

  1. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 3 May 2013

    Spain: Public education strike over education cuts and reforms

    The Plataforma Estatal por la Escuela Pública (State Platform for Public Education) has called for a strike on 9 May at every level of education in Spain. The platform is made up of EI’s affiliated trade unions - FECCOO, FETE-UGT, STEs and CSI-CSIF - as well as student organisations and...

    Spain: Public education strike over education cuts and reforms
  2. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 2 May 2013

    Côte d'Ivoire: Unions call for an end to indefinite strike

    The Syndicat national des enseignants du second degré de Côte d’Ivoire (SYNESCI) and the Syndicat national des enseignants du primaire public de Côte d'Ivoire (SNEPPCI), both EI national affiliates, have called for an end to the public-sector teachers’ strike in primary and secondary schools. The teachers have been on an...

    Côte d'Ivoire: Unions call for an end to indefinite strike
  3. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 30 April 2013

    Denmark: Union dismay as Government intervention ends teachers' lock-out

    The lock-out of teachers in Denmark has ended after the Danish government intervened in the industrial action between the Danish Union of Teachers (DLF) and the municipalities’ association (Local Government Denmark – LGDK [KL]). The DLF is an affiliate of EI.

    Denmark: Union dismay as Government intervention ends teachers' lock-out
  4. Equity and inclusion 29 April 2013

    Mali: Child labour under the spotlight

    The Syndicat National de l’Education et de la Culture UNTM (SNEC-UNTM), EI’s affiliate in Mali, organised a very successful national workshop on combating child labour from 14 to 26 April in Bamako.

    Mali: Child labour under the spotlight
  5. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 29 April 2013

    Education Minister and teachers’ organisations of Honduras must resume dialogue

    The Education Minister and the teachers’ organisations of Honduras should as soon as possible resume discussions on the future of the Honduran public school system. Their dialogue should be based on mutual respect and should aim at improving quality education for all children. This was the message conveyed by EI...

    Education Minister and teachers’ organisations of Honduras must resume dialogue
  6. Trade union rights are human rights 29 April 2013

    Education Minister and Teachers Organisations of Honduras must resume dialogue

    The Education Minister and the teachers organisations of Honduras should as soon as possible resume discussions on the future of the Honduran public school system. Their dialogue should be based on mutual respect and should aim at improving quality education for all children. This was the message conveyed by EI...

    Education Minister and Teachers Organisations of Honduras must resume dialogue
  7. Equity and inclusion 25 April 2013

    Same-sex marriage victories in France, New Zealand and Uruguay

    EI welcomes the record of victories on marriage equality in three regions and calls on unions to act towards equality. France became the 14th country to legalise same-sex marriage on 24 April, New Zealand became the first country in the Asia-Pacific region to do so on the eve of 16...

    Same-sex marriage victories in France, New Zealand and Uruguay
  8. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 25 April 2013

    EI engages in high-level dialogue on quality education

    EI President Susan Hopgood, General Secretary Fred van Leeuwen, Deputy General Secretary David Edwards and Executive Board member Marième Sakho Dansokho have participated in a series of high-level meetings in Washington DC, USA, at World Bank-International Monetary Fund (IMF) Spring Meetings, on the Global Education First Initiative (GEFI). They have...

    EI engages in high-level dialogue on quality education
  9. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 25 April 2013

    Blog Action Day: Mobilise for quality education now!

    Blog Action Day, which takes place every year on October 16, is a big chance for high visibility for one important global topic, as bloggers from different countries, interests and languages blog about it on the same day. Vote now to make sure that education becomes this topic!

    Blog Action Day: Mobilise for quality education now!
  10. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 25 April 2013

    USA: Union joins global education campaign

    The American Federation of Teachers (AFT), one of EI’s national affiliates, has joined in the Global Action Week (GAW) led by the Global Campaign for Education, and held from 21-27 April. The theme of this year’s GAW is “Every Child Needs a Teacher”.

    USA: Union joins global education campaign
  11. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 19 April 2013

    Kenya: stop teacher shortage now, say education unionists

    Officials from the Kenya National Union of Teachers (KNUT), one of EI's Kenyan affiliates, have condemned the severe teacher gap in the country, urging national authorities to remedy the understaffing.

    Kenya: stop teacher shortage now, say education unionists
  12. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 19 April 2013

    Every Child Needs a Teacher!

    Education International (EI) and its affiliates worldwide take part in the Global Action Week (GAW) activities to remind governments, the international community and other stakeholders that every child needs a qualified teacher. Led and created by the Global Campaign for Education (GCE), of which EI is a founding member, this...

    Every Child Needs a Teacher!
  13. Equity and inclusion 19 April 2013

    Canada: working to end violence against women and girls

    EI’s affiliate, the Canadian Federation of Teachers (CTF), held its 2013 Women’s Issues Symposium from 17-18 April in Ottawa. This year's theme focused on violence against women and girls. In Canada, violence against women and girls is all too prevalent. It targets all groups of women, across age, ethnic, class...

    Canada: working to end violence against women and girls
  14. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 19 April 2013

    USA: Unions file federal lawsuit over teacher-evaluation procedure

    The National Education Association (NEA), an EI national affiliate, together with the Florida Education Association (FEA), has filed a federal lawsuit challenging the evaluation of teachers based on the standardised test scores of students they do not teach or based on subjects they do not teach.

    USA: Unions file federal lawsuit over teacher-evaluation procedure
  15. Standards and working conditions 18 April 2013

    Egypt: First steps towards long-term support for education unions

    EI initiated on March 16, 2013 the first of its 4 forums with education unions in Egypt . Over 90 activists from independent organizations of teachers, university, and educational workers met in Cairo, Egypt to discuss challenges facing workers in the education sector and how to strengthen democratic unions. They...

    Egypt: First steps towards long-term support for education unions
  16. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 18 April 2013

    EI launches the Organising Network

    EI officially launched the Organising Network (OrgNet) on 8-9 April in Washington D.C, US, as mandated by EI’s 6th World Congress. The aim of the network is to engage in strategic and targeted organising campaigns to grow and strengthen inclusive education unions. The launch event was hosted by EI’s affiliates...

    EI launches the Organising Network
  17. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 17 April 2013

    CSFEF: Fighting threats to quality education

    The Bureau of the Francophone Trade Union Committee for Education and Training (CSFEF) met in Chisinau, Moldova, from 11-13 April. The meeting was preceded by a symposium where the impact of the current economic situation on public education, in each of the countries represented, was discussed.

    CSFEF: Fighting threats to quality education
  18. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 17 April 2013

    Canada: CSQ holds rendezvous on early childhood education

    The provision of quality early childhood education (ECE) services has been highlighted as an important entitlement for all young children at a Centrale des Syndicats du Québec (CSQ) meeting.

    Canada: CSQ holds rendezvous on early childhood education