

  1. Leading the profession 28 April 2014

    Migration and austerity under EI Research Network spotlight

    EI wants free universal quality education for all to be a key priority for governments in the post-2015 agenda. That was the message from EI Deputy General Secretary David Edwards at EI’s 10th annual EI Research Network meeting being held from 28-29 April in Brussels, Belgium.

    Migration and austerity under EI Research Network spotlight
  2. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 25 April 2014

    Putting teachers first is answer to learning crisis

    The global learning crisis is costing governments worldwide over $129 billion a year and excluding millions of children from education. Giving support to teachers is key in order to overcome this, according to the Global Monitoring Report (GMR) of 2014.

    Putting teachers first is answer to learning crisis
  3. Standards and working conditions 25 April 2014

    AFT president lashes out at Pearson tests following Times Op-Ed

    A principal’s opinion piece in the New York Times criticizing standardized testing in US schools has invoked a fierce reaction of support from the top of one of America’s biggest teachers’ unions.

    AFT president lashes out at Pearson tests following Times Op-Ed
  4. Equity and inclusion 25 April 2014

    EI working for fair recruitment of education professionals

    Education International (EI), together with social partner agencies and academic institutions, was represented at a workshop on the Fair Recruitment Initiative (FRI) organised by the Global Migration Group Task Force on Migration and Decent Work, held at the International labour organisation (ILO)-International Training Centre (ITC), in Turin, Italy, from 23-24...

    EI working for fair recruitment of education professionals
  5. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 25 April 2014

    Kenya: teacher union applies for Teachers' TV channel license

    The Kenya National Union of Teachers (KNUT), one of EI national affiliates, has announced that it applied for a television broadcasting license to provide educational content that has been missing from TV and radio, to assist teachers in providing students with better quality education.

    Kenya: teacher union applies for Teachers' TV channel license
  6. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 24 April 2014

    ETUCE Committee adopts the support package to Ukraine

    The ETUCE Committee expressed strong solidarity with the ETUCE members and their affiliates in Ukraine and unanimously supported the call to provide moral, political and financial support to our colleagues.

    ETUCE Committee adopts the support package to Ukraine
  7. Standards and working conditions 23 April 2014

    France: Government renews its pledge to reform education

    The new French Prime Minister says he will forge ahead with promised education reforms as three national teachers’ unions challenged his government to put quality education at the top of his agenda.

    France: Government renews its pledge to reform education
  8. Equity and inclusion 23 April 2014

    Irish teacher unions host Education International’s second World Women’s Conference

    400 participants convened in Dublin on 7 – 9 April 2014 for (e)quality education. Following the conference motto, from words to action, female leaders in education and teacher unions from around the world gathered to tackle some of the biggest challenges for gender equality in education.

    Irish teacher unions host Education International’s second World Women’s Conference
  9. Equity and inclusion 23 April 2014

    ETUC Women’s Committee, 10-11 April 2014

    The women delegates from the national trade union confederations and European trade union federations discussed amongst other topics, the ETUC campaign towards the elections of the European Parliament and the new ETUC Resolution on gender equality. The latter is to be presented for adoption to the ETUC Executive Committee in...

    ETUC Women’s Committee, 10-11 April 2014
  10. Union renewal and development 23 April 2014

    Portugal: Trade unions’ role in defining and delivering quality education, FNE-CEDEFOP study-visit on the role of social dialogue

    ETUCE affiliates from Portugal - FNE (Federação Nacional da Educação) in cooperation with CEDEFOP (European Centre for the Development of Vocational Education and Training) organised a study-visit in Porto (PT) from 24 to 28 March 2014, as part of the EI/ETUCE Campaign Unite for Quality Education.

    Portugal: Trade unions’ role in defining and delivering quality education, FNE-CEDEFOP study-visit on the role of social dialogue
  11. Union renewal and development 23 April 2014

    Online consultation on teaching and learning 21st century skills

    KeyCoNet, the European schoolnet’s key competences network, invites teacher, head teachers, parents, students and other education stakeholders to participate in an online public consultation on 21st century skills and competence-based teaching and learning in schools.

    Online consultation on teaching and learning 21st century skills
  12. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 23 April 2014

    Successful: Learning more about the dual VET system in Austria

    On 7 - 9 April 2014, 25 vocational education and training (VET) experts of ETUCE member organisations from 17 countries met in Vienna for a ETUCE - ETUI training seminar on The role of the teachers’ trade unions in quality assurance in all forms of Vocational Education and Training.

    Successful: Learning more about the dual VET system in Austria
  13. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 23 April 2014

    Teaching Profession Now and in Future - Passing on Cultural Values

    The Spring ETUCE Committee 2014 On 14-15 April 2014, the ETUCE Committee convened to debate on the major challenges and issues currently at stake in the education sector in Europe. Bringing the future priorities for teacher unions in Europe into focus, the Committee members decided that the ETUCE Special conference...

    Teaching Profession Now and in Future - Passing on Cultural Values
  14. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 23 April 2014

    Spain: Austerity called into question

    Austerity measures and structural reforms have come under fire in Spain, one of the countries most affected by the economic crisis. Now, the Constitutional Court of Spain and the International Labour Organisation (ILO) are reviewing the viability and adequacy of the laws passed as part of the restructuring plans.

    Spain: Austerity called into question
  15. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 22 April 2014

    Quality education takes centre stage across the UK as unions call for policy change

    National teachers’ unions across the UK delivered a similar message in support of their members and students, calling for quality education and targeting government policy as members congregated at their annual conferences throughout the Easter break.

    Quality education takes centre stage across the UK as unions call for policy change
  16. Union renewal and development 17 April 2014

    Education International sends condolences to South Korean ferry victims

    Education International would like to express its strongest condolences to the families of those lost and still missing following the tragic South Korean ferry sinking off the country’s south-western coast. The ferry, en-route from Incheon to the tourist island of Jeju capsized April 16 with 475 passengers and crew on...

    Education International sends condolences to South Korean ferry victims
  17. Trade union rights are human rights 17 April 2014

    Nigerian Teachers’ union condemns abduction of female students

    Eight students are still missing after Nigeria’s military rescued 121 school girls two days after they were kidnapped at gunpoint in the country’s north-eastern Borno State. In response, The Nigeria Union of Teachers (NUT) has firmly condemned the 14 April abductions carried-out by suspected members of the terrorist group Boko...

    Nigerian Teachers’ union condemns abduction of female students