI fulfilled its promise to the people of Aceh, Indonesia, that it would assist in the rebuilding of the public education system for thousands of children whose schools were destroyed by the devastating tsunami of December 2004.

    Rebuilding Aceh Through Education For All
  5. News 3 July 2007

    Congress Newsflash: Make the Final Changes to your Participant's Account Before 5th July!

    As of 5th July 2007 17:00hr (GMT+1 Western European Time), all Congress Participant's Accounts will be frozen. Should you have any changes to make regarding your flight details, hotel reservation, pre-Congress event and breakout session registration etc, you should do so before 5th July.

    Congress Newsflash: Make the Final Changes to your Participant's Account Before 5th July!
  6. News 3 July 2007

    Book your tickets for the EI Awards Dinner today!

    At every World Congress, EI holds a gala dinner and dance, the highlight of which is the ceremony to grant the two prestigious EI Awards - the Albert Shanker Education Award and the Mary Hatwood Futrell Human and Trade Union Rights Award.

    Book your tickets for the EI Awards Dinner today!
  7. News 8 June 2007

    5th EI World Congress: the Higher Education Caucus

    One of the highlights of the EI World Congresses is its pre-Congress events, where participants have the chance to meet one another and take part in discussions on specific issues before the Congress starts.

    5th EI World Congress: the Higher Education Caucus
  8. News 5 June 2007

    EI 5th World Congress: Only Six Weeks To Go!!!

    Arrangements for the 5th EI World Congress in Berlin are being finalised. Over 1,600 representatives of member organisations have indicated that they will be in attendance at the Congress in the Estrel Convention Centre. Documents are being printed for circulation to participants. Hotels are finalising bookings. Detailed plans are being...

    EI 5th World Congress: Only Six Weeks To Go!!!
  9. News 18 April 2007

    EI Research Network meets in Brussels

    Members of Education International’s Research Network are conducting their third meeting in Brussels on 18th and 19th April.

    EI Research Network meets in Brussels
  10. News 12 April 2007

    EI Tsunami Rehabilitation Programme: 3 more schools completed in Aceh, Indonesia

    As part of the Tsunami Rehabilitation Programme of EI, Oxfam International and Oxfam Novib, 3 more schools have just been completed in Aceh, Indonesia. This adds up to a total of 18 schools completed out of the 28 planned. The rest of the schools will be finished by the end...

    EI Tsunami Rehabilitation Programme: 3 more schools completed in Aceh, Indonesia
  11. News 26 March 2007

    EI World Congress: Teachers advocate for quality education for all

    “Educators joining together for quality education and social justice:” This is the theme that will unite more than 1,500 teacher leaders from around the world who will come to Berlin 22-26 July 2007 for the 5th World Congress of Education International (EI).

    EI World Congress: Teachers advocate for quality education for all
  12. News 23 March 2007

    EI Tsunami Student Tour: Afterthoughts

    The Tsunami Student Tour has been a life-changing experience for the participants of the EI Tsunami Student Tour to Aceh, Indonesia, from 19-24 February 2007. Below is a summary of the feedback they gave EI after returning from the tour.

    EI Tsunami Student Tour: Afterthoughts
  13. News 23 March 2007

    EI Executive Board to meet in Berlin

    The 28th Executive Board Meeting will take place from 27-29 March in Berlin, Germany at the venue of the 5th World Congress. The meeting will mainly concentrate on the coming EI World Congress, which will be held from 22-27 July.

    EI Executive Board to meet in Berlin