Joseph V. Jovellanos

Bro. Joseph V. Jovellanos is the current national president of the Samahang Manggagawang Pilipino-National Alliance of Teachers and Office Workers (SMP-NATOW), a duly registered labor federation catering to teachers and office workers in the Philippines and an affiliate of Education International. He is also the current local president of the University of Pangasinan Faculty Union, PHINMA-University of Pangasinan, Dagupan City, Philippines. Moreover, he is also a member of the Council of Leaders of the National Trade Union Congress of the Philippines, a duly registered labor center affiliated with the ITUC.
A story was once told that after WWII, the then Emperor Hirohito of Japan called one of his soldiers and asked the question: “How many teachers survived?” This question is an acknowledgment by the emperor of the crucial role of teachers in building or re-building a nation. Without teachers, a...
A question in the wilderness, by Joseph Jovellanos.