
Union renewal and development

We bring together our member organisations to discuss and share experiences, good practices and ideas on responding to collective challenges. Together we are building the education unions of the future: mass participation organisations that reflect the diverse interests and identities of their members and offer educators a multitude of ways to engage and contribute.

Our work in this area

  1. News 24 June 2013

    EI Staff come together to mobilise for Quality Education!

    The annual meeting of the EI regional coordinators with head office staff, which was held last week in Brussels, was dominated by the new Mobilising for Quality Education initiative. All of those present received a detailed briefing on the aims and objectives of the initiative and on the plans for...

    EI Staff come together to mobilise for Quality Education!
  2. News 17 June 2013

    Study fellowship in celebration of EI’s 20th anniversary

    To commemorate its 20th anniversary, EI has announced an EI study fellowship for PhD or post-doctoral scholars. This study fellowship will be funded through the Mary Futrell Scholarship Fund, created in honour of EI’s founding President.

    Study fellowship in celebration of EI’s 20th anniversary
  3. News 22 May 2013

    International support for Haiti unions

    Achieving quality public education for all in Haiti took another step forward recently when EI and some of its affiliates met with EI Haitian member organisations.

    International support for Haiti unions
  4. News 9 April 2013

    Middle East: Union cooperation to boost skills

    EI and the American Federation of Teachers (AFT), an EI affiliate in the United States of America, have organised seminars to support colleagues in Lebanon and Jordan.

    Middle East: Union cooperation to boost skills
  5. News 28 March 2013

    African teacher leaders: "World Bank undermines teaching profession"

    Leaders of African teachers' organizations will engage their members in a global campaign for quality education to be launched by Education International in September 2013. During a meeting of EI's African Regional Committee on 25-27 March in Accra, they endorsed the campaign plans recently adopted by the EI Executive Board.

    African teacher leaders: "World Bank undermines teaching profession"
  6. News 22 March 2013

    UN Special Envoy calls for quality education for all

    EI has been commended for its work in promoting quality education since its creation 20 years ago. The acclaim came from the UN Special Envoy for Global Education, Gordon Brown, a keynote speaker at the 41st EI Executive Board meeting held in Brussels from 19-21 March. Brown also called for...

    UN Special Envoy calls for quality education for all
  7. News 20 March 2013

    Quality education and future goals top Executive Board’s agenda

    EI Executive Board holds its 41st meeting from 19-21 March in Brussels, Belgium. The Board is the democratic governing body that directs the affairs and activities of EI between its World Congresses. It ensures that those activities conform to the resolutions and decisions taken at each World Congress.

    Quality education and future goals top Executive Board’s agenda
  8. 15 March 2013

    Susan Hopgood: Closing speech, International Summit on the Teaching Profession 2013

    At the 2013 International Summit on the Teaching Profession, we have made tremendous progress in our debate about the evaluation of teachers. As our colleagues from Germany reminded us today, we have not just been talking about evaluation. We have been talking about the overall policy on teachers and education...

    Susan Hopgood: Closing speech, International Summit on the Teaching Profession 2013
  9. 4 March 2013

    John Bangs: Defining quality education

    Thoughts on the upcoming International Summit on the Teaching Profession, by John Bangs, Senior Consultant to the General Secretary

    John Bangs: Defining quality education
  10. News 27 February 2013

    Mexico education trade union leader arrested

    Elba Esther Gordillo, General Secretary of the biggest education union in Mexico, Sindicato Nacional de Trabajadores de la Educación (SNTE), is alleged to have misused more than USD 156 million from trade union funds from 2008-2012. SNTE was an EI affiliate until 2009, when it was suspended for failing to...

    Mexico education trade union leader arrested
  11. News 18 February 2013

    International cooperation to train qualified teachers

    The Namibia National Teachers’ Union (NANTU) and the Trade Union of Education of Finland (OAJ), two EI affiliates, have signed a three-year agreement on training.

    International cooperation to train qualified teachers
  12. News 15 February 2013

    Follow Fred van Leeuwen on Twitter!

    EI General Secretary Fred van Leeuwen is now on Twitter - follow @fredvanleeuwen for news, views, insights and highlights from the global education scene.

    Follow Fred van Leeuwen on Twitter!
  13. News 22 January 2013

    EI celebrates twentieth anniversary

    Twenty years ago, on 26th January, 1993, Education International was founded at a special Congress in Stockholm in Sweden which brought together representatives of the former two largest teacher and other education workers’ international organisations in the World, the World Confederation of Organisations of the Teaching Profession (WCOTP) and the...

    EI celebrates twentieth anniversary