
Union growth

All teachers and education support personnel have the right to organise and be part of a union that represents and defends their values and interests. However, around the world, education unions are facing serious attacks and operate in increasingly challenging and hostile environments. Revitalising unions, building their power by boosting membership and active participation and maximising impact is the way forward.

Our work in this area

  1. News 29 March 2018

    Philippines: Criminalisation of indigenous leaders and human rights defenders

    Education International joins its affiliate the Alliance of Concerned Teachers in expressing alarm about the deteriorating human rights situation in the Philippines, as the country’s State Prosecutor is seeking to have teachers, Indigenous peoples’ leaders and human rights defenders declared terrorists and outlaws.

    Philippines: Criminalisation of indigenous leaders and human rights defenders
  2. Worlds of Education 28 March 2018

    The UK University Strike – union renewal in action, by Howard Stevenson.

    Howard Stevenson

    Over the last few years I have researched and written a good deal about ‘union renewal’ – the process by which unions (re-)connect with their grassroots and create vibrant, inclusive and collective cultures that empower members to be the educators they want to be, working in the systems they aspire...

    The UK University Strike – union renewal in action, by Howard Stevenson.
  3. News 27 March 2018

    The responsibility of the French-speaking public authorities in guaranteeing quality public education for all is reaffirmed

    During Global Francophonie Week, the Comité syndical francophone de l'éducation et de la formation recalled the need for democracy around the world, which necessarily requires “free quality public education funded mainly by States”.

    The responsibility of the French-speaking public authorities in guaranteeing quality public education for all is reaffirmed
  4. News 23 March 2018

    Kenya: Higher education sector maintains pressure on employers for social dialogue

    The Universities’ Academic Staff Union, an Education International’s affiliate in Kenya, is involved in a labour dispute with the employers’ federation for public universities over the negotiation and implementation of a collective bargaining agreement.

    Kenya: Higher education sector maintains pressure on employers for social dialogue
  5. News 19 March 2018

    Passing of outstanding Canadian education unionist

    Education International is sad to learn of the passing of Donald C. Savage, an inspiring educator and committed union leader. He was 85.

    Passing of outstanding Canadian education unionist
  6. News 14 March 2018

    Iranian teacher unionist arrested

    The recent arrest of a teacher and board member of the Tehran branch of the Iranian Teachers' Trade Association (ITTA) at his school starkly illustrates the continuing persecution of teacher unionists in Iran.

    Iranian teacher unionist arrested
  7. News 7 March 2018

    Mexico: SNTE Congress elects leaders and confirms unity amidst challenging times

    The Sindicato Nacional de Trabajadores de la Educación, in an extraordinary Congress, modified its statutes, including adopting a provision that 50 per cent of its leadership positions must be held by women. They elected their leadership and strengthened their commitment to achieve improved teachers’ working and living conditions and quality...

    Mexico: SNTE Congress elects leaders and confirms unity amidst challenging times
  8. News 23 February 2018

    #ItsAboutFreedom: Educators worldwide support US unions under attack

    Educators are uniting worldwide in support of their colleagues in the USA, who face one of the most severe anti-union attacks in recent history, aiming at destroying public employee and teacher unions through a Supreme Court case.

    #ItsAboutFreedom: Educators worldwide support US unions under attack
  9. News 22 February 2018

    Burkina Faso: United teacher unions secure landmark agreement with government

    The National Coordination of Education Unions in Burkina Faso has signed a memorandum of understanding with the government, a landmark agreement covering access to education and improved working conditions.

    Burkina Faso: United teacher unions secure landmark agreement with government
  10. News 20 February 2018

    Research on refugee education puts strong demands on European Union

    A new report that combines four national studies on refugee education reveals shortcomings that need to be overcome in order to ensure the inclusion and integration of newcomers in Europe.

    Research on refugee education puts strong demands on European Union