

  1. Union growth 1 May 2017

    This May Day, why not try solidarity?

    As the occasion to celebrate and reaffirm the value and values of trade unions, from which their principles continue to inspire, today must also serve as a lens to carefully examine our societies and institutions.

    This May Day, why not try solidarity?
  2. Trade union rights are human rights 12 January 2010

    Young offenders benefit from EFAIDS training by the Surinamese unions

    Surinamese teacher unions working on the EI EFAIDS Programme have reached out to almost forty young offenders offering them training on HIV prevention and behaviour change. Catering for the needs of the different age groups, trainers from BvL, SOB and KOB facilitated two one-day workshops at the Santo Boma Reformatory...

    Young offenders benefit from EFAIDS training by the Surinamese unions
  3. Trade union rights are human rights 12 August 2009

    Interview with Astrid McDonald of Bond van Leraren

    Astrid McDonald of Bond van Leraren (BvL) shares insights into the work of the EI EFAIDS Programme in Suriname.

    Interview with Astrid McDonald of Bond van Leraren
  4. Trade union rights are human rights 1 July 2009

    Surinamese Teachers Trained on HIV and AIDS

    Since the beginning of 2009 the Surinamese unions participating in the EFAIDS Programme have been busy training teachers on HIV and AIDS issues.

    Surinamese Teachers Trained on HIV and AIDS
  5. Standards and working conditions 12 September 2008

    Suriname: teachers achieve substantial wage increases

    Following difficult months of conflicts and long strikes, the teacher unions in Suriname have won substantial wage increases from the government, as well as a collective agreement which addresses discrepancies between teachers' working conditions.

    Suriname: teachers achieve substantial wage increases
All articles: Suriname
