
Articles from United States of America

  1. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 8 October 2010

    USA: Educators are not waiting for Superman

    American public education is facing attack on a scale without precedent. A new film favouring the privatisation campaign, which serves the interests of markets over children’s fundamental right to a quality education, has been released.

    USA: Educators are not waiting for Superman
  2. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 6 October 2010

    Lobbying for legislation to commit US to Global Education Fund

    Despite world leaders committing to achieve universal primary education by 2015, as part of the United Nations’ Millennium Development Summit in 2000, this goal remains unfulfilled with limited progress and time running out.

    Lobbying for legislation to commit US to Global Education Fund
  3. Standards and working conditions 11 August 2010

    United States: Historic victory for education, teachers and unions

    The US House of Representatives has voted to approve new legislation that will inject more than $10 billion in aid to states and school districts to save education jobs that were threatened by budget cuts.

    United States: Historic victory for education, teachers and unions
  4. Standards and working conditions 2 July 2010

    Education leaders unite for global summit

    More than 9,000 delegates have gathered in New Orleans, USA, for the Annual Meeting and Representative Assembly of the National Education Association (NEA) - one of EI's largest affiliate members in America.

    Education leaders unite for global summit
  5. Union renewal and development 22 June 2010

    US unions call on President Obama to defend education funding

    The presidents of America’s two largest teaching unions, American Federation of Teachers (AFT) and National Education Association (NEA), have rallied together to call on the US President to advocate for education funding at G8/G20 summits.

    US unions call on President Obama to defend education funding
  6. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 16 June 2010

    Civil society calls for action on Millennium Development Goals

    Anti-poverty activists from around the world have gathered at the UN headquarters in New York for a ground-breaking meeting between civil society, private sector bodies and government delegation in the General Assembly.

    Civil society calls for action on Millennium Development Goals
  7. Equity and inclusion 7 June 2010

    AFT hosts global webcast to end child labour

    The American Federation of Teachers (AFT) is co-sponsoring a high level government and NGO policy dialogue at the State Department in Washington with global leaders.

    AFT hosts global webcast to end child labour
  8. Leading the profession 22 April 2010

    G20 Labour Ministers meet Obama – education and training on the G20 agenda

    G20 labour and employment ministers met yesterday with President Obama and presented him with their recommendations to meet the challenges that the economic crisis is posing for workers and their families worldwide. This was the first time that ministers responsible for labour markets in the 20 largest economies in the...

    G20 Labour Ministers meet Obama – education and training on the G20 agenda
  9. Union growth 20 July 2009

    USA: Education reform must be good for kids and fair to teachers

    Teachers and their unions should "be the engines of real change in education," Randi Weingarten, President of the American Federation of Teachers, told thousands of educators meeting in Washington, D.C. from 13-15 July.

    USA: Education reform must be good for kids and fair to teachers
  10. Leading the profession 13 July 2009

    A second stimulus for the US ?

    The US needs a 2nd stimulus; Federal programmes try to compensate for State and local budget cuts; teachers and support staff in California - host for NEA's 2009 Annual meeting - are hit hard by State budget impasse.

    A second stimulus for the US ?
  11. Standards and working conditions 7 July 2009

    American teachers optimistic, despite challenges

    “Hope starts here!” With a new partner in the White House, more than 15,000 American teacher trade unionists came together under this optimistic slogan at the National Education Association’s 88th Representative Assembly, 3-7 July in San Diego, California.

    American teachers optimistic, despite challenges
  12. Leading the profession 29 June 2009

    The Economic Crisis: “How Did We Get Here?”

    The most serious economic crisis since the Great Depression has exposed the failure of an obsolete economic growth strategy based on debt-fueled consumption.

    The Economic Crisis: “How Did We Get Here?”
  13. Trade union rights are human rights 4 June 2009

    Urgent Action Appeal USA: Support for the Employee Free Choice Act

    EI and its member organizations in the United States request your support for their campaign to pass the Employee Free Choice Act (EFCA). The act would protect American workers’ rights to join unions and to bargain collectively, free from employer intimidation and threats of dismissal.

    Urgent Action Appeal USA: Support for the Employee Free Choice Act
  14. Union growth 23 February 2009

    AFT Letter to Hillary Clinton Urges Action on Zimbabwe

    The American Federation of Teachers (AFT) has sent a letter from president Randi Weingarten to U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton expressing the union's concern over the continuing suffering of the Zimbabwean people and urging U.S. leadership to end the reign of terror and devastation wrought by President Mugabe.

    AFT Letter to Hillary Clinton Urges Action on Zimbabwe
  15. Union renewal and development 30 January 2009

    Labour leaders welcomed to White House as media magnate lashes out at teachers’ unions

    “Go after the teacher unions.” That was one piece of advice for President Barack Obama from media baron Rupert Murdoch, who spoke on 30 January to hundreds of business, union and civil society leaders at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland.

    Labour leaders welcomed to White House as media magnate lashes out at teachers’ unions
  16. Union growth 14 January 2009

    Global Union representatives in the US to show support for the Employee Free Choice Act

    Anti-unionism is a widespread phenomenon in the USA. Senator Bill Hare of Illinois from the Democratic Party spoke to a global union gathering in Washington DC on 13 January on the Employee Free Choice Act. The Act is a legislation proposed to ensure that workers have a free choice and...

    Global Union representatives in the US to show support for the Employee Free Choice Act
  17. Union growth 5 November 2008

    American education unions welcome Obama’s election

    Both the National Education Association and the American Federation of Teachers have enthusiastically welcomed the election of Barack Obama, a “friend of public education,” to the White House.

    American education unions welcome Obama’s election
  18. Fighting the commercialisation of education 29 October 2008

    US Trade Representative sued over Anti-Counterfeiting Treaty

    A group of public interest organizations in the United States is suing the US Trade Representative office in an effort to obtain a copy of a draft treaty on intellectual property currently.

    US Trade Representative sued over Anti-Counterfeiting Treaty