
Union growth

All teachers and education support personnel have the right to organise and be part of a union that represents and defends their values and interests. However, around the world, education unions are facing serious attacks and operate in increasingly challenging and hostile environments. Revitalising unions, building their power by boosting membership and active participation and maximising impact is the way forward.

Our work in this area

  1. News 27 February 2020

    Philippines: Renewed attacks on teachers and their union

    Despite international solidarity, human and trade union rights abuses continue in the Philippines. The red-tagging and vilification campaign targeting members of the Alliance of Concerned Teachers is escalating.

    Philippines: Renewed attacks on teachers and their union
  2. News 25 February 2020

    Ukraine: unions step up action against labour reform

    Trade unions in Ukraine are opposing a reform of the labour law that puts such basic workers’ rights as freedom of association and collective bargaining at grave risk. The dangerous provisions apply to workers and their trade unions in both public and private sectors.

    Ukraine: unions step up action against labour reform
  3. News 20 February 2020

    Colombia: National Strike in Defence of Peace

    The Colombian teachers' union FECODE has called for a national strike on 20 and 21 February in demand of “life, peace and democracy”.

    Colombia: National Strike in Defence of Peace
  4. News 11 February 2020

    Canada: Educators strike against cuts in education and for collective bargaining

    Rotating strikes by teachers and education workers are set to continue this week in Canada’s Ontario province. The strike started on 6 February, with negotiations between educators and the province’s government over funding and collective bargaining stalled.

    Canada: Educators strike against cuts in education and for collective bargaining
  5. News 10 February 2020

    Kenya: Deadly stampede in school highlights dangers of overcrowding and poor infrastructure

    On 3 February, a stampede in the Kakamega Primary School in Kenya's western region left 14 students dead and 40 severely injured. Kenyan education unions have reacted angrily to the factors that led to the tragedy. The unions condemned the lack of implementation of existing safety standards, and addressed the...

    Kenya: Deadly stampede in school highlights dangers of overcrowding and poor infrastructure
  6. News 6 February 2020

    Arab educators tackle diverse challenges to education and teachers in their region

    At a recent meeting, the Committee of the Education International’s Arab Countries Cross Regional Structure reaffirmed their commitment to fight education privatisation and defend democracy in the region. Committee members reported on the challenges faced in their national settings, discussed recent union activities, and strategised for future action and campaigns.

    Arab educators tackle diverse challenges to education and teachers in their region
  7. News 4 February 2020

    Ireland: Teachers strike for equal pay

    A strike in secondary schools in Ireland has seen hundreds of establishments closed as teachers all over the country demand an end to pay discrimination.

    Ireland: Teachers strike for equal pay
  8. News 3 February 2020

    Argentina: Trade Unions Welcome Revival of Social Dialogue

    Following a year of trade union struggle, the government has issued a decree reinstating the National Joint Negotiation Committee for Teachers (Paritaria Nacional Docente).

    Argentina: Trade Unions Welcome Revival of Social Dialogue
  9. News 30 January 2020

    The Netherlands: Strike action demands government funding of education and teachers

    Education International strongly supports the Netherlands’ education staff who are set to strike again – they are seeking appropriate and sustainable funding in the public education sector. Most Dutch schools will be closed from 30-31 January.

    The Netherlands: Strike action demands government funding of education and teachers
  10. Worlds of Education 28 January 2020

    "A teacher like me” – meeting with German teachers, crossing emotional bridges, sharing positive professional experiences on Holocaust education, by Talia Kranz.

    Talia Kranz

    What is more timely for us, Israeli teachers, than talking with our German colleagues about the fight against racism and anti-Semitism? It's already been happening for the 29th time! For the past 50 years, a bi-national seminar has been held once every two years attended by Israeli and German educators...

    "A teacher like me” – meeting with German teachers, crossing emotional bridges, sharing positive professional experiences on Holocaust education, by Talia Kranz.
  11. Worlds of Education 28 January 2020

    “Susi”- a graphic novel about a Jewish girl in disguise - and how to work with the book in primary schools, by Silvia Stieneker (GEW, Germany).

    Silvia Stieneker

    I am a primary school teacher in Berlin. In the summer of 2019, I participated in a German-Israeli union seminar for teachers in Tel Aviv that was organized by the German union “Gewerkschaft Erziehung und Wissenschaft (GEW)” and the Israeli teachers union “Histadrut ha Morim”. In this seminar, we discussed...

    “Susi”- a graphic novel about a Jewish girl in disguise - and how to work with the book in primary schools, by Silvia Stieneker (GEW, Germany).
  12. News 27 January 2020

    Holocaust remembrance: Education unions come together for Auschwitz memorial ceremony and Holocaust education conference

    Education International member organisations from 17 countries in Europe, North America, Latin America and Africa are in Poland this week for the official ceremony marking 75 years since the liberation of the Auschwitz-Birkenau concentration camp. The ceremony will be followed by a conference on Holocaust education organised by unions from...

    Holocaust remembrance: Education unions come together for Auschwitz memorial ceremony and Holocaust education conference
  13. Worlds of Education 27 January 2020

    “The forgotten voices of the Holocaust”, by Yossi Michal.

    Yossi Michal

    The International Remembrance Day of the Holocaust is commemorated on January 27th. It is a good opportunity to reflect on a unique aspect of Learning about that period. I'll start with a short story. My family has lived for many generations in Romania. A few years ago, before my grandmother...

    “The forgotten voices of the Holocaust”, by Yossi Michal.