Susan Robertson

Susan Robertson is Professor of Education at the University of Cambridge. Her research is concerned with the changing nature of education as a result of transformations in the wider global, regional and local economies and societies, and the changing scales on which ideas, power and politics are negotiated. She is particularly interested in how these dynamics challenge, and change, the nature and scope of education outcomes and the social justice implications of these for different social groups – including students and teachers. Her recent books include: Public Private Partnerships in Education with Karen Mundy, Anthony Verger and Francine Menashy (published by Edward Elgar), and Privatisation, Education and Social Justice with Ian Macpherson and Geoffrey Walford (published by Symposium Books).
On July 5th 2021, just as English schools, teacher training providers and universities were packing up after a long hard year navigating Covid-19 and series of ill-managed lockdowns by government, the Department for Education’s (DfE) commissioned review on Initial Teacher Training (ITT) was released. Called a Market Review of Initial...
Storm in a Teacup, or a Typhoon Brewing? Rising Barometer on the Market Review of Initial Teacher Education Reform in England.You couldn’t make it up. Claim you are concerned about a high-quality teacher training offer for the sector and impose on the sector a one-size-fits-all, highly prescribed, and tightly regulated model. Say you are in consultation mode but do it over the summer when no-one is around, and for good...
The Right to an Outstanding TeacherAs the minutes ticked down toward the final boarding call for my late evening train from London to Brussels, I was furiously typing up notes from a research report I had just read on the Trade in Services Agreement, otherwise known as TISA. The young man sitting next to me...
#ResNet: "Wheeling and Dealing in Education and Global Trade Agreements", by Susan L. RobertsonThe EI study What Educators Need to Know About Global Trade Deals explores the economic, political and social conditions, development agendas, combinations of actors and regulatory instruments, which together have challenged the idea of, and conditions for, education as a public service and a human right by locking in a...