

  1. Trade union rights are human rights 27 February 2014

    Nigeria: Boys targeted and killed in terrorist attack on state school

    EI condemns the reported killing of between 29 and 59 school boys at their boarding school in Northern Nigeria in the early hours of 25 February. It is claimed that the boys were shot or burnt to death by the terrorist group commonly known as Boko Haram (which roughly translates...

    Nigeria: Boys targeted and killed in terrorist attack on state school
  2. Equity and inclusion 26 February 2014

    Spain: EI members committed to sexual and gender diversity

    EI welcomes the collaboration agreement to work towards eradicating discrimination against LGBT people in learning and teaching environments signed by member organisations in Spain - FECCOO, STES, FETE-UGT - and the State Federation of Lesbians, Gays, Transsexuals and Bisexuals organisations (FELGTB).

    Spain: EI members committed to sexual and gender diversity
  3. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 26 February 2014

    ETUCE urges to take action to restore the complete functioning of trade unions in Ukraine

    During the fights and clashes between demonstrators and police forces the Trade Union House in Kiev was completely destroyed by a fire. Today several hundred trade union workers remain without workplaces and all documents, furniture, office equipment etc. have been lost.

    ETUCE urges to take action to restore the complete functioning of trade unions in Ukraine
  4. Equity and inclusion 26 February 2014

    Quality education for girls and women is progress for all

    EI has released its statement to mark International Women’s Day (IWD) 2014 on 8th March. EI affiliates are encouraged to use this statement in their own IWD communications and in connection with EI’s global campaign Unite for Quality Education.

    Quality education for girls and women is progress for all
  5. Leading the profession 25 February 2014

    Uganda: Partners unite for quality educators

    Education partners in Uganda have united to consolidate the gains made to improve quality education in Northern Uganda through the Quality Educators for All (Quality-Ed) project. This commitment was made at a Quality-Ed workshop held in Kampala, from 18-21 February.

    Uganda: Partners unite for quality educators
  6. Union renewal and development 25 February 2014

    Open Education Challenge

    The initiative Open Education Challenge, launched in partnership with the European Commission, is an invitation to all innovators to submit projects, and receive technical support through the European Incubator for Innovation in Education, and access funding for their future companies.

    Open Education Challenge
  7. Union renewal and development 25 February 2014

    Erasmus Mobility Grant Open for Application

    The Erasmus Mobility Grant is open for application. The grant is part of the KA1 action under the Erasmus+ programme.

    Erasmus Mobility Grant Open for Application
  8. Equity and inclusion 25 February 2014

    International Women’s Day 2014

    Celebrated annually on 8 March, International Women’s Day encourages advocacy for women's advancement and gender equality. With thousands of events worldwide, it calls for challenging the status quo for women's equality and for inspiring positive change.

    International Women’s Day 2014
  9. Equity and inclusion 25 February 2014

    EU answers Switzerland: freezes research grants and Swiss involvement in Erasmus+

    The European Union has suspended negotiations with Switzerland on the participation in EU education exchange programmes, such as Erasmus+ and the Horizon 2020 research programme, because of the imminent introduction of quotas to community workers approved in a referendum last week.

    EU answers Switzerland: freezes research grants and Swiss involvement in Erasmus+
  10. Fighting the commercialisation of education 25 February 2014

    TTIP entering "heart of negotiations"

    On 17-18 February, EU Trade Commissioner Karel De Gucht and United States Trade Representative Ambassador Michael Froman met for a political stocktaking exercise in Washington, D.C. on the controversial Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP).

    TTIP entering "heart of negotiations"
  11. Union renewal and development 25 February 2014

    Round table meeting in Bucharest on the potentials of social dialogue

    On 20 February 2014 ETUCE held its first out of six roundtable meetings within its new project “Promoting the potentials of the European sectoral social dialogue in education by addressing new challenges and exploring experience and knowledge”.

    Round table meeting in Bucharest on the potentials of social dialogue
  12. Standards and working conditions 24 February 2014

    Join UNESCO #TeacherTuesday campaign!

    EI welcomes UNESCO’s new initiative, #TeacherTuesday. Over the next 10 Tuesdays, starting on 25 February, 10 teachers from 10 countries will share their stories with a global blogging network. UNESCO will release the stories of teachers who have taught through fighting in Syria, grappled with multilingual classrooms in Ecuador, fought...

    Join UNESCO #TeacherTuesday campaign!
  13. Standards and working conditions 24 February 2014

    Join UNESCO #TeacherTuesday campaign!

    EI welcomes UNESCO’s new initiative, #TeacherTuesday. Over the next 10 Tuesdays, starting on 25 February, 10 teachers from 10 countries will share their stories with a global blogging network. UNESCO will release the stories of teachers who have taught through fighting in Syria, grappled with multilingual classrooms in Ecuador, fought...

    Join UNESCO #TeacherTuesday campaign!
  14. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 20 February 2014

    Education awards call for nominations!

    The McGraw Hill Financial Research Foundation has launched an outreach campaign to solicit nominations from the educational community for the 2014 Harold W. McGraw, Jr. Prize in Education.

    Education awards call for nominations!
  15. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 19 February 2014

    Unions and civil society unite for quality education

    Education quality improves when teachers, and their unions, are supported; it deteriorates when they are not. This is one of the key findings of this year's Global Monitoring Report (GMR), which was launched at a series of events across the globe recently.

    Unions and civil society unite for quality education
  16. Trade union rights are human rights 19 February 2014

    Algeria: Fourth week of strikes in education sector

    A widespread strike in the education sector in Algeria has entered its fourth week, despite an intervention by the Prime Minister to bring it to an end. The strike, which started on 25 January, has involved members of the National Union of Education and Training Staff (UNPEF) and the National...

    Algeria: Fourth week of strikes in education sector
  17. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 14 February 2014

    Education unions to align messages with actions globally

    Communicators and organisers from EI’s member affiliates came together in Brussels from 3-5 February to discuss strategic approaches and develop joint actions to campaign for the right to free, universal, quality education at national, regional and global level.

    Education unions to align messages with actions globally