
Union growth

All teachers and education support personnel have the right to organise and be part of a union that represents and defends their values and interests. However, around the world, education unions are facing serious attacks and operate in increasingly challenging and hostile environments. Revitalising unions, building their power by boosting membership and active participation and maximising impact is the way forward.

Our work in this area

  1. News 9 August 2007

    Albania: EI deplores eviction of trade union confederations

    Education International has written to the Albanian government to protest against the expulsion of nationally recognised trade union confederations the KSSH and the BSPSH from their offices in Tirana.

    Albania: EI deplores eviction of trade union confederations
  2. News 6 August 2007

    EI urges Philipines government to address extrajudicial killings

    Education International has written to the President of the Philippines following an urgent resolution adopted at the 5th World Congress calling on the government to immediately put a stop to extrajudicial killings and involuntary disappearances.

    EI urges Philipines government to address extrajudicial killings
  3. 19 July 2007

    Courageous Colombians defend rights

    “Dignity and intellectual freedom transcend, like a phoenix, the bars and cells of repression and state tyranny.”

    Courageous Colombians defend rights
  4. News 28 June 2007

    Mali: Teacher banned over essay assignment

    A secondary school teacher convicted of “offence against the head of state” has been sentenced to two months in prison and banned from his profession after assigning his students an essay about the indiscretions of a fictional president.

    Mali: Teacher banned over essay assignment
  5. News 26 June 2007

    Mali: EI joins the IFJ in calling for the release of imprisoned teacher and journalists

    Education International joins the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) in calling for the immediate release of a secondary school teacher, a journalist and four editors jailed in Bamako for “offence against the head of state” after the publication of details of a school assignment.

    Mali: EI joins the IFJ in calling for the release of imprisoned teacher and journalists