
Annual report 2023

2023 in review by David Edwards

Dear colleagues,

In 2023 the education union movement worked together across borders to mobilize and organize for public education and educators everywhere, to support colleagues in need, and to strengthen our unions.

We started the year with the launch of our global campaign Go Public! Fund Education. Our urgent call for governments to fully fund public education and invest in teachers rang out across the world and drove our advocacy throughout the year.

We put the Go Public! message on the global center stage, from the United Nations Commission on the Status of Women to the International Labour Conference, from the International Summit on the Teaching Profession to the Global Refugee Forum and beyond.

Our advocacy was transformative. The United Nations High-Level Panel on the Teaching Profession began its work in 2023, developing a set of progressive and ambitious recommendations to end the global teacher shortage and ensure our profession is respected and valued. Education International was represented on the Panel by our President Susan Hopgood and by our colleagues Manal Hdaife, Chair of the Education International Arab Countries Cross Regional Structure Committee, and Mike Thiruman, General Secretary of the Singapore Teachers Union.

In July we came together for our very first online World Congress. Education International’s 9th World Congress focused on the theme of ‘Growing our unions, elevating our professions, defending democracy’ and allowed us to make important decisions for our union federations. The 10th World Congress will be hosted in person in Buenos Aires, Argentina in July 2024.

Our Teach for the Planet campaign also gained momentum in 2023. We launched new research and briefings on a just transition in education and divesting from fossil fuels, we continued to advocate for quality climate education for all and forge alliances. We organized the very first climate conference in Asia Pacific, and we strategized together through the Climate Network.

All Education International networks thrived this year, meeting online and in person and working together to advance our mission. In addition to the Climate Network, the Research Network, the Communicators’ Network, and the Development Cooperation Network all came together in 2023.

We also had the opportunity to meet in person for two global conferences – the 2nd Education International Education Support Personnel Conference in May, in Portugal and the 12th International Further and Higher Education and Research Conference in October, in Mexico, in addition to regional conferences in Africa and Asia-Pacific.

Throughout the year, we mobilized to support our colleagues in crisis in Turkiye and Syria, Myanmar, Palestine and Israel, Ukraine, Afghanistan, Morocco, Eswatini, Iran, Argentina, Brazil, and the Philippines and many more.

To find out more about our work in 2023, please explore the timeline below and visit the rest of the website for even more examples of the solidarity, resilience and transformative power of our movement.

In solidarity,

David Edwards

General Secretary | Education International

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January 2023

Go Public! Fund Education

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9 January 2023

Africa: Education unions benefit from South-South development cooperation and solidarity

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10 January 2023

Education International condemns the attack on democracy in Brazil

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February 2023

Solidarity with colleagues affected by the earthquake in Türkiye and Syria

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1 February 2023

Myanmar : Global Action Day and solidarity for the return of democracy

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9 February 2023

Canada and Ireland ratify ILO Convention 190, others must join to eradicate violence and harassment in the world of work

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9 February 2023

Uruguay: Trade unions denounce espionage of teachers and students

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14 February 2023

Education in Lebanon – a crisis with no end in sight

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16 February 2023

Haiti: Society and education communities in the grip of chaos

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February 2023

Education International launches Afghan Teachers’ Rights Observatory

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16 February 2023

Philippines: Educators submit recommendations to ILO to ensure the protection of trade union rights

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17 February 2023

Development cooperation backs up Arab education unions’ actions for democracy, gender equality and quality education

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23 February 2023

Malawi: Education union action rescues children from forced labour and keeps them in schools

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28 February 2023

Toolkit to Build Union Strength

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March 2023

Advocating for gender-transformative quality public education at the United Nations Commission on the Status of Women

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13 March 2023

Education unions urge governments to fund inclusive education

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14 March 2023

Central African Republic: Education Global Union Federation welcomes release of arrested union leaders

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16 March 2023

Education International statement on human rights violations and anti-union attacks in the education sector in the Philippines

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March 2023

Teacher-led learning circles for formative assessment

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20 March 2023

Development cooperation partners reaffirm their commitment to support education unions’ capacity-building activities

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23 March 2023

Education International brings support to help cushion the impact of Cyclone Freddy

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April 2023

Solidarity and support for the Swaziland National Association of Teachers

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14 April 2023

Development cooperation and solidarity in the Caribbean, in times of COVID-19 and afterwards

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14 April 2023

Great steps forward for teaching and research at the World Intellectual Property Organisation

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19 April 2023

Sudan – Education International calls for the protection of students, teachers and education facilities

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April 2023

13th annual International Summit on the Teaching Profession

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24 April 2023

Education International provides educators with a tool to support the strengthening of their unions

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25 April 2023

The Gambia: Development cooperation supports teacher union’s co-operative credit union

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30 April 2023

May Day 2023: Education unions call on governments to Go Public! Fund Education

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May 2023

Second World Education Support Personnel Conference

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4 May 2023

Ivory Coast: Teachers mobilise communities to end child labour

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17 May 2023

IDAHOBIT 2023: Everyone belongs in our unions!

