

  1. Trade union rights are human rights 15 March 2014

    Ukraine: A hotline for students and teachers in the Crimea

    The Ukrainian education ministry has established a hotline for teachers and students in the Crimea who may find themselves Russian citizens after the referendum on 16 March. “We get a lot of calls from young people who are very worried about their future”, a deputy education minister told an Education...

    Ukraine: A hotline for students and teachers in the Crimea
  2. Trade union rights are human rights 14 March 2014

    Ukraine: Global unions in solidarity with affected workers

    A delegation from EI visited Kiev from 13-14 March in a show of support for the national teacher unions of Ukraine and the country’s democratic movement. Led by EI General Secretary Fred van Leeuwen, the delegation was composed of teacher union leaders from Bulgaria, the United Kingdom, and the United...

    Ukraine: Global unions in solidarity with affected workers
  3. Equity and inclusion 14 March 2014

    UNCSW58: Women’s Leadership a priority in the post-2015 agenda

    Over 100 women from the five sub-regions of Africa discussed achievements in increasing women in leadership and decision-making roles in public life at a side event on 13 March to the 58th Session of the UN Commission on the Status of Women (UNCSW58). The meeting also considered priorities for the...

    UNCSW58: Women’s Leadership a priority in the post-2015 agenda
  4. Fighting the commercialisation of education 14 March 2014

    European teachers and students raise concerns with US-EU trade partnership

    Organisations representing teachers and students from across Europe are expressing concern about the potential impact of a proposed EU-US free trade deal. Negotiators from the European Union and the United States met in Brussels this week to continue controversial talks on the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP). The goal...

    European teachers and students raise concerns with US-EU trade partnership
  5. Standards and working conditions 13 March 2014

    OECD: Education policies report to be launched at 2014 ISTP

    A report, “Equity, Excellence and Inclusiveness – policy lessons from around the world”, will be presented at the fourth International Summit on the Teaching Profession 2014 (ISTP). The report, which underpins the summit, will be presented by Andreas Schleicher, the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development’s (OECD) Deputy Director for...

    OECD: Education policies report to be launched at 2014 ISTP
  6. Equity and inclusion 12 March 2014

    Afghanistan: Rebuilding girls’ education after decades of conflict

    Nahida, a school principal in Kabul, is the third participant in the ten-week #TeacherTuesday campaign, organised around the Education For All (EFA) Global Monitoring Report (GMR) 2013/4. In Afghanistan, conflict has raged for decades, cultural opposition to girls’ schooling is deep-seated, and education for girls was banned altogether under the...

    Afghanistan: Rebuilding girls’ education after decades of conflict
  7. Standards and working conditions 12 March 2014

    Cameroon: Unions still waiting for improvements in working conditions

    EI’s national affiliates in Cameroon, the Fédération camerounaise des syndicats de l’Education(FECASE), the Fédération des syndicats de l’Enseignement et de la Recherche(FESER) and the Syndicat des travailleurs des établissements scolaires privés du Cameroun(SYNTESPRIC), have called on teachers to take action to improve their status and working conditions.

    Cameroon: Unions still waiting for improvements in working conditions
  8. Union renewal and development 11 March 2014

    Finland: Quality teachers vital to development

    On 4 March, the Opetusalan Ammattijärjestö (OAJ), one of EI’s national affiliates, attended a meeting coordinated by the Finnish Minister for Development Cooperation, Pekka Haavisto, and also attended by other trade unions and NGOs, to discuss development cooperation issues. The main discussion theme was education and the post-2015 global development...

    Finland: Quality teachers vital to development
  9. Equity and inclusion 11 March 2014

    Beyond 2015: Putting girls’ education at the heart of the agenda

    “Which government is prepared to tell a girl that she will never be able to go to school, and neither will her children or her grandchildren, but, if she is very lucky, her great-grandchild might be the first girl of her family to go to school?” asked EI President Susan...

    Beyond 2015: Putting girls’ education at the heart of the agenda
  10. Equity and inclusion 11 March 2014

    Women work 59 days ‘for free’

    On average, women work 59 days unpaid per year. On occasion of the 4th European Equal Pay Day, the European Commission has released the new brochure Tackling the gender pay gap in the European Union, which explains the gender pay gap, its causes and the benefits of closing it.

    Women work 59 days ‘for free’
  11. Equity and inclusion 11 March 2014

    One in three women experienced violence

    33 % of women living in the European Union have experienced physical and/or sexual violence since the age of 15, and one in 20 women was raped since the age of 15. These insights were revealed by an EU-wide survey on violence against women published by the European Agency for...

    One in three women experienced violence
  12. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 11 March 2014

    Higher Education: early stage researchers’ status to be solved

    On 6 -7 of March, 38 ETUCE members from 22 different countries, met in the framework of the Higher Education& Research Standing Committee (HERSC) meeting.

    Higher Education: early stage researchers’ status to be solved
  13. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 11 March 2014

    European elections 2014: Time has come to engage your candidates to pledge to Quality Education

    In the framework of the IE/ETUCE initiative “Unite for Quality Education - Better Education for a Better World”, ETUCE has launched a new large-scale campaign initiative called “Candidates pledge to Quality Education”. This initiative aims to seek the support from candidates to the European Parliament elections who share ETUCE’s view...

    European elections 2014: Time has come to engage your candidates to pledge to Quality Education
  14. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 11 March 2014

    Greece: education unionists face down police violence

    On 28 February, the Greek Federation of Secondary State School Teachers (OLME), one of EI’s national affiliates, organised a demonstration in Athens against the proposed dismissal of 12,500 education workers by 22 March. This demonstration took place at the same time as the Troika’s representatives were discussing permanent teachers and...

    Greece: education unionists face down police violence
  15. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 7 March 2014

    UK: campaigning to defend education and protect teachers

    NUT – the National Union of Teachers in the UK is preparing its action of last resort in the framework of the campaign “Stand up for education”. After having engaged in talks with parents and public, in pressures to the politicians, NUT has called for a day of national strike...

    UK: campaigning to defend education and protect teachers
  16. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 5 March 2014

    Ireland: No Quality without Gender Equality

    The Irish Federation of University Teachers (IFUT) has taken important steps on the path to Quality of Education for all. With a view to ensure “supportive and safe environments for teaching and learning that are gender sensitive and completely free of discrimination”, which is one of the 10 key messages...

    Ireland: No Quality without Gender Equality
  17. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 5 March 2014

    Norway: Trade Union of Education campaigns for Quality teaching

    The Union of Education Norway (UEN) is connecting its activities to the 10 key messages adopted by the ETUCE Committee on ‘What is needed to improve the Quality of Education in Europe?’, aiming at securing quality education for all and quality for the teaching profession worldwide.

    Norway: Trade Union of Education campaigns for Quality teaching
  18. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 5 March 2014

    Montenegro: raising awareness on the need for Quality of Education

    In the framework of Unite for Quality Education campaign, the Independent Union of Education, Science, Culture and Sport of Montenegro, ITUESCSM, is raising awareness the 10 key messages adopted by the ETUCE Committee on 24 October 2013 on ‘What is Needed to Improve the Quality of Education in Europe?’ through...

    Montenegro: raising awareness on the need for Quality of Education