
Mondes de l'éducation

Informationen auf Deutsch

Publié 9 décembre 2014 Mis à jour 16 juin 2017

About the Education International

The Education International represents organizations of teachers and other educational workers around the world.

It is the world's largest trade union umbrella organization representing 30 million education workers from more than 400 organizations in over 170 countries and territories worldwide. It represents teachers and other education workers.

  • The Education International promotes the principle that all pupils and students should have access to quality and publicly funded education.
  • The Education International promotes and represents the interests of teachers and other educators at the international level.
  • The Education International supports the development of independent democratic organizations that represent teachers and other educators and build solidarity and cooperation between them.
  • The Education International pleads for fairness and equality in society. It recognizes racism and xenophobia and opposes discrimination based on sex, sexual orientation, socio-economic status, race, ethnic origin or ethnic characteristics.
  • The Education International is working with other International Trade Union Federations and other related organizations to promote and achieve solidarity.

The Education International speaks for workers in education around the world.

main goals

The main goals of the Bildungsinternationalen are:

  • promoting the cause of organizations and educators;Promoting peace, democracy, social justice and equality by developing education and building collective strength of teachers and educators;
  • to seek and maintain the recognition of trade union rights in general and those of teachers and educators in particular;promoting the conditions of employment and employment of teachers and educators and their professional status in general by supporting affiliates;
  • to support and promote the professional freedoms of teachers and educators and the right of their organizations to participate in the formulation and implementation of education policies;promoting the right to education without discrimination of any kind for all people in the world, by seeking to build and protect education and academic and cultural institutions open to all, publicly funded and controlled, and prepare for the democratic, social, cultural and economic development of society and the preparation of all citizens for an active and responsible participation in society.
  • promoting the political, social and economic conditions necessary for the realization of the right to education in all countries;promoting a concept of education geared towards international understanding and goodwill, the maintenance of peace and liberty and the protection of human well-being;
  • Combating all forms of racism and bias or discrimination in education and society based on gender, marital status, sexual orientation, age, religion, political opinion, social or economic status or national or ethnic origin; li>
  • focus on the development of the role and role of women in society;
  • Building solidarity and mutual cooperation among affiliates;
  • foster closer relations between teachers and educators through their organizations in all countries and at all levels of education;Promote and support the development of independent and democratic organizations of teachers and educators, especially in those countries where the political, social, economic or other conditions require the assertion of their human and trade union rights to prevent the promotion of their working and employment conditions and the improvement of educational services;Promote the unity of all independent and democratic unions, both in the education sector and in other sectors, thereby contributing to the development of the international trade union movement.

Statute and Rules of Procedure

The articles of association and rules of procedure of the Bildungsinternational are available for download as PDF file here:

Please follow this link to download the document

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