
Eric Haas

Eric Haas, PhD is the Director of the Doctoral Program in Educational Leadership for Social Justice at California State University, East Bay. His research interests are in the legal rights and education experiences of English learners, promoting school reform, and the process of education policy change.

Written by Eric Haas

  1. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 14 June 2024

    Apologies! We have some good news about teaching.

    Gustavo E. Fischman, Margarita Pivovarova, Eric Haas

    A remarkable feature of many debates about the looming global teacher shortage is the deep-rooted and somewhat predictable perspectives about the role of teachers in this situation. Unfortunately, instead of well-thought-out ideas and exchanges, it appears that when the topic involves teachers, we are stuck with antagonistic perspectives, with each...

    Apologies! We have some good news about teaching.