

  1. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 24 July 2013

    Developing African teachers’ skills for quality education

    The status, training initiatives and opportunities for teacher development in Africa were all up for discussion at the Pan African Conference on Teacher Development (PACTED III). The conference, held in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, from 16-17 July, also sought that EI be recognized as a partner in the implementation and coordination...

    Developing African teachers’ skills for quality education
  2. Trade union rights are human rights 24 July 2013

    Malaysia: EI workshop builds leadership skills

    Leadership skills and union finances were the focus of a three-day workshoporganised by EI for 15 members of one of its Malaysian affiliates, the Sabah Teachers Union (STU-Sabah). It was held from 7-9 July in Kota Kinabalu.

    Malaysia: EI workshop builds leadership skills
  3. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 24 July 2013

    USA: Educators renew their defence of public education

    The 2013 American Federation of Teachers’ (AFT) TEACH Conference is focusing on what it will take to reclaim the promise of public education so that all children can succeed. The event is bringing together more than 2,000 educators, union leaders, administrators, activists, and civic and community leaders from 22-24 July...

    USA: Educators renew their defence of public education
  4. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 23 July 2013

    Cameroon: teacher union involved in quality education initiative

    The Fédération des syndicats de l’enseignement et de la recherche(FESER) one of EI’s national affiliates, participated in the 4th Aflatoun – a network of organisations interested in education –“Building Blocks for Life” International Meeting, which took place from 1 to 3 July 2013 in Nairobi, Kenya. Hosted and organised in...

    Cameroon: teacher union involved in quality education initiative
  5. Equity and inclusion 19 July 2013

    UN: EI delegation calls for the protection of migrants’ rights

    The EI delegation attending the Informal Interactive Hearings on International Migration and Development at the United Nations (UN) called for the protection and promotion of migrant workers’ rights.

    UN: EI delegation calls for the protection of migrants’ rights
  6. Trade union rights are human rights 18 July 2013

    Mandela Day: small actions can change your world

    On 18 July, EI marks International Nelson Mandela Day. The day honours Mandela’s life-long dedication to social justice, and urges people to take small actions to improve their communities and change the world. This year's Nelson Mandela International Day will focus on shelter, literacy and food security.

    Mandela Day: small actions can change your world
  7. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 17 July 2013

    Greece: Multi-bill threatens vocational education

    On 17 July, a multi-bill is expected to pass at the Greek Parliament under which more than 4,000 state employees, including teachers, are facing dismissal this year. EI’s affiliate, the Greek federation of secondary education state school teachers, OLME, has warned that over 2,500 teachers are facing an eight-month suspension...

    Greece: Multi-bill threatens vocational education
  8. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 17 July 2013

    Swiss educators demand real efforts for quality education

    During its recent General Meeting, the Swiss Teachers’ Federation (Dachverband Schweizer Lehrerinnen und Lehrer, LCH) unanimously decided on a resolution calling for greater efforts to provide quality education throughout Switzerland.

    Swiss educators demand real efforts for quality education
  9. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 16 July 2013

    UK: Revised curriculum fails to reflect student needs

    EI’s UK affiliates, the National Union of Teachers (NUT) and the National Association of Schoolmasters Union of Women Teachers (NASUWT) have expressed concern about the revised national curriculum for state schools in England. The new curriculum, implemented by Education Secretary Michael Gove, is being introduced from September 2014.

    UK: Revised curriculum fails to reflect student needs
  10. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 15 July 2013

    It is quite natural that today, Malala is sitting at the front and centre

    EI’s delegation to the youth takeover of the United Nations General Assembly joined in a standing ovation, whoops and shouts as Malala Yousafzai stood to deliver her speech.

    It is quite natural that today, Malala is sitting at the front and centre
  11. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 12 July 2013

    What the Media says

    John Bangs

    What the Media says
  12. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 12 July 2013

    Share My Lesson

    Randi Weingarten

    Share My Lesson