
Proyectos de cooperación

PATC Book Development and ICT Skills Development

Países que llevan a cabo el proyecto


Book Development: In many developing countries, achievement of quality literacy and numeracy is hampered by lack of reading materials, especially contextually relevant ones. The PATC programme seeks to help produce contextually relevant reading supplements developed by teachers to be used in their classrooms to enhance literacy.

ICT Capacity Building: With the rapid expansion of ICT, especially following the COVID-19 pandemic that further highlighted the centrality of online and distance work, mastery of ICT has become a must for people in key positions withing education unions. To adequately communicate and better serve their members, education union leaders must adapt to technological advancements and address the challenges faced by the to technological advancements and address the challenges faced by the education sector.


The PATC Book Development project aims at contributing to the achievement of quality education for all through the production of low-cost supplementary readers to assist schools in underprivileged areas in Africa in promoting literacy. It also seeks to enhance teachers’ writing skills and production of culturally relevant readers/stories to be used in the promotion of literacy.

Through the ICT programme PATC also aims to enhance union leaders’ communication skills through the effective use of digital platforms, social media, and online collaboration tools; strengthen their advocacy efforts by leveraging ICT tools and platforms to reach a wider audience and influence policy-making; and help them develop strategies for effective stakeholder engagement, including building relationships with government officials, education experts, and community leaders using ICT platforms.


Summary of planned activities:

  1. ICT training workshop in Accra, Ghana
  2. Two book writing workshops (Kenya and Zimbabwe)
  3. Book printing (Benin and Burundi)
  4. Follow up on book distribution and use in classrooms (Burkina Faso and The Gambia)
1 Organización que lleva a cabo el proyecto
Education International - Africa
1 Socio de cooperación
[email protected]