Daniel B. Lafrenière

Daniel B. Lafrenière has been a member of the Executive Board of Education International since 2015. He comes from education support personnel and is working actively on the recognition and appreciation of their work.
Until recently, he occupied strategic positions such as vice-president then secretary-treasurer of his organization, the Centrale des syndicats du Québec (CSQ) [Central Trade Union Federation of Quebec] which represents nearly all teaching, professional and education support personnel in Quebec (Canada).
A member of the EI task force on education support personnel, he contributed actively to the organization of the first Education Support Professionals Day in May 2018.
He is also a member of the Board of Directors of the Education and Solidarity Network, a natural ally of Education International.
There is an old French adage that says “les absents ont toujours tort,” which means that those who are absent are always in the wrong (or always get the blame). But what if they were right after all under certain circumstances? This seems to be the case in the field...
#EI25: "And if those who are absent were …. right, at times?", by Daniel B. Lafrenière