

  1. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 4 April 2013

    EI policy statement on tuition fees

    At its meeting last October, the EI Executive Board unanimously adopted a new policy statement on tuition fees.

    EI policy statement on tuition fees
  2. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 4 April 2013

    Australia: education funding reform in jeopardy

    Public schools in Australia would receive $390 million less in funding in 2014 if the Australian federal and state governments fail to put in place the Gonski school funding reforms by the beginning of next year. This is according to a new budget analysis released by EI’s affiliate, the Australian...

    Australia: education funding reform in jeopardy
  3. Trade union rights are human rights 3 April 2013

    Pakistan: We stand with the children and teachers!

    The United Nations Envoy for Global Education, Gordon Brown, Education International and the International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC) are demanding of the authorities in Pakistan that they enable girls to go to schools which are safe and secure.

    Pakistan: We stand with the children and teachers!
  4. Trade union rights are human rights 3 April 2013

    USA: Educator unions reject guns in schools

    EI’s national affiliates, the American Federation of Teachers (AFT) and the National Education Association (NEA), have strongly rejected the conclusions of a report released by the National Rifle Association (NRA) task force.

    USA: Educator unions reject guns in schools
  5. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 3 April 2013

    Education budgets under pressure in EU Member States

    EI has commented on a new Eurydice report on the impact of the financial and economic crisis on education budgets across Europe, revealing that investment in education fell in eight out of 25 Member States since 2010.

    Education budgets under pressure in EU Member States
  6. Trade union rights are human rights 30 March 2013

    Pakistan: Remembering murdered teachers

    Education International will organize a memorial for the teachers who have been murdered in Pakistan recently. EI will also establish a girls’ scholarship fund to promote girls’ education and to support teachers and students victimised because of their support for girls schooling.

    Pakistan: Remembering murdered teachers
  7. Trade union rights are human rights 30 March 2013

    Pakistan: Attacks on schools and teachers now occurring daily

    A head teacher was murdered this morning in Pakistan - and three school children are fighting for their lives with another three badly injured - after the latest attack on a school and on the right of girls to education.

    Pakistan: Attacks on schools and teachers now occurring daily
  8. Trade union rights are human rights 28 March 2013

    UN Secretary-General Ban Ki Moon condemns killing of woman teacher in Pakistan

    In a statement issued today, the UN Secretary-General calls on the international community to prevent violations of the right to education, prompted by the heinous killing of Shahnaz Nazli, in Peschawar, Pakistan.

    UN Secretary-General Ban Ki Moon condemns killing of woman teacher in Pakistan
  9. Standards and working conditions 28 March 2013

    Gambia: One man’s investment in the future of a nation

    EI national affiliate the Gambia Teachers’ Union (GTU) has welcomed the Gambia's Consul General to the Republic of Italy, His Excellency Francesco Cristina di Santannera, statement highlighting the importance of education, acknowledging that it is the foundation for any nation’s development. He asserted that without education, no country can develop...

    Gambia: One man’s investment in the future of a nation
  10. Standards and working conditions 28 March 2013

    Gambia: One man’s investment in the future of a nation

    EI national affiliate the Gambia Teachers’ Union (GTU) has welcomed the Gambia's Consul General to the Republic of Italy, His Excellency Francesco Cristina di Santannera, statement highlighting the importance of education, acknowledging that it is the foundation for any nation’s development. He asserted that without education, no country can develop...

    Gambia: One man’s investment in the future of a nation
  11. Standards and working conditions 28 March 2013

    Swaziland: Teachers fight for pay rise

    Public sector trade unions in Swaziland, including EI affiliate Swaziland National Association of Teachers (SNAT), have reacted negatively to the announcement of a 30 per cent pay rise for junior police officers, because a pay freeze has been applied to teachers!

    Swaziland: Teachers fight for pay rise
  12. Union renewal and development 28 March 2013

    African teacher leaders: "World Bank undermines teaching profession"

    Leaders of African teachers' organizations will engage their members in a global campaign for quality education to be launched by Education International in September 2013. During a meeting of EI's African Regional Committee on 25-27 March in Accra, they endorsed the campaign plans recently adopted by the EI Executive Board.

    African teacher leaders: "World Bank undermines teaching profession"
  13. Union growth 27 March 2013

    EI condemns shooting of Pakistani woman teacher

    Shahnaz Nazli, a 41 year old female teacher at a girls’ school near the town of Jamrud in Peschawar, Pakistan, was shot for wanting to teach girls, on Tuesday March 26th as she walked to school. Gunmen opened fire, when Ms Nazli was just 200 metres from the school, and...

    EI condemns shooting of Pakistani woman teacher
  14. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 26 March 2013

    EI advocates for quality education at highest levels

    EI firmly made the case for quality public education at the fourth meeting of the United Nations High Level Panel (HLP), held from 25-27 March in Bali, Indonesia. The meeting is a key event within the on-going processes to shape a new post-2015 development and education framework.

    EI advocates for quality education at highest levels
  15. Equity and inclusion 26 March 2013

    United Kingdom: Transgender primary school teacher dies

    After having been publicly bullied in a newspaper column in the United Kingdom’s second-largest paper, the Daily Mail, a transgender teacher is said to have taken her own life when the attacks became too much to cope with.

    United Kingdom: Transgender primary school teacher dies
  16. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 25 March 2013

    Putting Quality Education at the top of the agenda

    The Education International Executive Board has decided that the key priority for the organisation over the coming months should be putting quality education for all at the top of the global agenda.

    Putting Quality Education at the top of the agenda
  17. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 22 March 2013

    UK: campaign to protect teachers and education

    The National Union of Teachers (NUT) and the National Association of Schoolmasters Union of Women Teachers (NASUWT), EI affiliates, have announced the next phase of their jointly coordinated national campaign to protect teachers and defend education.

    UK: campaign to protect teachers and education