
Solidarity in emergencies

Solidarity is our core value. When an emergency arises, Education International works together with affected member organisations to assess needs and provide support. We mobilise our global membership to act in solidarity, provide immediate assistance where possible, and initiate projects aimed at improving local conditions for our members.


  1. Trade union rights are human rights 25 November 2020

    Niger: Trade union unity on skill development and improved working conditions for teachers

    With the help of the of Education International’s COVID-19 Solidarity Fund, the national unions that are members of Education International affiliate structure in Niger (IESNI) have collaborated in the organisation of an Inclusive Education Policy Forum, a skill development workshop for twenty-five female teachers, and the organisation of an awareness-raising...

    Read more Niger: Trade union unity on skill development and improved working conditions for teachers
  2. Trade union rights are human rights 6 November 2020

    Burundi: Trade union takes action to raise awareness of COVID-19 and to organise and improve the quality of education through international solidarity

    The Syndicat libre des travailleurs de l'enseignement du Burundi (STEB), thanks to financial support from Education International’s COVID-19 Solidarity Fund, was able to run an important awareness-raising campaign on taking protective measures against COVID-19 and on unionisation in schools, and to organise a conference to take stock of the situation...

    Read more Burundi: Trade union takes action to raise awareness of COVID-19 and to organise and improve the quality of education through international solidarity
  3. Standards and working conditions 3 November 2020

    Palestine: Online training positions education union as a strategic social partner

    The General Union of Palestinian Teachers (GUPT) has reached a landmark agreement on salaries with the national Ministry of Education which has officially adopted the union’s e-learning model.

    Read more Palestine: Online training positions education union as a strategic social partner
  4. Trade union rights are human rights 3 November 2020

    DRC: Collaboration of education trade unions in the production of a guide on COVID-19 in schools

    Education International affiliates in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) have embarked on a project to develop a guide on COVID-19 intended for teachers and to organise workshops on how to use it. The project has also raised awareness among teachers on the importance of unionisation.

    Read more DRC: Collaboration of education trade unions in the production of a guide on COVID-19 in schools
  5. Trade union rights are human rights 2 November 2020

    Colombia: Campaign Launched to Combat Death Threats Against Trade Unionists

    Renewed death threats against education union leaders in Colombia have prompted a global support and solidarity campaign in protest against the continued repression and deaths, which now number more than 6,000.

    Read more Colombia: Campaign Launched to Combat Death Threats Against Trade Unionists
  6. Trade union rights are human rights 28 October 2020

    Executive Board adopts resolution on the role of education in stimulating critical thinking and freedom of expression and promoting democracy

    The 56th meeting of the Education International’s Executive Board, meeting virtually on 27 October, adopted a resolution in support of teaching about freedom of expression, free discussion, and critical thinking, all of which equip students to be active citizens. The resolution was adopted following the atrocious murder of French history...

    Read more Executive Board adopts resolution on the role of education in stimulating critical thinking and freedom of expression and promoting democracy
  7. Trade union rights are human rights 19 October 2020

    France: French unions lead mourning of assassinated teacher Samuel Paty

    In gatherings all over France, tribute was paid to Samuel Paty, 47, a history, and geography teacher who was the victim of a terrorist attack near his school, Conflans-Sainte-Honorine in the Paris suburbs. Paty was decapitated following an Internet campaign against the use in his class of a caricature of...

    Read more France: French unions lead mourning of assassinated teacher Samuel Paty
  8. Trade union rights are human rights 7 October 2020

    Cameroon: Union development during and after the COVID-19 pandemic

    A teacher union operating in the private sector has decided to take a series of actions to ensure decent working and living conditions for teachers and also to strengthen its capacities and ensure that teachers’ voices are really heard by the public authorities.

    Read more Cameroon: Union development during and after the COVID-19 pandemic
  9. Trade union rights are human rights 6 October 2020

    Haiti: Solidarity of the global teacher trade union movement against government harassment of educators

    Education International and its member organisations are monitoring the situation for teacher trade unionists fighting for free, quality public education for all in Haiti. In particular, they are putting pressure on the government to respect the human and trade union rights of educators

    Read more Haiti: Solidarity of the global teacher trade union movement against government harassment of educators
  10. Trade union rights are human rights 28 September 2020

    Madagascar: an education union is bringing teachers’ grievances and suggestions to the attention of the public authorities

    With the help of Education International’s COVID-19 solidarity fund, the Fédération chrétienne des enseignants et employés de l’Éducation (FEKRIMPAMA) has been able to get out to meet Madagascar’s teachers. The pandemic has abruptly reduced their quality of life and drawn attention to the lack of social and health security for...

    Read more Madagascar: an education union is bringing teachers’ grievances and suggestions to the attention of the public authorities
  11. Trade union rights are human rights 25 September 2020

    Nepal: Education union fights for private teachers and education staff unpaid or dismissed during pandemic

    In Nepal, the Sansthagat Vidyalaya Schickshak Union Nepal (ISTU) has issued demands to the government, highlighting how the COVID-19 pandemic has given rise to new challenges for teachers and education staff in the private sector, and how to respond to them.

    Read more Nepal: Education union fights for private teachers and education staff unpaid or dismissed during pandemic
  12. Trade union rights are human rights 18 September 2020

    Philippines: International solidarity with workers and unionists facing tyranny

    Education International has joined other Global Unions in a webinar backing Filipino workers and trade unionists who fight to defend from governmental siege rights and democracy. The discussion was organised by the Council of Global Unions (CGU). The CGU groups Global Union Federations like EI with the International Trade Union...

    Read more Philippines: International solidarity with workers and unionists facing tyranny
  13. Trade union rights are human rights 3 September 2020

    Korea: Supreme Court annuls decision to delegalise union

    The decision to delegalise the Korean Teachers and Education Workers Union (KTU) has been annulled by the Supreme Court of Korea. The government had ordered the delegalisation of the organisation in 2013.

    Read more Korea: Supreme Court annuls decision to delegalise union
  14. Trade union rights are human rights 1 September 2020

    Philippines: Academics take judicial action to halt threats and harassment

    Filipino academics, supported by the Alliance of Concerned Teachers (ACT) and a large education coalition, made a stand against the Duterte regime’s attacks on academic freedom and democracy.

    Read more Philippines: Academics take judicial action to halt threats and harassment
  15. Trade union rights are human rights 27 August 2020

    Cambodia: Join the campaign to free jailed union leaders

    Education International has stepped up its efforts to secure the release of two jailed Cambodian union leaders.

    Read more Cambodia: Join the campaign to free jailed union leaders
  16. Trade union rights are human rights 19 August 2020

    Benin: joint action by education unions on COVID-19 prevention along with inclusive education and boosting union leadership role

    Two unions from Benin affiliated to Education International have decided to join forces to raise awareness among their members on prevention and protection against COVID-19 and on inclusive education and building the role of union leadership within the context of the pandemic in public sector nursery and primary schools. For...

    Read more Benin: joint action by education unions on COVID-19 prevention along with inclusive education and boosting union leadership role