Projets de coopération
10 projets affichés, filtrés par:
Organisations de mise en œuvre:
Danish Union of Teachers (DLF)
Partenaires de coopération:
Danish Union of Teachers (DLF)
Social dialogue and quality education in Jordan
- Dialogue social
- Jordanie: GUWT
- Danemark: DLF
Capacity building of Lesotho Teachers' Unions: LAT and LTTU
- Droits syndicaux
- Dialogue social
- Syndicalisation
- Communication
- Lesotho: LAT, LTTU
- Danemark: DLF
NTAL (Liberia) - Strenghtening the union and fighting against privatization
- Privatisation et marchandisation
- Droits syndicaux
- Dialogue social
- Syndicalisation
- Communication
- Libéria: NTAL
- Canada: CTF/FCE
- Danemark: DLF
- Norvege: UEN
- Suede: Lärarförbundet
- Education International EI
Nordplus Horizontal 2020: Sustainable ecosystems of mentoring for newly qualified teachers
- Formation professionnelle
- Santé et sécurité à l’école
- Danemark: DLF
- Estonie: EEPU
- Finlande: OAJ
- Islande: KI
- Suede: Lärarförbundet
- Norvege: University of SouthEastern Norway (USN)
Social dialogue and quality education in Zanzibar
- Droits syndicaux
- Dialogue social
- Genre et inclusion
- Syndicalisation
- Communication
- Tanzanie: ZATU
- Danemark: DLF, LO-FTF Council
- Tanzanie: TTU
Social dialogue and quality education in Rwanda
- Privatisation et marchandisation
- Statut des enseignant.e.s
- Santé et sécurité à l’école
- Syndicalisation
- Communication
- Rwanda: SYNEDUC
- Danemark: DLF, LO-FTF Council
Social dialogue and quality education in Burundi
- Droits syndicaux
- Dialogue social
- Syndicalisation
- Communication
- Burundi: STEB
- Danemark: DLF, LO-FTF Council
Social dialogue and quality education in East Africa
- Privatisation et marchandisation
- Formation professionnelle
- Droits syndicaux
- Dialogue social
- Communication
- Burundi: STEB
- Kenya: KNUT
- Ouganda: UNATU
- Rwanda: SYNEDUC
- Tanzanie: TTU, ZATU
- Federation of East African Teachers’ Unions FEATU
- Danemark: DLF, LO-FTF Council
Social dialogue and quality education in Bolivia
- Privatisation et marchandisation
- Statut des enseignant.e.s
- Formation professionnelle
- Droits syndicaux
- Communication
- Bolivie: CONMERB
- Confederación de Trabajadores de Educación Urbana de Bolivia CTEUB
- Danemark: DLF, LO/FTF Council
Leadership training and unity (Lesotho)
- Droits syndicaux
- Renouveau syndical
- Unité syndicale
- Lesotho: LAT
- Danemark: DLF