
Annual report 2019

Throughout this challenging year, Education International drove union solidarity across borders and shaped the global agenda on education.

Scroll through the timeline below to find out more about our work in 2019.

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January 2019

25 years of Education International

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14 January 2019

Annual EI Development Cooperation meeting: setting the roadmap for 2023

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23 January 2019

Philippines: Teacher unionists threatened

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24 January 2019

International Day of Education: educators matter!

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30 January 2019

Germany: Standing together to remember the victims of the Holocaust

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13 February 2019

Haiti endorses the Safe Schools Declaration

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7 February 2019

A message from Africa’s teachers to the African Union Heads of State

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21 February 2019

Iran: Free teacher unionist detained in Kurdistan province!

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22 February 2019

Philippines: International solidarity against teacher harassment

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28 February 2019

"Students and Climate Change: A Lesson in Global Citizenship", by David Edwards

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28 February 2019

Constructing teachers’ professional identities

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11 February 2019

What do we really know about Bridge International Academies?

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March 2019

International Women’s Day

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6 March 2019

Education unions join in solidarity with Turkish teachers

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14 March 2019

The Casablanca Declaration: Unions denounce the privatisation of education

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15 March 2019

Teachers stand up in support of their students

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18 March 2019

Sudan: In solidarity with human rights activists

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March 2019

9th International Summit on the Teaching Profession

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20 March 2019

“Time to shine a bright light on and act in the Philippines”, by David Edwards, Anthony Bellanger, and Ambet Yuson

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25 March 2019

Urgent Action Appeal – Victims of cyclone Idai in Mozambique, Zimbabwe and Malawi

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28 March 2019

Costa Rica: EI condemns murder of indigenous leader

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14 March 2019

In sheep’s clothing: Philanthropy and the privatisation of the ‘democratic’ state

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4 April 2019

Democracy, human rights and the future of work on Executive Board’s agenda

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4 April 2019

The Philippines: Stop governmental harassment of education trade unionists

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11 April 2019

It’s time for the IFIs to do some spring cleaning

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17 April 2019

Global education union leaders in solidarity with African educators living in violence-ridden countries

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16 April 2019

WIPO: Discussions on copyright exceptions for education and research move forward

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23 April 2019

The Republic of Moldova endorses the Safe Schools Declaration

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30 April 2019

Pearson 2025 - Transforming teaching and privatising education data

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16 April 2019

The future of the teaching profession (Second edition)

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May 2019

World Education Support Personnel Day

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14 May 2019

Ghana: Accra forum strengthens social and policy dialogue in Africa

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23 May 2019

Asia-Pacific region calls for international action on copyright

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24 May 2019

Development cooperation: how can education unions work best as a network?

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June 2019

International Labour Conference

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12 June 2019

Inclusive quality public education crucial in ending child labour

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26 June 2019

Djibouti: teachers are being unfairly imprisoned

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29 June 2019

Copyright and Education

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July 2019

Education International's 8th World Congress

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9 July 2019

Solidarity with Hong Kong education unionists’ protest actions

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19 July 2019

CSFEF meeting underscores importance of Francophone trade union voices on climate change

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25 July 2019

Educators’ unions in Australia and the EU call for education to be carved out of trade negotiations

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July 2019

Off Track: Educators Assess Progress Towards SDG 4

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23 July 2019

Education: A Powerful Tool For Combatting Climate Change. A Guide For Education Unions And Educators

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15 July 2019

On Education & Democracy: 25 Lessons from the Teaching Profession

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31 July 2019

Technical and vocational education and training as a framework for social justice: Analysis and evidence from world case studies

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8 August 2019

International Day of the World’s Indigenous Peoples: Preserving, revitalising and promoting indigenous languages

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11 August 2019

International Youth Day – Transforming education for and with young people

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20 August 2019

500 days of injustice – We must right the wrong and #FreeLula

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23 August 2019

Amazon fires: Educators join in global outcry and demand responsible environmental policies

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28 August 2019

“G20: no long-lasting change without education”, by David Edwards.

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29 August 2019

EI calls on Employment and Labour Ministers in G20 countries to refocus on education

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28 August 2019

An education union guide to copyrights and copywrongs in education and research

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September 2019

Global Week of Climate Action

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2 September 2019

Educators for democracy and human rights: Education International joins Brussels protest in solidarity with the people of Hong Kong

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6 September 2019

Colombia: EI condemns threats made against educators’ unions FECODE and ASPU

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9 September 2019

Latin America Discusses Rights Violations in the Education Sector

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15 September 2019

“Education on the International Day of Democracy”, by David Edwards.

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3 October 2019

“Nothing about us without us: educators take the lead on professional teaching standards”, by David Edwards.

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8 October 2019

Education unionists in Asia-Pacific put forward recommendations to advance SDG4 and professional teaching standards

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11 October 2019

International Day of the Girl: educators celebrate the power of girls to change the world

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17 October 2019

Statement | EI calls on World Bank to change tack in education

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17 October 2019

Statement | Education International condemns Turkish aggression in Syria

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22 October 2019

Chile: Education International condemns political and military repression of anti-austerity protests

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25 October 2019

Philippines: International outrage at attempted extrajudicial killing of education union members

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17 October 2019

Privatisation and commodification of university in Latin America: The cases of Argentina, Peru, Chile and the Dominican Republic

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10 October 2019

Commercial Activity in Pacific Education

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November 2019

Ratify Convention 190! End violence and harassment in the world of work

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15 November 2019

Hong Kong: Educators stand with democracy defenders

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16 November 2019

Teachers and UNESCO team up to define professionalism for teaching and learning across the world

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20 November 2019

Statement | The Convention on the Rights of the Child at 30: Celebrating Progress, Facing Challenges

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22 November 2019

Bolivia: global education union leaders firmly condemn the coup d’état

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22 November 2019

55th EI Executive Board meeting takes strong positions on education and democracy issues

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27 November 2019

40th UNESCO General Conference: Teachers and educators at the core of achieving SDG 4

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29 November 2019

EI condemns the temporary closure of the Jerusalem office of the Palestinian Authority Ministry of Education by Israeli authorities

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4 November 2019

Global framework of professional teaching standards

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3 December 2019

International Day of Persons with Disabilities: EI calls for inclusion

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4 December 2019

10 December | Solidarity with human and trade union rights defenders in the Philippines

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6 December 2019

Latin America, united more than ever against neoliberalism and the extreme right

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10 December 2019

The global trade union movement puts the Philippine government on notice: hands off human and trade union rights defenders!

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11 December 2019

COP 25: Educators firmly commit to helping address the climate emergency

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18 December 2019

Education unions join international efforts to ensure refugees’ rights in and through education

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5 December 2019

Public education in Greece: Aspects and trends of emerging privatisation

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