
Annual report 2022

Throughout this challenging year, Education International drove union solidarity across borders and shaped the global agenda on education.

Scroll through the timeline below to find out more about our work in 2022.

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January 2022

International Day of Education

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10 January 2022

Eswatini: International trade union cooperation and solidarity to support educators

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21 January 2022

Africa: International solidarity allows for educators to teach using storybooks with local flavour

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4 February 2022

Albania: Education unions' success in combating child labour

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9 February 2022

Time to turn the tide: Privatisation trends in education in the Caribbean

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15 February 2022

Madagascar: International solidarity to ensure education continues in the wake of a natural disaster

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17 February 2022

Promoting the rights, dignity, and agency of migrants for an inclusive recovery

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March 2022

66th Session of the United Nations Commission on the Status of Women

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11 March 2022

Tonga: Global education union movement in solidarity after devastating volcanic eruption

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16 March 2022

World Bank to exit investment in for-profit school chain Bridge International Academies

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1 April 2022

Jordan: The harassment against union leaders and members must stop immediately

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5 April 2022

Amplifying young voices within trade unions in the COVID-19 new normal

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11 April 2022

Africa: Educators united to resist privatisation and defend quality public education

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20 April 2022

Teacher Wage Bill Constraints: Perspectives from the Classroom

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27 April 2022

Haiti: Seeds of international solidarity bear fruit

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28 April 2022

Lebanon: Education International mission in solidarity with teachers, students, and schools

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May 2022

International Summit on the Teaching Profession

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9 May 2022

Education and Copyright: obstacles to teaching in the digital age

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16 May 2022

The voice of educators at the UNESCO World Higher Education Conference

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May 2022

World Education Support Personnel Day

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17 May 2022

International Day Against Homophobia, Biphobia, and Transphobia: Safe and inclusive schools for students and teachers in all their diversity

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23 May 2022

Is it legal? Education and Copyright in the Digital Age

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June 2022

4th Education International World Women's Conference

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10 June 2022

Statement | World Day Against Child Labour

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13 June 2022

E-commerce, Education and Copyright: A Policy Brief

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15 June 2022

Education International reaffirms the crucial role of social dialogue for quality education systems

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12 June 2022

Solidarity sparks union renewal programme in Asia-Pacific

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June 2022

Solidarity with students and teachers in Afghanistan

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20 June 2022

World Refugee Day: Education unions stand with refugee students and educators around the world

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21 June 2022

Demanding progress for education and research at the World Intellectual Property Organization

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24 June 2022

Education versus austerity

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8 July 2022

European educators reaffirm their commitment to enhance the status of the teaching profession for inclusive, peaceful, democratic and sustainable societies

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26 July 2022

Madagascar: education trade unionists relay international solidarity aid to colleagues affected by natural disaster

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27 July 2022

Belarus: Education International denounces liquidation of independent trade unions and imprisonment of trade unionists

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August 2022

Advancing the rights of Indigenous Peoples

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8 August 2022

Education International Latin America to visit Chile to express support for the new constitution and its defence of the right to education

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26 August 2022

Nepal: Privatisation does not ensure equal access to education, more investment in public education is needed

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September 2022

Transforming Education Summit

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15 September 2022

Latin America and the world to celebrate Paulo Freire's legacy

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September 2022

Solidarity with colleagues in Iran

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22 September 2022

Women education workers in Latin America join forces in the fight for gender equality in unions, education, and societies

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October 2022

World Teachers’ Day 2022: We transform education

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10 October 2022

Education unions honour a decade fighting for the rights of girls in and through education and renew their commitment for the future

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10 October 2022

Statement | Myanmar: Global Unions call for the release of jailed trade unionists and the recognition of the NUG

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25 October 2022

Ghana: Campaign against privatisation and commercialisation of education

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25 October 2022

Education unions on the move to rebuild in Asia-Pacific

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26 October 2022

Francophone education unions want to put governments back on track to achieve quality education

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31 October 2022

Women’s Participation in Education Unions in a Time of Covid-19

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November 2022

Teach for the Planet

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4 November 2022

From research to global action for quality public education

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21 November 2022

Global education union leaders call for investment in education and renew their call to international solidarity

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November 2022

16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence

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22 November 2022

Global push for quality early childhood education

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1 December 2022

Building Momentum to End School-Related Gender-Based Violence in the Time of COVID-19

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8 December 2022

Human Rights Day: Education unions mobilise and organise in defence of human rights everywhere

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8 December 2022

Trade union rights toolkit

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20 December 2022

Arab educators ready to transform their unions to transform education

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21 December 2022

Belarus: Education International denounces the political trials against union leaders

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22 December 2022

The John Thompson programme, a tool for union development and renewal

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