
Articles from Zimbabwe

  1. Union growth 9 May 2008

    Zimbabwe: Violence hits teachers

    Violence continues in Zimbabwe following the drawn out election process and affects particularly trade unionists and teachers. The EI affiliate ZIMTA witnessed "many teachers in rural areas being killed, maimed, wantonly tortured and abused".

    Zimbabwe: Violence hits teachers
  2. Trade union rights are human rights 11 April 2008

    EI condemns post-election violence against teachers in Zimbabwe

    Education International has received chilling reports about political retribution against teachers in Zimbabwe. This comes in the aftermath of general elections held on 30 March.

    EI condemns post-election violence against teachers in Zimbabwe
  3. Union growth 22 February 2008

    Zimbabwe: EI condemns police beatings of teacher unionists

    Nine members of the Progressive Teachers Union of Zimbabwe (PTUZ) were abducted on 19 February for distributing leaflets about the country's education crisis.

    Zimbabwe: EI condemns police beatings of teacher unionists
  4. Standards and working conditions 1 June 2007

    Zimbabwe: EI affiliate ZIMTA deplores brain drain

    At its 26th Annual Conference which took place in April, EI member organisation the Zimbabwe Teacher’s Association (ZIMTA) called on its government to address the severe political, social and economic problems that are leading to massive brain drain of professionals.

    Zimbabwe: EI affiliate ZIMTA deplores brain drain
  5. Union growth 31 May 2007

    Zimbabwe: EI mourns death of tortured PTUZ founder

    EI joins the Progressive Teachers Union of Zimbabwe (PTUZ) in mourning the death of founder member and national treasurer MacDonald Mangauzani on 27 May. Reports suggest that he succumbed to internal injuries sustained from brutal torture while in police custody last February.

    Zimbabwe: EI mourns death of tortured PTUZ founder
  6. Union growth 13 March 2007

    Zimbabwe: EI condemns the beating of opposition leaders

    EI was shocked by the use of force at a church-led prayer rally in Harare last Sunday which resulted in one death and many casualties, including women and children.

    Zimbabwe: EI condemns the beating of opposition leaders
  7. Standards and working conditions 23 February 2007

    Zimbabwe: teacher union ZIMTA calls off the strike after securing wage increase

    The strike called by all public servants in Zimbabwe, including the 55,000 teachers represented by EI affiliate the Zimbabwe Teachers' Association (ZIMTA), prompted the government to increase the wages of all government employees.

    Zimbabwe: teacher union ZIMTA calls off the strike after securing wage increase
  8. Union growth 2 November 2006

    "Stop harassment of trade unions," EI tells the Zimbabwe goverment

    EI issued a message to the Zimbabwean president Robert Mugabe on 13 October, urging his government to stop harassing trade union leaders and members. EI was refering to the police intervention of World Teachers' Day celebration on 6 October by the Progressive Teachers' Union of Zimbabwe (PTUZ).

    "Stop harassment of trade unions," EI tells the Zimbabwe goverment
  9. Union growth 22 September 2006

    EI joins protest against anti-union repression in Zimbabwe

    In a strongly-worded letter to the President Robert G. Mugabe, EI demands that the Zimbabwean government respect the trade union right of all workers.

    EI joins protest against anti-union repression in Zimbabwe
  10. Union growth 28 March 2006

    Zimbabwe: Further harassment of trade union leader

    Raymond Majongwe, General Secretary of the Progressive Teachers' Union of Zimbabwe (PTUZ), was detained for 8 hours on 24 March for "driving" a group of four Dutch trade unionists visiting the country. Police in the Mabvuku suburb of Harare said "Majongwe’s visitors were taking pictures of police activities at a...

    Zimbabwe: Further harassment of trade union leader
  11. Union growth 15 November 2005

    Zimbabwe: Hunger Causing Pupils to Drop Out of School

    Teachers' organisations have expressed concern over the increasing number of school children who are dropping out of school because of hunger. Some pupils are passing out during lessons because of hunger, after going for days without a proper meal.

    Zimbabwe: Hunger Causing Pupils to Drop Out of School