
Articles from Canada

  1. Standards and working conditions 15 July 2010

    Teachers out of pocket for classroom essentials

    A survey carried out by the Canadian Teachers' Federation (CTF) has discovered that in the 2008-09 school year each Canadian teacher paid out from their own pocket an average of $453 for essential classroom materials or class-related activities.

    Teachers out of pocket for classroom essentials
  2. Union renewal and development 24 June 2010

    Call for G20 to promote quality education with qualified teachers

    The presidents of Education International and the Canadian Teachers’ Federation (CTF) have called on the G20 to support a new global partnership for teacher education and professional development.

    Call for G20 to promote quality education with qualified teachers
  3. Union renewal and development 21 June 2010

    Getting education on the G20 agenda

    There was progress in getting key messages on education through to the G20, as a result of Global Union consultations with the Canadian Prime Minister on 18 June, with the participation of EI and its Canadian affiliates.

    Getting education on the G20 agenda
  4. Equity and inclusion 21 June 2010

    Canada: Teachers bring National Aboriginal Day to life

    The Canadian Teachers’ Federation (CTF) has invited teachers to highlight National Aboriginal Day which takes place on 21 June to celebrate the culture, heritage and contributions of the original peoples of North America and their descendants.

    Canada: Teachers bring National Aboriginal Day to life
  5. Fighting the commercialisation of education 15 April 2010

    EU demands Canada overhaul IP rules

    A leaked text of the Canada-EU Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA) confirms that Canada’s copyright and patent legislation are being targeted in the negotiations.

    EU demands Canada overhaul IP rules
  6. Equity and inclusion 11 March 2010

    Canada: New CTF study highlights experiences of Aboriginal teachers

    A major study of the professional knowledge and experience of Aboriginal teachers in Canadian public schools was released today at a special Canadian Teachers' Federation (CTF) event on Aboriginal education.

    Canada: New CTF study highlights experiences of Aboriginal teachers
  7. Fighting the commercialisation of education 28 January 2010

    Canada-Europe free trade talks under scrutiny

    The second round of negotiations for a Canada-Europe Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA) took place in Brussels in January amid growing trade union and civil society concerns about the scope and impact of the treaty.

    Canada-Europe free trade talks under scrutiny
  8. Fighting the commercialisation of education 23 June 2009

    EU and Canada launch trade talks

    The European Union and Canada have agreed on the main areas to be negotiated in a possible comprehensive economic agreement.

    EU and Canada launch trade talks
  9. Fighting the commercialisation of education 21 January 2009

    Concerns Raised over Canada-Colombia FTA

    Labour unions and civil society organizations in Canada are expressing outrage over the recent announcement that the Conservative government of Prime Minister Stephen Harper has reached a free trade deal with Colombia.

    Concerns Raised over Canada-Colombia FTA
  10. News 20 November 2007

    Canada: CTF adopts action plan to counter cyberbullying

    The Canadian Teachers' Federation (CTF) adopted an action plan on 19 Nov to address the many challenges presented by cyberbullying within the context of schools and the professional lives of teachers.

    Canada: CTF adopts action plan to counter cyberbullying
  11. Fighting the commercialisation of education 31 October 2007

    Canada to export AIDS medicine under new TRIPS Agreement

    Canada has become the first WTO member to take advantage of new pharmaceutical licensing rules intended to improve access to essential medicines in developing countries.

    Canada to export AIDS medicine under new TRIPS Agreement
  12. News 18 October 2007

    Canada: The CTF organises 2nd Media Education Week

    After the success of the first National Media Education Week in 2006, the Canadian Teachers' Federation (CTF) is launching it again for the second year.

    Canada: The CTF organises 2nd Media Education Week
  13. Standards and working conditions 16 July 2007

    Canada: Three teacher leaders honoured by their peers at national meeting

    Three educators are recipients of this year's Canadian Teachers' Federation (CTF) Special Recognition Awards that honour the valuable contributions made by teacher leaders in promoting the teaching profession and, by extension, public education. CTF President Winston Carter presented the awards on 13 July at the CTF Annual General Meeting held...

    Canada: Three teacher leaders honoured by their peers at national meeting
  14. News 19 July 2006

    Teacher unions should embrace diversity

    "Anti-immigrant political movements have developed across the OECD countries - from Denmark to Austria to Britain, France and Italy. So-called mainstream political parties are jockeying to recuperate the slogans of the demagogues, and in countries like Australia governments have played cyncially on anti-immigrant sentiments for electoral gain."

    Teacher unions should embrace diversity
  15. Equity and inclusion 18 May 2006

    Canada: National Day Against Homophobia - New teacher resource aims to nurture better understanding of BGLTT students

    EI affiliate, the Canadian Teachers’ Federation (CTF), is pleased to release on this National Day Against Homophobia, 17 May, "The Gay-Straight Student Alliance Handbook", the latest in a series of publications aiming to help teachers, school administrators and counselors in understanding the educational, health and safety needs of bisexual, gay,...

    Canada: National Day Against Homophobia - New teacher resource aims to nurture better understanding of BGLTT students
  16. Fighting the commercialisation of education 17 May 2006

    Canada: 29 May – National Fundraising Count Day aims to audit commercial activities in schools

    EI affiliates the Canadian Teachers' Federation (CTF) and the Fédération des syndicats de l’enseignement (FSE) invite teachers and principals across the country to walk around in their schools and carry out an audit of fundraising and advertising activities, as part of a National Fundraising Count Day on May 29.

    Canada: 29 May – National Fundraising Count Day aims to audit commercial activities in schools
  17. Fighting the commercialisation of education 10 May 2006

    Canada: CTF's survey of schools reveals advertising and commercial activities filling education funding gap

    EI affiliate, the Canadian Teachers' Federation (CTF)'s recent study involving elementary and secondary publicly funded schools across Canada has uncovered some startling revelations on the extent of advertising presence and marketing deals in schools in order to offset chronic underfunding of education systems in every province and territory.

    Canada: CTF's survey of schools reveals advertising and commercial activities filling education funding gap