

  1. Standards and working conditions 3 June 2014

    Canada: Call for applications to Norm Goble World Teachers’ Day Award

    The Canadian Teachers’ Federation (CTF) has launched the Norm Goble World Teachers’ Day Award. Only organisations with whom CTF has a current or recent (past five years) partnership are eligible to apply and earn C$1,000 to carry out its proposed World Teachers’ Day (WTD) activities.

    Canada: Call for applications to Norm Goble World Teachers’ Day Award
  2. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 3 June 2014

    Philippines: Union’s Congress focuses on quality education

    The National Alliance of Teachers and Office Workers (SMP-NATOW), one of EI’s national affiliates in the Philippines, held it 13th National Congress in Mandaluyong on 25-26 May with the theme “SMP-NATOW at 43: united, great, and free”. The EI Unite for Quality Education (Unite) Campaign was one of the sub-themes...

    Philippines: Union’s Congress focuses on quality education
  3. Standards and working conditions 3 June 2014

    Ghana: Teachers mobilise for better conditions

    Hundreds of members of the National Association of Graduate Teachers (NAGRAT), one of EI’s national affiliates in Ghana, together with the Concerned Teachers Association of Ghana, staged a massive demonstration in Kumasi on 20 May to protest against poor working conditions.

    Ghana: Teachers mobilise for better conditions
  4. Trade union rights are human rights 3 June 2014

    International Labour Conference: A lot at stake for trade unionism

    Collective bargaining and the right to strike have become contested issues at the International Labour Conference over the last few years. At this year’s conference, from 28 May to 12 June, trade unions from all over the world are working together to defend what they see as fundamental workers’ rights.

    International Labour Conference: A lot at stake for trade unionism
  5. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 2 June 2014

    Haiti: Agreement promotes quality education

    More than a fortnight of countrywide strikes and demonstrations has resulted in an agreement being signed by the Ministry of Education and Vocational Training (MENFP) with the platform of Haitian teachers’ unions.

    Haiti: Agreement promotes quality education
  6. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 30 May 2014

    Uganda: Five per cent of school-age children have never gone to school

    One out of every 20 children of school-going age (7 to 15 years) in Uganda has never attended school, despite Uganda’s policy on free education.That’s according to an Out of School Children Study in Uganda reportreleased on 7 May. The report, which presents a grim picture of Uganda’s efforts to...

    Uganda: Five per cent of school-age children have never gone to school
  7. Equity and inclusion 30 May 2014

    USA: Yearbook controversy highlights challenges of inclusive schools

    EI has strongly condemned the fact that 18-year-old Jessica Urbina, who wore a stylist tuxedo in her high school portrait, was told by school officials that her picture would not appear in her class yearbook due to the Archdiocese of San Francisco’s rule that girls must appear in dresses for...

    USA: Yearbook controversy highlights challenges of inclusive schools
  8. Union growth 29 May 2014

    The Canadian Teachers’ Federation stands up for locked out BC teachers

    Teachers under siege in British Columbia have found a supportive union ally in their fight against aggressive government tactics as an imposed lockout disrupts classrooms across the province.

    The Canadian Teachers’ Federation stands up for locked out BC teachers
  9. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 28 May 2014

    Deconstructing education myths together

    Tackling myths in education was at the forefront of discussions at the Global Education Conference in Montreal today as union leaders looked at ways to keep policy free of falsehoods.

    Deconstructing education myths together
  10. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 28 May 2014

    Improving the quality of vocational education and training

    The Thematic Working Group on VET of the European Commission met in Brussels on 14 - 15 March. ETUCE was represented by Daniel Taubman (UCU UK).

    Improving the quality of vocational education and training
  11. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 28 May 2014

    Working on transversal skills

    The Thematic Working Group on Transversal skills of the European Commission met in Brussels on 29-30 January 2014. ETUCE was represented by Brian Cookson (NASUWT, UK) and Guus Wijngaards (AoB NL).

    Working on transversal skills
  12. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 28 May 2014

    Collaboration on school policies to fight early school leaving

    The Thematic Working Groups of the European Commission on School Policy dealing with Teacher Education and Early School Leaving met in Brussels on 20-21 February 2014. ETUCE was represented by Hans Laugesen GL (DK) and Dan Taubmann (UK). In 2010 the member states of the EU adopted the EU2020 Strategy...

    Collaboration on school policies to fight early school leaving
  13. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 28 May 2014

    Quality assurance and mobility in higher education

    The Thematic Working Group on modernising higher education of the European Commission organised a meeting in Brussels on 29 March 2014. ETUCE was represented by Jens Vraa-Jensen (Denmark).

    Quality assurance and mobility in higher education
  14. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 28 May 2014

    Recent European developments in adult learning

    ETUCE is represented in thematic working groups of the European Commission. The Thematic Working Group on Adult Learning of the European Commission organised a meeting on 3 March 2014. ETUCE was represented by Rossella Benedetti (UilScuola, Italy).

    Recent European developments in adult learning
  15. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 28 May 2014

    Towards a European Area of Skills and Qualifications

    The European Commission run a public consultation until 15 April 2014 to create the so-called European Area of Skills and Qualifications. ETUCE encouraged its member organisations in Europe to fill in the questionnaire using a joint ETUCE-ETUC position.

    Towards a European Area of Skills and Qualifications
  16. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 28 May 2014

    Adult Learning in EU trade agreements

    The controversial Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) is a comprehensive trade agreement currently being negotiated between the European Union and the United States. Even though education is rarely mentioned by the TTIP negotiators, unfortunately there is not a guarantee that the European education and training systems will not be...

    Adult Learning in EU trade agreements
  17. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 28 May 2014

    Investir dans l'éducation et la formation

    The Education Council adopted Conclusions on Efficient and Innovative Education and Training to Invest in Skills on 24 February 2014.

    Investir dans l'éducation et la formation