Antonia Wulff

Antonia Wulff is coordinator in EI’s Education and Employment Unit.
The expert group in charge of the SDG indicators rejected the proposed measurement strategy for target 4.7 on education for sustainable development, human rights and global citizenship. A dramatic turn in the SDGs serial but is it really as disastrous as it seems? And what does this mean in practice?
SDG4 & education for sustainable development: Why we should celebrate an apparent failure? By Antonia WulffFor about 12 hours there was a target on education financing in what was about to become Agenda 2030. It was proposed in the very last round of negotiations of the Open Working Group on Sustainable Development Goals and it did not take long before it was shot down; member...
The quest for public funding for education and SDG 4, by Antonia WulffThe clock is ticking: three years in, how much closer are we to meeting the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), the agreed blueprint for world improvement between 2015 and 2030?
“The Sustainable Development Goals: Where Are We at?” by Antonia WulffEducation International's Antonia Wulff explains that the Sustainable Development Goal 4 could be summarised as more education of a better quality for all, and that quality and equity must be at the centre of the 2030 Agenda.