

  1. Union renewal and development 10 January 2014

    Ghana: Working for the future of the teaching profession

    The Ghana National Association of Teachers (GNAT) held its 51st National Delegates’ Conference in Accra, Ghana, on 5-10 January. Delegates discussed and adopted a five-year strategic plan to further improve the standing of the teaching profession in the country.

    Ghana: Working for the future of the teaching profession
  2. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 10 January 2014

    Global civil society drive to get Syrian children back to school

    EI has welcomed the work done by A World at School to ensure that Syrian children get access to quality education. A World at School is a global initiative to mobilise efforts to deliver education and learning to the 57 million children globally who miss out on education.

    Global civil society drive to get Syrian children back to school
  3. Trade union rights are human rights 9 January 2014

    Cambodia: EI condemns violence against striking garment workers

    EI has strongly condemned the continued disproportionate violence perpetrated by Cambodian authorities against striking garment workers. Five workers have been killed, dozens injured and at least 39 arrested. The strike has been halted but demands for an increased minimum wage are maintained.

    Cambodia: EI condemns violence against striking garment workers
  4. Union growth 6 January 2014

    Korea: Union leader freed

    Kim Jeonghun, the president of EI affiliate Korean Teachers’ Union (KTU), has been released. Having been arrested illegally on 22 December 2013, Kim received widespread international support and the warrant for his detention was overruled by a judge, leading to his release on 25 December.

    Korea: Union leader freed
  5. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 6 January 2014

    Application for Global Labour University programmes opened

    The Global Labour University (GLU) invites trade unionists and labour activists to apply for its Masters in ‘Labour Policies and Globalisation’ course offered by the University of Kassel and the Berlin School of Economics and Law in Germany, and the newly launched GLU Masters in ‘Labour and Global Workers’ Rights’...

    Application for Global Labour University programmes opened
  6. Union growth 24 December 2013

    Korea: Teacher trade unionists detained

    Education International has expressed grave concern at the escalating violence against legitimate trade union organisations in South Korea. Authorities have staged raids in the last few days, including against one of EI's affiliates in the country, the Korean Teachers' Union (KTU).

    Korea: Teacher trade unionists detained
  7. Equity and inclusion 19 December 2013

    African workshop focuses on gender mainstreaming

    The Pan-Africa Teachers’ Centre (PATC) and EI African regional office (EIRAF) have joined UNESCO, UNICEF and several progressive regional and international organisations in coordinating a project to develop, print, validate and pilot a UNESCO guide on gender mainstreaming containing 10 modules to be used in Teacher Training Institutions (TEIs) in...

    African workshop focuses on gender mainstreaming
  8. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 19 December 2013

    Tanzania: Workshop promotes quality public education in rural schools

    A book writers’ workshop was organised by EI’s affiliates in Tanzania in collaboration with the national Ministry of Education and Vocational Training (MoEVT), in Dar es Salaam, from 2-11 September. The workshop was organised in collaboration with the Pan African Teachers’ Centre (PATC), under the umbrella of EI’s Unite for...

    Tanzania: Workshop promotes quality public education in rural schools
  9. Union renewal and development 19 December 2013

    Arab educators stand firm in the face of challenges

    The EI Arab Countries Cross Regional Structure (ACCRS) Standing Committee affirmed its commitment to EI’s Unite for Quality Education (Unite) campaign at its third meeting in Beirut, Lebanon, from 13-14 December.

    Arab educators stand firm in the face of challenges
  10. Equity and inclusion 18 December 2013

    Sri Lanka: Seminar focused on union role in national legislation

    National laws, especially on gender issues, came under the spotlight at an International Labour Organisation (ILO)/National Laws Seminar evaluation and planning meeting attended by six EI affiliates from Sri Lanka. The seminar was organised by EI and its Norwegian affiliate, UEN, in Colombo, from 13-15 December.

    Sri Lanka: Seminar focused on union role in national legislation
  11. Equity and inclusion 18 December 2013

    Respect migrant workers’ rights, say unionists worldwide

    The contribution of migrants to their host countries and countries of origin must be recognised. That’s according to Global Unions, the international trade union organisations, which include EI. Global Unions made the call to mark International Migrants’ Day on 18 December. In their statement, the Global Unions call for the...

    Respect migrant workers’ rights, say unionists worldwide
  12. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 16 December 2013

    Call for applications for teaching excellence award

    The Central European University (CEU) is calling for applications for its third annual European Award for excellence in teaching in the social sciences and humanities. The award, launched in 2011 to mark the CEU’s 20th anniversary, is the first and only such pan-European honour and is accompanied by a €5,000...

    Call for applications for teaching excellence award
  13. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 16 December 2013

    European citizens’ initiative defends education spending

    EI has welcomed a European Citizens’ Initiative calling on governments not to count education spending as part of the deficit. The initiative proposes to “exclude from the calculation of each country's public spending deficit, that part of Government spending for education that is lower than the last five-year Eurozone average”.

    European citizens’ initiative defends education spending
  14. Trade union rights are human rights 13 December 2013

    Germany: Thousands strike for better living and working conditions

    The Berlin branch of the Gewerkschaft Erziehung und Wissenschaft(GEW), one of EI’s national affiliates, organised a hugely successful industrial action on 4-5 December. More than 2,400 teachers and about 150 pupils participated in the strike, demanding improved living and working conditions for education staff.

    Germany: Thousands strike for better living and working conditions
  15. Union growth 12 December 2013

    Kenya: Educators’ voice should be heard, say unions

    The Kenya National Union of Teachers (KNUT) and the Kenya Union of Domestic, Hotels, Educational Institutions, Hospitals and Allied Workers (KUDHEIHA), two of EI’s national affiliates, have called on the Government to engage in honest social dialogue to ensure quality education in the country.

    Kenya: Educators’ voice should be heard, say unions
  16. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 11 December 2013

    USA: EI affiliates Unite for Quality Education - Successful national Day of Action for public education

    EI’s US national affiliates, the National Education Association (NEA) and the American Federation of Teachers (AFT) participated in a hugely successful National Day of Action for public education on 9 December. This was the largest coordinated action to reclaim the promise of public education in the US, under the banner...

    USA: EI affiliates Unite for Quality Education - Successful national Day of Action for public education
  17. Trade union rights are human rights 10 December 2013

    Educators celebrate International Day for Human Rights

    On this date, 10 December, Human Rights Day, EI pays tribute to educators around the world who fight for the right to live and work in dignity. These educators and their trade unions also fight for freedom of expression, assembly and association; the right to bargain collectively; and for all...

    Educators celebrate International Day for Human Rights