

  1. Trade union rights are human rights 17 April 2014

    Lebanon: strike follows Government failure to decide educators’ salary increase

    The Union Coordination Committee (UCC) comprising Lebanon’s four EI national affiliates – the Ligue des professeurs de l’enseignement secondaire public du Liban (LPESPL), the Teachers Syndicate of Lebanon (TSL), the Comité des enseignants techniques officiels (CETO), and the Public Primary Schools Teachers League in Lebanon (PPSTLL) - along with other...

    Lebanon: strike follows Government failure to decide educators’ salary increase
  2. Union renewal and development 16 April 2014

    Education unions urged to keep political parties at a distance in Accra

    Education unions should keep a safe distance from political parties was the message Marieme Sakho Dansokho told members of the African regional committee in Accra from 14-16 April. The Secretary General of the Teachers' Union of Senegal (SYPROS) said that some of the difficulties faced by African education unions are...

    Education unions urged to keep political parties at a distance in Accra
  3. Union renewal and development 16 April 2014

    Philippines: EI affiliates assess post-typhoon needs

    EI’s national affiliate, the Alliance of Concerned Teachers (ACT), the Federation of Free Workers – Trade Federation VII (FFW), the National Alliance of Teachers and Office Workers (SMP-NATOW), and the Teachers’ Organisation of the Philippine Public Sector (TOPPS) conducted the EI Post Haiyan (Yolanda) Rehabilitation Initiative from 3-7 March in...

    Philippines: EI affiliates assess post-typhoon needs
  4. Trade union rights are human rights 14 April 2014

    EI throws support behind Moldovan union to kick start salary negotiations

    Moldova’s Prime Minister has made a personal pledge to find the sources needed to increase teacher pay by 1 May following a week of mass teacher-led protests outside of parliament.

    EI throws support behind Moldovan union to kick start salary negotiations
  5. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 14 April 2014

    Education International joins global leaders to launch Emergency Coalition

    Education International strengthened its global partnerships Thursday as it joined an emergency coalition of leaders set on getting all children into quality schools.

    Education International joins global leaders to launch Emergency Coalition
  6. Standards and working conditions 11 April 2014

    Icelandic social partners in education end labour dispute with successful result

    On 4 April 2014, a new agreement ended the recent conflict between the Icelandic EI member organisation Kennarasamband Islands (KI) and the Icelandic government. In the background of the dispute which lasted for three weeks and culminated in several days of strike of the upper secondary teachers, there was the...

    Icelandic social partners in education end labour dispute with successful result
  7. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 10 April 2014

    500 days to get 57 million children to school

    Working together to break down the barriers to education for the 57 million out-of-school children: this is the key aim of the 2015 Countdown Summit taking place today, 10 April, in Washington, DC, in the US. With only 500 days left to achieve the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), EI will...

    500 days to get 57 million children to school
  8. Equity and inclusion 9 April 2014

    Dublin: Collective action, individual responsibility at heart of sustainable progress on gender equity

    In an era of increased attacks on education unions and on public education, and when 100 million young women cannot read a single sentence, EI’s role as a trade union, a professional organisation, and an advocate for quality education has never been more important. These were the sentiments expressed by...

    Dublin: Collective action, individual responsibility at heart of sustainable progress on gender equity
  9. Equity and inclusion 8 April 2014

    Dublin: Different struggles, same goals for women in education

    An equitable and quality education for all that nurtures critical thinking must be embedded in a broader struggle for social justice. That’s according to Mary Metcalfe, Chairperson of the Open Society Foundations’ Education Advisory Board. She was addressing the second day of EI’s three-day Second World Women’s Conference being held...

    Dublin: Different struggles, same goals for women in education
  10. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 8 April 2014

    Euro-demonstration: 50.0000 people demanded new directions for Europe

    50.000 people from 21 European countries took to the streets of Brussels to participate in the large European trade union demonstration organised by ETUC on 4th April 2014 in Brussels. Trade unions from many different sectors and from all over Europe raised their voice against further austerity measures and for...

    Euro-demonstration: 50.0000 people demanded new directions for Europe
  11. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 8 April 2014

    New report underlines the fact that Europe is still suffering from the crisis

    The Social Protection Committee released the 2013 annual report on the social situation in the European Union named ''Social Europe – many ways, one objective" on 19 March 2014. The report stresses that the social situation in the European Union is not improving while in some countries the situation is...

    New report underlines the fact that Europe is still suffering from the crisis
  12. Union growth 8 April 2014

    Social workers more likely to work while sick

    Social workers are more likely to come to work while sick than the average worker in EU28, a recent Eurofound report shows. The report compares working conditions for social workers in kindergartens, schools, youth services, and social care with the EU28 as a whole.

    Social workers more likely to work while sick
  13. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 8 April 2014

    The European Commission declares that public consultation is not a referendum

    On 27 March 2014, the European Commission finally launched its public consultation on investment protection and investor-state dispute settlement (ISDS). The deadline for submission will be three months following the date when the consultation is available in all official EU languages.

    The European Commission declares that public consultation is not a referendum
  14. Equity and inclusion 8 April 2014

    The European Institute for Gender Equality meets Trade Union Representatives - Members of the ETUCE Equality Working Group share their experience with the institute

    The European Institute for Gender Equality (EIGE) invited trade union representatives for a cross-sectoral meeting on its premises in Vilnius on 25 March 2014.

    The European Institute for Gender Equality meets Trade Union Representatives - Members of the ETUCE Equality Working Group share their experience with the institute
  15. Equity and inclusion 7 April 2014

    Dublin:Women central to sustainable future development

    The future will be created in classrooms. This was the key message of Her Excellency Tarja Halonen in her keynote opening speech to the EI’s Second World Women’s Conference today, 7 April, in Dublin, Ireland. Addressing almost 400 delegates from education trade unions representing around 90 countries across the globe,...

    Dublin:Women central to sustainable future development
  16. Union renewal and development 7 April 2014

    New issue of Worlds of Education published

    The 43rd issue of Education International’s on-line magazine, Worlds of Education, has been published. The magazine is available at www.worldsofeducation.org.

    New issue of Worlds of Education published