Dina Bacalexi

Dina Bacalexi is a research engineer at the French National Center of Scientific Research (CNRS) since 2002. She is a classicist, specialized in Greek tragedy and history of medicine (Antiquity and Renaissance). She is a member of the National Bureau of SNTRS-CGT (National Trade Union of Scientific Research Workers) in charge of international relations. Since 2015, she is the CGT representative in HERSC (Higher Education and Research Standing Committee, a permanent body of ETUCE). She is also an elected member of the French National Committee of Scientific Research since 2012.
On 25 November – the International Day for the Elimination of Gender-based Violence - we called on governments to immediately ratify ILO Convention 190 on violence and harassment in the world of work. The Convention is the result of 10 years of mobilisation and activism by the global trade union...
#RatifyC190 "Violence against women: a case study in the French public research", by Dina Bacalexi and Bruno Pouvelle.