
Union renewal and development

We bring together our member organisations to discuss and share experiences, good practices and ideas on responding to collective challenges. Together we are building the education unions of the future: mass participation organisations that reflect the diverse interests and identities of their members and offer educators a multitude of ways to engage and contribute.

Our work in this area

  1. News 9 November 2015

    Iraq: teacher unions work to maintain education as conflict continues

    Even amidst reports that show the increasing challenges facing education, especially refugee students and teachers, education unions from Iraq and abroad are focused on finding sustainable solutions, despite constant uncertainty facing the war torn country.

    Iraq: teacher unions work to maintain education as conflict continues
  2. News 4 November 2015

    Norwegian teachers’ union elects new president to take the helm

    Change was in the air during the Union of Education Norway’s congress this week as delegates elected a former teacher from Oslo as the organisation’s new president for at least the next four years.

    Norwegian teachers’ union elects new president to take the helm
  3. News 15 October 2015

    Security and funding at the core of African regional committee

    Education International’s African committee is convening with a focus on the two major challenges that hamper quality education on the continent: lack of school security and the urgent need for funding.

    Security and funding at the core of African regional committee
  4. News 12 October 2015

    Turkey: EI condemns horrific attack on peace and democracy

    Education International has offered heartfelt condolences to its Turkish affiliate, the Education and Science Workers’ Union of Turkey, after eight of its activists were confirmed killed in bomb attacks that struck Ankara over the weekend.

    Turkey: EI condemns horrific attack on peace and democracy
  5. News 9 October 2015

    Education International’s Tunisian affiliates celebrate Nobel Peace Prize

    The 2015 Nobel Peace Prize honouring the Tunisian National Dialogue Quartet for its role in helping build democracy following the country’s revolution includes five of Education International’s very own affiliates.

    Education International’s Tunisian affiliates celebrate Nobel Peace Prize
  6. News 8 October 2015

    Arab teachers' unions establish new Arab Organization for Education

    Education unions from twelve Arab countries met on 7 and 8 October in Beirut to establish a new Arab organisation to promote education quality, the status of teachers and democratic development in their countries.

    Arab teachers' unions establish new Arab Organization for Education
  7. News 1 October 2015

    Ukraine: International solidarity helps union build new HQ

    The Trade Union of Education and Science Workers of Ukraine has officially moved in to its new offices, built thanks to Education International’s Solidarity Fund, to which education unions worldwide contributed.

    Ukraine: International solidarity helps union build new HQ
  8. News 30 September 2015

    New EI Research team in Brussels

    A new research team is now taking up the coordination and production of materials around the privatisation of education, human rights and other poignant issues relevant to teachers around the world.

    New EI Research team in Brussels
  9. News 16 September 2015

    Computers do not improve pupils’ results

    Technological innovations in the classroom need the active involvement of both pupils and well trained teachers to be a success factor for learning, according to the latest high-level report published on the subject.

    Computers do not improve pupils’ results
  10. News 8 September 2015

    SNTE mobilises its membership to improve education quality in Mexico

    More than fifteen hundred teachers took part in a colloquium on public education reform organized by Mexican teachers’ union SNTE in Monterrey, Nuevo Leon,on 4 and 5 September, with thousands following the discussions on line.

    SNTE mobilises its membership to improve education quality in Mexico
  11. News 4 September 2015

    Dominican teachers and their families in need of urgent support

    Education International has launched an urgent action appeal, calling on its members to show solidarity with Dominican teachers and their families after the tropical storm Erika badly struck the Caribbean island of Dominica.

    Dominican teachers and their families in need of urgent support
  12. News 4 September 2015

    EI staff steps in to help refugees in Brussels

    Sometimes simple solutions go a long way in solving big challenges, which is why EI staff in Brussels are helping to provide much needed items to scores of refugees camped out in the city’s centre.

    EI staff steps in to help refugees in Brussels
  13. News 27 August 2015

    Make your voice heard in the post-2015 indicator selection - deadline September 4th

    The global education community is now in the final phase of setting the Global Sustainable Development Goals and Education for All agendas – Education 2030. Civil society has been instrumental in securing an ambitious, rights-based framework for education post-2015.

    Make your voice heard in the post-2015 indicator selection - deadline September 4th
  14. News 19 August 2015

    The World's Largest Lesson on the home stretch

    Less than six weeks are left until the Global Goals for Sustainable Development are launched at the United Nations. To celebrate this, the World’s Largest Lesson will take place in schools around the world. To prepare, a toolkit has been launched.

    The World's Largest Lesson on the home stretch
  15. News 13 August 2015

    Progress, Power, Participation: Video Highlights of General Secretary Report

    “Our collective efforts show considerable progress on advocacy, capacity building, research, communications, and solidarity…as there is not yet a ‘standardised test’for international organisations, you will have to grade us based on common sense.”

    Progress, Power, Participation: Video Highlights of General Secretary Report
  16. News 10 August 2015

    Hopgood internet highlights: EI is valued but battles remain

    Education International is stronger than ever, but so are the challenges – that’s the perspective EI President Hopgood gave some 2,000 delegates in her keynote address to the 7th World Congress in Ottawa.

    Hopgood internet highlights: EI is valued but battles remain
  17. News 5 August 2015

    Kounka Damianova

    Education International and the European Trade Union Committee for Education (ETUCE) have learned with shock and sadness of the passing of Kounka Damianova (66), who led the International Department of the Bulgarian Teachers’ Union (SEB) for many years. Ms Damianova died suddenly at SEB’s headquarters in Sofia on 4 August,...

    Kounka Damianova