Martin Henry

Martin Henry is Education International Research Coordinator.
Now more than ever, countries are orienting their policies toward equipping children and youth with a broad range of skills to succeed in the 21st century [1]. Given this widespread endorsement at the policy level, why don’t we see it happening in more schools? Could it be that schools lack...
"Can we assess if school and classroom practices align with national educational goals?", by Kate Anderson, Helyn Kim, Seamus Hegarty and Martin Henry.The number of countries which take part in the OECD’s Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) is now well over double the number of OECD member countries. If there is one thing which demonstrates just how far PISA has pulled in front of other global assessments of education, it is...
Review. The Global Education Race. Sellar, Thompson and Rutkowski. Brush Education Inc 2017.