
An aircraft of the New Zealand Defence Force flies over an area of Tonga that shows the heavy ash fall from the recent volcanic eruption within the Tongan Islands. Credit: Crown Copyright 2021, New Zealand Defence Force. Licenced under Creative Commons BY 4.0.
An aircraft of the New Zealand Defence Force flies over an area of Tonga that shows the heavy ash fall from the recent volcanic eruption within the Tongan Islands. Credit: Crown Copyright 2021, New Zealand Defence Force. Licenced under Creative Commons BY 4.0.

Tonga: Global education union movement in solidarity after devastating volcanic eruption

published 11 March 2022 updated 17 June 2024

Education International has launched an Urgent Action Appeal after being contacted by its member organisation in Tonga, the Friendly Islands Teachers’ Association (FITA/Tonga), regarding the plight of its members in the areas affected by the volcanic eruption on 15 January 2022.

The Hunga Tonga submarine volcano erupted violently at 5pm local time, some 60 kilometers north of Tongatapu, Tonga’s main island. The eruption, which registered as hundreds of times more powerful than the first atomic bomb, triggered a tsunami that swept over Tonga’s low-lying islands and reached Fiji, Vanuatu and many other areas along the Pacific rim.

The atmospheric plume from the volcanic eruption in the Pacific nation of Tonga is pictured from the International Space Station as it orbited above the Pacific Ocean northwest of Auckland, New Zealand. By NASA / Kayla Barron - https://www.flickr.com/photos/nasa2explore

Four deaths have been reported in Tonga, but all FITA colleagues are safe. Still, the situation in the country remains extremely difficult. Most of the land area was covered by ash and debris, and power outages remain frequent. Communications and access to internet have been interrupted due to extensive damage to undersea cables. Most drinking water remains polluted, with Tongans having relied on expensive bottled water for the last seven weeks. The country has also had to deal with its first-ever COVID-19 outbreak after getting its first cases from aid workers delivering humanitarian supplies.

Education International has already made an initial financial contribution to help FITA purchase supplies after its office was damaged in the disaster. However, much more is needed for FITA to be able to resume activities and help its members. We therefore invite member organisations to support their sister organisation in Tonga by contributing to the EI Solidarity Fund at:

Education International 

ING Bank 

24, Avenue Marnix 

1000 Brussels 

IBAN: BE05 3101 0061 7075 


With the indication UAA (Urgent Action Appeal) Tonga Solidarity fund.