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June 2023

United Nations High-Level Panel on the Teaching Profession

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6 June 2023

Education International stands with Ukraine: Union leaders in Kyiv meet colleagues and show solidarity

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9 June 2023

Eradicating child labour and getting children (back) into school: a fight waged by teachers and their unions around the world

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7 June 2023

Madagascar: trade union solidarity with teachers affected by natural disasters

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June 2023

111th International Labour Conference

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12 June 2023

ComNet: Communicators working together to change the narrative around public education

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19 June 2023

Uganda: Education International condemns the horrific attack on Lhubiriha Secondary school

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21 June 2023

The government of the Jujuy province in Argentina must immediately stop attacking its people

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July 2023

9th Education International World Congress

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7 July 2023

Inclusive, quality education: the key to ending child labour

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17 July 2023

Education International’s Executive Board: World Congress, 30 years of mobilising, artificial intelligence in education, addressing the global teacher shortage

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31 July 2023

Empowering Women Education Workers: Summary of the EILA Regional Network Meeting

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8 August 2023

International Day of the World’s Indigenous Peoples 2023

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23 August 2023

Concerns mount over teacher detentions and threats in Angola

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25 August 2023

Resisting and reimagining Artificial Intelligence

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31 August 2023

Destroyed schools, bomb shelters, air-raid sirens: Ukraine’s children begin another school year in wartime

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September 2023

Solidarity with colleagues in Iran

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1 September 2023

A cry for justice: Solidarity with teachers in South Korea

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13 September 2023

Libya: Solidarity Statement Following Deadly Floods

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14 September 2023

Education trade unions and Indigenous Peoples: A firm commitment in Latin America

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14 September 2023

Caribbean educators develop their skills on trade union organisation and gender issues

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15 September 2023

Urgent Action Appeal: Earthquake in Morocco

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28 September 2023

Higher Education in the International Digital Economy: Effects of Conflicting Copyright Regimes on Cross-Border Teaching

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28 September 2023

Tanzania: EI requests the Government to stop meddling in the internal affairs of the Tanzania Teachers Union

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October 2023

Advocating for peace in Israel and Palestine

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5 October 2023

Africa honors its teachers, key transformation agents of education and the continent

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17 October 2023

France: Education International stands in solidarity with the education community following the murder of a teacher

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October 2023

12th International Further and Higher Education and Research Conference

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18 October 2023

The Unintended Consequences of Artificial Intelligence and Education

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19 October 2023

Teachers and technology

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October 2023

International Barometer on Education Staff

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20 October 2023

EI's Research Network: Critical dialogues on teacher status and artificial intelligence in education

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26 October 2023

Gender, education, and a global view on the ‘crisis of care’

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30 October 2023

New research informs union work to overcome copyright obstacles for teachers and teaching

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November 2023

Teach for the Planet

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3 November 2023

Decolonising education unions’ development cooperation projects

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7 November 2023

Copyright limitations and exceptions for the use of digital materials in teaching and learning environments

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20 November 2023

We stand with France Castro. Education International firmly condemns the death threats against the Filipino congresswoman

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November 2023

16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence

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17 November 2023

Education International’s Executive Board meet and address the progress and challenges of educators worldwide

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28 November 2023

Morocco: Education unions rally to support earthquake victims

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30 November 2023

Early childhood educators: New data on the challenges they face raises the alarm about an education sector at risk

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December 2023

Promoting the rights of migrants and refugees

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7 December 2023

PISA global survey: Investing in teachers and education systems helped mitigate the impact of Covid

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8 December 2023

Our global solidarity is imperative to defend human rights

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12 December 2023

Decent work for early childhood personnel: 10 years since the adoption of the ILO Policy Guidelines and the way forward

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21 December 2023

International solidarity in the face of regressive actions by the government of Argentina

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