
Union growth

All teachers and education support personnel have the right to organise and be part of a union that represents and defends their values and interests. However, around the world, education unions are facing serious attacks and operate in increasingly challenging and hostile environments. Revitalising unions, building their power by boosting membership and active participation and maximising impact is the way forward.

Our work in this area

  1. News 29 June 2018

    Canada: EI honours two prominent union leaders from Quebec

    The Congress of the Centrale de syndicats du Québec highlighted the importance of education’ trade unions for workers, students and society as a whole, and acknowledged the work of two eminent union leaders, Louise Chabot and Daniel Lafrenière.

    Canada: EI honours two prominent union leaders from Quebec
  2. News 27 June 2018

    Chile: educators stand up against sexism, harassment, abuse and discrimination in education

    Thousands of Chilean educators, students and activists have reaffirmed their support to building a new education system, that is non-sexist and free of violence, abuse and discrimination. Education unionists mobilise to fight gender violence in the classroom

    Chile: educators stand up against sexism, harassment, abuse and discrimination in education
  3. News 27 June 2018

    Unions vow to remain strong despite Janus ruling

    The Supreme Court of the United States just delivered a painful blow to working people and to the unions which stand up for their rights. In a narrow 5 to 4 vote, the justices decided in the Janus v. AFSCME case, that public sector unions must use their resources to...

    Unions vow to remain strong despite Janus ruling
  4. Worlds of Education 26 June 2018

    Fighting racism with the light of learning, by Glen Hansman

    Glen Hansman

    Canadian teachers, like our colleagues worldwide, are united in a desire to make the world a better place by confronting social injustices such as racism. In our troubled times, disturbing signs of a resurgent neo-Nazi, white supremacist movement have got teachers across North America talking about how best to confront...

    Fighting racism with the light of learning, by Glen Hansman
  5. News 20 June 2018

    ILO Director General denounces “New Brutalism”

    “We have entered an age of new brutalism,” ILO Director General Guy Ryder told delegates of the 5th World Congress of UNI in Liverpool on 19 June. “We have entered an age where it is OK to dehumanize those who are rejected, who are marginalized, who are different or who...

    ILO Director General denounces “New Brutalism”
  6. Worlds of Education 6 June 2018

    Why it’s important to have a voice at the International Labour Conference, by Roberto Trochez Bardales

    Roberto Trochez Bardales

    I would like to thank Education International for giving Colprosumah the opportunity to participate in the 107th Session of the International Labour Conference at the ILO in Geneva, Switzerland on behalf of this global teachers’ federation of which we are proudly members. Our participation focused on denouncing the inequalities and...

    Why it’s important to have a voice at the International Labour Conference, by Roberto Trochez Bardales
  7. News 5 June 2018

    ILC 2018: EI makes the case for ensuring quality, non-discriminatory and non-violent work environments

    At this year’s International Labour Conference, Education International has reaffirmed the need for providing all workers, in particular, those in education, with respectful work places that ensure equality and non-discrimination, as well as social dialogue, in order to achieve quality education for all.

    ILC 2018: EI makes the case for ensuring quality, non-discriminatory and non-violent work environments
  8. News 28 May 2018

    Iraq: Teachers’ salary cuts limited

    Kurdistan’s education trade union was successful in easing drastic salary cuts planned for teachers.

    Iraq: Teachers’ salary cuts limited
  9. News 24 May 2018

    Iran: Campaign to free jailed teacher unionists gathers pace

    Education International has called for the release of Iranian teacher unionists Mohammad Habibi and Esmail Abdi, while global human rights organisation Amnesty International has also called for Abdi’s release as a prisoner of conscience.

    Iran: Campaign to free jailed teacher unionists gathers pace
  10. News 18 April 2018

    Iran: Teacher unionist Mohamed Habibi released

    While welcoming the 15 April release on bail of Iranian educator unionist Mohammad Habibi after 44 days of detention, Education International urges the Iranian authorities to set jailed trade unionists free.

    Iran: Teacher unionist Mohamed Habibi released
  11. News 11 April 2018

    Education unions mobilise to reinforce Brazilian democracy

    Education International took part in a solidarity rally for Brazil’s former president, Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, in front of the European Parliament in Brussels, Belgium, on 11 April.

    Education unions mobilise to reinforce Brazilian democracy