
  1. Leading the profession 2 June 2020

    "10 years of ISTP – what governments and unions can achieve together", by Andreas Schleicher and David Edwards

    David Edwards, Andreas Schleicher

    Ten years ago, Education International and the OECD began co-hosting with various countries an altogether unique, (somewhat unlikely) but critically necessary convening of ministers of education and heads of teachers’ unions. The purpose was to support an informed and honest policy dialogue between and among elected representatives of the teaching...

    "10 years of ISTP – what governments and unions can achieve together", by Andreas Schleicher and David Edwards
  2. Trade union rights are human rights 2 June 2020

    Cameroon: the resumption of face-to-face classes without proper preliminary planning endangers teachers and students alike

    Organised teachers in Cameroon have warned the government that a resumption of classes on 1 June carried out without sufficient preliminary planning would put the educational community in danger. They have especially insisted on reduced class sizes and the provision of masks and hand sanitizer.

    Cameroon: the resumption of face-to-face classes without proper preliminary planning endangers teachers and students alike
  3. Trade union rights are human rights 2 June 2020

    Niger: an intolerable situation for more than 2,500 teachers

    Schools that had been closed since 20 March reopened on 1 June, but the status and safety of thousands of teachers are still in danger.

    Niger: an intolerable situation for more than 2,500 teachers
  4. Trade union rights are human rights 28 May 2020

    Kenya: New report urges government to plan well and save lives

    In Kenya, education unions have joined with civil society organisations in presenting public authorities with recommendations and steps to be taken to guarantee a safe reopening of schools and education institutions.

    Kenya: New report urges government to plan well and save lives
  5. Trade union rights are human rights 26 May 2020

    Brazil: Trade union manifesto urges different approach from Bolsonaro

    In Brazil, the Confederação Nacional dos Trabalhadores em Educação (CNTE) has issued a manifesto of measures to safeguard public health and workers’ lives.

    Brazil: Trade union manifesto urges different approach from Bolsonaro
  6. Trade union rights are human rights 26 May 2020

    Malaysia: Education union pivots to address new situations caused by COVID-19 crisis

    In Malaysia, the Sarawak Teachers’ Union has been responding to issues such as remote teaching and learning, students’ mental health, exams and gender inequality, all arising out of school closures due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

    Malaysia: Education union pivots to address new situations caused by COVID-19 crisis
  7. Trade union rights are human rights 25 May 2020

    DRC: united teaching unions set out firm conditions for the reopening of schools

    The member organisations of Education International in the Democratic Republic of the Congo have collectively informed the public authorities of the six conditions they insist must be met before schools and teaching institutions are reopened.

    DRC: united teaching unions set out firm conditions for the reopening of schools
  8. Trade union rights are human rights 20 May 2020

    “A Plan to Safely Reopen America’s Schools and Communities”, by Randi Weingarten.

    Randi Weingarten

    The American Federation of Teachers has released a detailed road map that, in the absence of a COVID-19 vaccine, charts a path to safely and responsibly reopen school buildings and other institutions crucial to the well-being and economic vitality of our communities.

    “A Plan to Safely Reopen America’s Schools and Communities”, by Randi Weingarten.
  9. Trade union rights are human rights 20 May 2020

    Raise your hand for Justice for Every Child!

    The Justice for Every Child campaign, launched by the 100 Million campaign, urges the international community to take immediate action for marginalised children and young people.

    Raise your hand for Justice for Every Child!
  10. Trade union rights are human rights 19 May 2020

    “In Africa, making use of the Ebola epidemic experience to combat coronavirus”, by Kadiatou Bah and Salifou Camara.

    Salifou Camara, Kadiatou Bah

    Guineans have drawn lessons from Ebola, which has killed more than 2,500 people in our country. The country had neglected the disease when the first cases began in 2013 in a forest region around 900 kilometers from the capital. The first victims were not isolated, which encouraged contamination until an...

    “In Africa, making use of the Ebola epidemic experience to combat coronavirus”, by Kadiatou Bah and Salifou Camara.
  11. Trade union rights are human rights 19 May 2020

    South Africa: The safety of educators and students is of serious concern in the reopening of schools and colleges

    The South African Democratic Teachers’ Union (SADTU) has expressed grave concern at government plans to reopen schools and education institutions on 1 June. Urging the government to prioritise safety, the union has compiled preconditions and non-negotiable items to be met before any educators resume on-site teaching.

    South Africa: The safety of educators and students is of serious concern in the reopening of schools and colleges
  12. Trade union rights are human rights 19 May 2020

    Finding Hope: Children’s book launched to provide children with hope

    A new children’s book that aims to change the narrative around COVID-19 has been launched. “Hope, Where Are You?” also gives children and families hope during these times of the pandemic and school closures.

    Finding Hope: Children’s book launched to provide children with hope
  13. Trade union rights are human rights 18 May 2020

    Iraq: Education union fights for payment of educators’ salaries

    Education International firmly supports educators in Iraqi Kurdistan struggling to get salaries paid and condemns the brutal crackdown on their peaceful demonstrations by security forces.

    Iraq: Education union fights for payment of educators’ salaries
  14. Trade union rights are human rights 15 May 2020

    France: Teacher unions insist on health guarantees for students and their teachers for the reopening of education facilities

    French teachers have reacted to the government’s announcement of the relaxation of the lockdown and reopening of school facilities from 11 May, asking the public authorities for an assurance that the school year will be restarted with face-to-face education and full health safety measures to prevent the propagation of COVID-19...

    France: Teacher unions insist on health guarantees for students and their teachers for the reopening of education facilities