Goof Buijs

Goof Buijs has 35 years working experience in promoting health in education and a degree in Human Nutrition. He first worked as a teacher in a teacher training institute, then during the eighties and nineties in Amsterdam where he supported schools with health promotion. In 2004, he initiated the Health Promoting School Approach in the Netherlands. In 2007, he became the manager of the Schools for Health in Europe SHE network, in close collaboration with WHO EURO. The SHE network is active in 45 countries in the European region.
Scotland is one of the leading countries in the world when it comes to promoting the health and well-being of school-aged children. Since Scotland got its own parliament in 1999, the Scottish Government has full responsibility for its education system. Top priority in the national policy is to reduce health...
The child at the centre: the Scottish experience on health and wellbeing in schools