
Human and Trade Union Rights

  1. Trade union rights are human rights 23 February 2016

    Labour unions up in arms after Iran’s Esmail Abdi sentenced to six years in prison

    Renewed efforts are underway to free Esmail Abdi after Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Court officially sentenced the teacher unionist to six years in prison for alleged crimes related to trade union activism.

    Labour unions up in arms after Iran’s Esmail Abdi sentenced to six years in prison
  2. Union growth 18 February 2016

    Djibouti: teacher unionist released from prison after global support

    Teacher unionist and human rights defender Omar Ali Ewado is once again a free man after he was released from prison on 14 February following an appeals court decision that dismissed charges against him.

    Djibouti: teacher unionist released from prison after global support
  3. Trade union rights are human rights 15 February 2016

    Italian researcher’s death in Egypt spurs calls for inquiry

    Teachers’ unions in Italy are urging Egyptian authorities to launch a full investigation into the death of Giulio Regeni, who was murdered while publishing articles on trade union rights, and who’s death remains a mystery.

    Italian researcher’s death in Egypt spurs calls for inquiry
  4. Trade union rights are human rights 10 February 2016

    Teachers in Bermuda and Mongolia score big court victories

    Amid an increasingly anti-union climate around the world, two Education International affiliates, from Bermuda and Mongolia, have recently won significant court victories in defense of their rights.

    Teachers in Bermuda and Mongolia score big court victories
  5. Union growth 9 February 2016

    Refugee teachers face threat of losing basic rights

    As the refugee crisis continues to take its toll on migrants’ lives, policies that would exclude them from national working conditions, such as paying less than minimum wage, may push them further into exclusion.

    Refugee teachers face threat of losing basic rights
  6. Union growth 21 January 2016

    Ground-breaking research strengthens link between peacebuilding and education

    A new study sheds light on the relationship between education and justice in conflict situations, focusing on how to foster the respect for human rights and democracy from and towards the classroom.

    Ground-breaking research strengthens link between peacebuilding and education
  7. Union growth 18 January 2016

    New ITUC report exposes hidden workforce of 116 million in global supply chains

    The global supply chains of 50 companies employ only six percent of people in direct employment, yet rely on a hidden workforce of 94 percent according to new research from the International Trade Union Confederation.

    New ITUC report exposes hidden workforce of 116 million in global supply chains
  8. Trade union rights are human rights 17 December 2015

    Senegal: Unions defend right to strike in face of MP’s criticism

    The Teachers’ Union of Senegal has struck back in response to a national parliamentarian’s call to implement repressive measures aimed at discouraging teachers and other education workers from striking.

    Senegal: Unions defend right to strike in face of MP’s criticism
  9. Trade union rights are human rights 14 December 2015

    Iran: Detained teacher unionist on hunger strike

    Education International (EI) has launched a LabourStart appeal for Iranian teacher unionist Mahmoud Beheshti Langroodi who has been on hunger strike since 26 November to protest against his unfair trial and subsequent nine-year prison sentence.

    Iran: Detained teacher unionist on hunger strike
  10. Trade union rights are human rights 14 December 2015

    Burundi: in state of fear, education union is targeted by government violence

    The international community is offering support to Burundi’s education union as the country’s government has gone on a rampage of violence against civil society over the past weekend.

    Burundi: in state of fear, education union is targeted by government violence
  11. Union growth 9 December 2015

    Education International affiliates celebrate Human Rights Day with Nobel Prize

    The importance of trade unions in achieving human rights is evident for all to see today as the Nobel Peace Prize is awarded to the Tunisian National Quartet, which includes five Education International affiliates.

    Education International affiliates celebrate Human Rights Day with Nobel Prize
  12. Trade union rights are human rights 30 November 2015

    South Korean trade unions mobilise against government attacks

    Trade unions from across the country are banding together in a call for peaceful mass demonstrations after the government cracked down on a labour law protest rally in November, resulting in major arrests and injuries.

    South Korean trade unions mobilise against government attacks
  13. Trade union rights are human rights 23 November 2015

    Bermuda: Government legal action undermines educators’ trade union rights

    Bermuda’s public authorities have initiated a questionable legal action to attack the right to strike, accusing trade unions of taking part in illegal industrial action.

    Bermuda: Government legal action undermines educators’ trade union rights
  14. Trade union rights are human rights 19 November 2015

    Education unions increase efforts to release imprisoned Colombian Academic

    Education International has joined education unions’ calls for the immediate release of Colombian academic Dr Miguel Ángel Beltrán Villegas, who remains detained in Bogotá since his arrest on 31 July of this year.

    Education unions increase efforts to release imprisoned Colombian Academic
  15. Trade union rights are human rights 18 November 2015

    Global education union leaders stand in solidarity with Quebecois colleagues

    The Education International’s Executive Board has adopted a clear and strong message of solidarity in support of its colleagues in Quebec demanding better quality public services in the Canadian province.

    Global education union leaders stand in solidarity with Quebecois colleagues
  16. Trade union rights are human rights 18 November 2015

    The ILO demands that Ecuador respect public workers’ human and trade union rights

    The Ecuadorian government must initiate immediate consultations with teachers and public servants unions to ensure that new laws respect freedom of association and collective bargaining rights, urges the International Labour Organisation.

    The ILO demands that Ecuador respect public workers’ human and trade union rights