
Articles from Germany

  1. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 30 September 2014

    Germany: future of teaching profession revisited

    Teachers’ training and qualifications have been at the heart of a seminar organised by the German education union GEW, one of the numerous culmination events around the globe of the Unite for Quality Education campaign.

    Germany: future of teaching profession revisited
  2. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 8 September 2014

    Join the European Culmination event of the Unite for Quality Education campaign in Brussels on 22 September 2014!

    On 22 September 2014, the EI initiative Unite for Quality Education Campaign reaches its peak in the European Region. On this special day, ETUCE is organising a Public Hearing on the Future of Quality Education, hosted by the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) in Brussels, to celebrate one year...

    Join the European Culmination event of the Unite for Quality Education campaign in Brussels on 22 September 2014!
  3. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 8 September 2014

    New Brochure: Can Europe still be saved?

    In the new brochure “Can Europe still be saved?” leading representatives of German trade unions explore the fault lines and the austerity-policy orientation of Europe from different angles.

    New Brochure: Can Europe still be saved?
  4. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 8 September 2014

    ETUCE opinion on European Parliament reports on implementation

    The European Parliament is fully back to work. Its Committees have been formed anew. One of the first topics they addressed, is the fundamental issue of the European Semester for economic policy coordination: the implementation of 2014 priorities. In August, the European Parliament Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs (ECON)...

    ETUCE opinion on European Parliament reports on implementation
  5. Equity and inclusion 8 September 2014

    Coming Up: ETUCE Conference on teacher union actions on gender equality in times of austerity

    The closing conference of the ETUCE project Promoting gender equality within teacher trade unions and in the teaching profession II – Implementing and reinforcing teacher trade union actions on gender equality in times of austerity convenes in Sofia on 25 and 26 September 2014.

    Coming Up: ETUCE Conference on teacher union actions on gender equality in times of austerity
  6. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 28 August 2014

    Germany: Rethinking and improving teacher training

    Germany’s union for education and science is gearing up to host a conference in September focused on helping teachers navigate the challenges of working in a 21st century classroom.

    Germany: Rethinking and improving teacher training
  7. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 29 July 2014

    Germany: Early childhood educators deserve better conditions of employment

    The work done by educators in day care centres (Kitas) in Germany must receive greater recognition. That’s according to Verband Bildung und Erziehung (VBE), one of EI’s national affiliates, in a statement issued on 25 July.

    Germany: Early childhood educators deserve better conditions of employment
  8. Trade union rights are human rights 14 July 2014

    ETUCE Official EU-OSHA Campaign Partner

    ETUCE has joined forces with the biggest occupational safety and health campaign worldwide, the Healthy Workplaces Manage Stress Campaign coordinated by EU OSHA in more than 30 countries. As official campaign partner, ETUCE will distribute and publicise information about the campaign and participate in benchmarking events.

    ETUCE Official EU-OSHA Campaign Partner
  9. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 1 July 2014

    Better vocational training options lead to reduce early school leaving

    Early findings of a Europe-wide Cedefop study of the effect of vocational education and training (VET) on the dropout rate reveal that this effect is largely positive. In countries where vocational pathways account for a large share of education and training, rates of early school leaving are below the EU...

    Better vocational training options lead to reduce early school leaving
  10. Fighting the commercialisation of education 16 June 2014

    ETUCE Guidelines to the EC’s public consultation on modalities for investment protection and ISDS in TTIP

    The European Commission runs a public consultation on investment protection and investor-state dispute settlement (ISDS) in TTIP until 6 July 2014. ETUCE strongly encourage all member organisations to respond to the consultation. Therefore, ETUCE has drafted a set of guidelines to the European Commission’s public consultation on modalities for investment...

    ETUCE Guidelines to the EC’s public consultation on modalities for investment protection and ISDS in TTIP
  11. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 16 June 2014

    Quality Education in Europe – still a long way to go. Soon an ETUCE film documentary to state it

    On 22 September 2014 ETUCE’s final conference of the project “Development of teacher unions’ expertise on exiting the crisis through quality education” is taking place in conjunction with the European culmination event of the EI global initiative Unite for Quality Education.

    Quality Education in Europe – still a long way to go. Soon an ETUCE film documentary to state it
  12. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 5 June 2014

    103rd session of the International Labour Conference

    From 28 May to 12 June representatives from workers’ organisations, employers’ organisations and governments convene for the tripartite dialogue in Geneva to review the implementation of international labour standards and discuss employment issues.

    103rd session of the International Labour Conference
  13. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 28 May 2014

    Improving the quality of vocational education and training

    The Thematic Working Group on VET of the European Commission met in Brussels on 14 - 15 March. ETUCE was represented by Daniel Taubman (UCU UK).

    Improving the quality of vocational education and training
  14. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 28 May 2014

    Working on transversal skills

    The Thematic Working Group on Transversal skills of the European Commission met in Brussels on 29-30 January 2014. ETUCE was represented by Brian Cookson (NASUWT, UK) and Guus Wijngaards (AoB NL).

    Working on transversal skills
  15. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 28 May 2014

    Collaboration on school policies to fight early school leaving

    The Thematic Working Groups of the European Commission on School Policy dealing with Teacher Education and Early School Leaving met in Brussels on 20-21 February 2014. ETUCE was represented by Hans Laugesen GL (DK) and Dan Taubmann (UK). In 2010 the member states of the EU adopted the EU2020 Strategy...

    Collaboration on school policies to fight early school leaving
  16. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 28 May 2014

    Quality assurance and mobility in higher education

    The Thematic Working Group on modernising higher education of the European Commission organised a meeting in Brussels on 29 March 2014. ETUCE was represented by Jens Vraa-Jensen (Denmark).

    Quality assurance and mobility in higher education
  17. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 28 May 2014

    Recent European developments in adult learning

    ETUCE is represented in thematic working groups of the European Commission. The Thematic Working Group on Adult Learning of the European Commission organised a meeting on 3 March 2014. ETUCE was represented by Rossella Benedetti (UilScuola, Italy).

    Recent European developments in adult learning
  18. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 28 May 2014

    Towards a European Area of Skills and Qualifications

    The European Commission run a public consultation until 15 April 2014 to create the so-called European Area of Skills and Qualifications. ETUCE encouraged its member organisations in Europe to fill in the questionnaire using a joint ETUCE-ETUC position.

    Towards a European Area of Skills and Qualifications