
  1. Union growth 20 May 2015

    The Netherlands: Turkish trade union leaders awarded

    Two Turkish trade unionists have been awarded the Febe Elisabeth Velasquez trade union award 2015 for their exceptional trade union work by the biggest trade union confederation in the Netherlands.

    The Netherlands: Turkish trade union leaders awarded
  2. Trade union rights are human rights 24 April 2015

    Former SUNY professor dies in drone strike

    The international higher education community mourns the death of an American colleague, Dr Warren Weinstein, who was held hostage by al-Qaida on the border of Pakistan and Afghanistan since 13 August 2011.

    Former SUNY professor dies in drone strike
  3. Trade union rights are human rights 22 April 2015

    USA: #BringBackOurGirls from Nigeria, say American educators

    One year after their abduction by Boko Haram terrorists, two female Nigerian students who escaped their kidnappers were hosted by American education unionists who renewed their pledge to see the remaining kidnapped students returned to their families.

    USA: #BringBackOurGirls from Nigeria, say American educators
  4. Union growth 16 April 2015

    Norway: Collective agreement a victory for teachers

    A strike by 17 teachers at a privately-run government funded school north of Oslo in Norway has ended, representing a victory for the teachers who were on strike since 18 March.

    Norway: Collective agreement a victory for teachers
  5. Trade union rights are human rights 10 April 2015

    Education awards go to Iraqi and Filipino leaders

    Education International has named two teacher union leaders from Iraq and the Philippines to be awarded human rights and education prizes for their outstanding commitment, engagement and courage in promoting education for all.

    Education awards go to Iraqi and Filipino leaders
  6. Trade union rights are human rights 10 April 2015

    Norway: private school teachers denied collective bargaining rights

    Teachers at a privately run government school have exercised their right to strike following management’s demand that they cut their ties with the Union of Education Norway.

    Norway: private school teachers denied collective bargaining rights
  7. Trade union rights are human rights 2 April 2015

    Kenya: Education community in mourning after attack on university

    Educators in Kenya have expressed their deepest sympathy to families and friends of over 140 students killed by Islamist gunmen in the town of Garissa in north-eastern Kenya today.

    Kenya: Education community in mourning after attack on university
  8. Union growth 1 April 2015

    Global Labour University offers a course on workers' rights in a global economy

    What are global workers’ rights? Which institutions and instruments can be used to realise them? The Global Labour University has launched an online course on Workers’ Rights in a Global Economy to help answer these questions, among others.

    Global Labour University offers a course on workers' rights in a global economy
  9. Trade union rights are human rights 16 March 2015

    UK: Government publishes schools asbestos review

    The UK government has published the findings of its asbestos policy in schools review after bowing to education unions’ sustained pressure to go public, but critics say if still falls short.

    UK: Government publishes schools asbestos review
  10. Trade union rights are human rights 13 March 2015

    Myanmar: trade unions condemn the terrible crackdown on students

    Education International has demanded that Myanmar’s public authorities stop the violent crackdown on student protests calling for changes to the National Education Law, and include them along educators’ representatives in the parliamentary discussions.

    Myanmar: trade unions condemn the terrible crackdown on students
  11. Trade union rights are human rights 13 March 2015

    Korea: Unions defend teachers on multiple fronts

    Korean teacher unions are actively defending their members’ status in moves to ensure that teachers’ pensions are protected benefit and that legal assistance is on-hand to protect their rights.

    Korea: Unions defend teachers on multiple fronts
  12. Trade union rights are human rights 10 March 2015

    UK teachers’ unions: review of asbestos in schools must be released

    Staff and children continue to be put at risk, say education unions in the United Kingdom, who are urging their government to immediately publish its own review of asbestos management in schools.

    UK teachers’ unions: review of asbestos in schools must be released
  13. Trade union rights are human rights 4 March 2015

    The right to strike worth fighting for in Zimbabwe and Niger

    Teacher unions from Zimbabwe and Niger answered Education International’s call to support the Global Action Day on the Right to Strike by organising and spearheading various activities that stressed the importance of taking labour action.

    The right to strike worth fighting for in Zimbabwe and Niger