
Articles from United Kingdom

  1. Union growth 1 September 2017

    UK: education unions merge to form new organisation

    The creation of a new education has become a reality in the UK following the amalgamation of the Association of Teachers and Lecturers and the National Union of Teachers, creating the National Education Union.

    UK: education unions merge to form new organisation
  2. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 28 August 2017

    UK: with a new school year comes an increasing need for teachers

    Reports of a teacher shortage in Scotland as schools prepare to reopen their doors have prompted one of the United Kingdom’s education unions to urge the government to find a solution to a growing problem.

    UK: with a new school year comes an increasing need for teachers
  3. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 22 August 2017

    UK: A-Level results provide cover for problems plaguing education

    Following the release of A-Level results, UK teacher unions have highlighted the hard work and commitment of both students and their teachers despite a hastily reformed curriculum and funding cuts in education.

    UK: A-Level results provide cover for problems plaguing education
  4. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 8 August 2017

    UK: student attainment gap must be narrowed to achieve quality education for all

    Education unions have reacted to the latest report into the progress made by the UK Government to narrow the student attainment gap, demanding that public authorities stop austerity measures and increase investment in the education system.

    UK: student attainment gap must be narrowed to achieve quality education for all
  5. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 2 August 2017

    UK: Increasing class sizes increase teachers’ workload

    In response to Labour Party figures showing that students are being taught in increasingly overloaded classes, UK education unions have urged the Government to act and improve students’ learning environments and teachers’ working conditions.

    UK: Increasing class sizes increase teachers’ workload
  6. Standards and working conditions 14 July 2017

    UK: Report fails to address substitute teachers’ conditions

    Commenting on the release of the Taylor Review into Modern Working Practices, education unions in the United Kingdom have expressed great disappointment at its failure to address the ongoing exploitation of substitute teachers by many employment agencies.

    UK: Report fails to address substitute teachers’ conditions
  7. Trade union rights are human rights 6 July 2017

    UK: teachers need support to tackle pupils’ mental health issues

    Teacher unions in the UK have emphasised the need for staff to be supported by qualified healthcare professionals in order to best address mental health issues in students.

    UK: teachers need support to tackle pupils’ mental health issues
  8. Standards and working conditions 15 June 2017

    Increasing workloads taking a toll on Scottish teachers

    A combination of staffing cuts, revised curriculum and major changes to the exam system have led to growing wear and tear on teachers, according to a survey conducted by the Educational Institute of Scotland.

    Increasing workloads taking a toll on Scottish teachers
  9. Fighting the commercialisation of education 5 June 2017

    The CETA’s “Investment Court System”: A Supreme Tribunal to Protect the Wealth of Foreign Nationals

    Gus Van Harten

    Imagine if governments proposed a supreme tribunal for the world. The tribunal would have the power to review anything countries can do in their sovereign role. It could review countries’ laws and regulations at any level. It could review the judgments of their highest courts.

    The CETA’s “Investment Court System”: A Supreme Tribunal to Protect the Wealth of Foreign Nationals
  10. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 1 June 2017

    Teacher union renewal: developing the power of the profession

    Howard Stevenson

    The challenges that face teachers often look very similar around the world. Global league tables are often behind the relentless pressure to drive test scores up, whilst the forces of global economic competition explain a race to the bottom on teachers’ working conditions. Teachers experience ever rising workloads, but perhaps...

    Teacher union renewal: developing the power of the profession
  11. Standards and working conditions 1 June 2017

    UK: Report warns of low levels of protection for academic freedom

    The University and College Union has launched a report showing significantly lower levels of protection for academic freedom in the UK, when compared to other EU countries.

    UK: Report warns of low levels of protection for academic freedom
  12. Leading the profession 31 May 2017

    Constructing Teachers’ Professional Identity – learning from seven countries

    Philippa Cordingley

    Early stages in research projects are always a mix of aspirations, exploration of the research literature and growing clarity about key questions. In a research project that is as important as the one funded by Education International, to explore how national policies and cultural factors influence the development of teachers’...

    Constructing Teachers’ Professional Identity – learning from seven countries
  13. Trade union rights are human rights 12 May 2017

    UK: MPs call halt to high-stakes primary testing

    Teacher unionists have welcomed a new report by the UK Commons Education Select Committee on Primary Assessment, highlighting the need to reform high-stakes tests in primary school.

    UK: MPs call halt to high-stakes primary testing
  14. Union growth 1 May 2017

    This May Day, why not try solidarity?

    As the occasion to celebrate and reaffirm the value and values of trade unions, from which their principles continue to inspire, today must also serve as a lens to carefully examine our societies and institutions.

    This May Day, why not try solidarity?
  15. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 24 April 2017

    UK: Urgent need to address negative impacts of teaching on teachers

    Education unions in the UK have reasserted the need to support overworked teachers, helping them to reach an adequate balance between their professional and personal lives.

    UK: Urgent need to address negative impacts of teaching on teachers
  16. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 10 April 2017

    UK: Unions demand appropriate reform of primary school assessment system

    The UK Government is consulting teachers’ unions on its proposals to reform the system of primary school assessment, which have given a mixed reaction to the government’s proposals for reform.

    UK: Unions demand appropriate reform of primary school assessment system
  17. Trade union rights are human rights 31 March 2017

    Djibouti: global education community welcomes release of two colleagues

    Following a worldwide solidarity campaign initiated by the education union movement, Omar Ali Ewado and Ahmed-Kadar Nour, leaders of Djibouti’s Syndicat des Enseignants du Premier Degré, have been released after eight days in jail.

    Djibouti: global education community welcomes release of two colleagues
  18. Union renewal and development 31 March 2017

    Education unionists celebrate hard-won gains on women’s empowerment

    Global commitments to women’s economic empowerment were agreed by the 163 participating member states at the 61st Session of the UN Commission on the Status of Women which drew to a close on 24 March.

    Education unionists celebrate hard-won gains on women’s empowerment