

  1. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 10 January 2013

    Mauritania: Successful Round Table on Quality Education

    Quality education was the theme of a round table organised by EI in Nouakchott, Mauritania, from 3-5 January. Under the theme, ‘For More Quality Education in Mauritania’, EI’s four affiliates - SNEM, SNEP, SNES and SNEF – considered and discussed a joint strategy for improving Mauritanian education.

    Mauritania: Successful Round Table on Quality Education
  2. Standards and working conditions 10 January 2013

    Namibia: educators demand salary increase

    Educators in Namibia are preparing to go on strike to demand a further increase in their salaries, as well as improved conditions of service.

    Namibia: educators demand salary increase
  3. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 8 January 2013

    US and Finnish teachers share best practices

    On 12 December, the Finnish Embassy in the US welcomed representatives of the American Federation of Teachers (AFT), one of EI’s national affiliates, and international guests. Finnish Ambassador Ritva Koukku-Ronde praised the AFT’s Share My Lesson teacher resource initiative as a reflection of Finland's own renowned commitment to teacher training...

    US and Finnish teachers share best practices
  4. Standards and working conditions 7 January 2013

    Zimbabwe: Teachers warn strike action still likely

    Teachers in Zimbabwe say they will return to school when the school year begins on 8 January, despite their ongoing resentment about low salaries and poor working conditions. They did not rule out further strike action, however.

    Zimbabwe: Teachers warn strike action still likely
  5. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 7 January 2013

    Council of Europe promotes quality education in new recommendation

    Common action in educational and cultural matters will achieve greater unity among Council of Europe member states, according to a Recommendation adopted by the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe (CoE) on 12 December 2012.

    Council of Europe promotes quality education in new recommendation
  6. Union renewal and development 4 January 2013

    Sweden: Union makes significant donation to Solidarity Fund

    Lärarförbundet, one of EI’s national affiliates, has announced that it contributed SEK 50,000 to the EI Solidarity Fund. Teacher unionists decided to allocate money to this fund, rather than printing and posting Christmas cards to national and international colleagues.

    Sweden: Union makes significant donation to Solidarity Fund
  7. Equity and inclusion 21 December 2012

    Filipino teachers win battle against exploitation

    Earlier this week, a U.S. federal court in Los Angeles ordered a recruitment agency to pay US$4.5 million in damages to 350 Filipino teachers. The teachers, recruited as part of a guest worker programme, had been forced into exploitive contracts after arriving in the United States.

    Filipino teachers win battle against exploitation
  8. Equity and inclusion 20 December 2012

    Kenya: Teachers plan to secure 47 county representative seats for women

    The Kenya National Union of Teachers (KNUT), one of EI’s national affiliates, is planning to have 47 county representative positions taken up by female teachers. KNUT President Wilson Sossion has announced that his union will also support women teachers going for other political seats.

    Kenya: Teachers plan to secure 47 county representative seats for women
  9. Trade union rights are human rights 19 December 2012

    Canada: Union condemns government’s assault on democracy

    The Canadian Teachers’ Federation (CTF), one of EI’s national affiliates, has heavily criticised the Harper Conservative government for pushing Bill C-377 through the House of Commons without a fair debate and without hearing the voices of those affected by the legislation. They describe the bill as mean-spirited, biased and wasteful...

    Canada: Union condemns government’s assault on democracy
  10. Trade union rights are human rights 18 December 2012

    Women trade unionists call for justice for Jalila Khamis Koko

    Jalila Khamis Koko is a teacher from the Sudan, who has been charged on five criminal counts and faces the death penalty; she has been detained for more than nine months, with no charges brought against her until now.

    Women trade unionists call for justice for Jalila Khamis Koko
  11. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 18 December 2012

    US: Michigan passes bills restricting collective bargaining

    The Republican-controlled legislature in Michigan passed two misleadingly- named ‘right-to-work’ bills last week. These would allow workers to avoid paying dues to a union representing their sector.

    US: Michigan passes bills restricting collective bargaining
  12. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 17 December 2012

    Consultation begins on 2013 EFA Global Monitoring Report

    EI strongly encourages affiliates to take part in the online consultation for the 2013 Education for All Global Monitoring Report (EFA GMR) focusing on “Teaching and Learning for Development” launched on 26 November.

    Consultation begins on 2013 EFA Global Monitoring Report
  13. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 17 December 2012

    Asia Pacific: Governments to invest in ECE

    A new task force spearheading the development of early childhood education (ECE) in the EI Asia Pacific region has called on national governments to invest in ECE. The task force, which met in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, from 15-16 December, stressed the need for governments to invest in ECE teachers and...

    Asia Pacific: Governments to invest in ECE
  14. Trade union rights are human rights 17 December 2012

    US education community shares Newtown’s grief and loss

    EI affiliates in the US, the American Federation of Teachers (AFT) and the National Education Association (NEA), have expressed their deep condolences to families, educators and the whole community of Newtown, Connecticut, after a shooting rampage at a school left 26 people dead, including 20 students, on Friday.

    US education community shares Newtown’s grief and loss
  15. Trade union rights are human rights 15 December 2012

    USA: 26 Killed in School Shooting

    “There are no records of a massacre of this size hitting a school population outside a warzone since the massacre at Virginia Tech in 2007,” says the General Secretary of Education International, Fred van Leeuwen, commenting on the school shooting in Newtown, Connecticut, USA, yesterday, whereby twenty children and six...

    USA: 26 Killed in School Shooting
  16. Standards and working conditions 14 December 2012

    Lebanon: Government must refer new public sector salary scale for approval to Parliament

    On 12 December, hundreds of teachers and public sector employees took to the streets, in a march organised by the Union Coordination Committee(UCC) to protest against the governmental failure to refer a new public sector salary scale for approval to the Parliament. They demanded a salary increase.

    Lebanon: Government must refer new public sector salary scale for approval to Parliament
  17. Union growth 14 December 2012

    Turkey: Three female trade unionists released

    EI welcomes the release of three female members of KESK, the Turkish public services’ trade union confederation. The three, released on 13 December by the Ankara Court, include Güldane Erdo?an from the teacher union E?itim Sen, who has been imprisoned for 10 months.

    Turkey: Three female trade unionists released
  18. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 13 December 2012

    Stand up for Malala – Girls Education is a Right

    A high level advocacy event was co-organised by UNESCO and the Government of Pakistan at the UNESCO headquarters in Paris, France, on 10 December, International Human Rights Day. Entitled ‘Stand Up for Malala – Girls’ Education is a Right’, the event was held with the purpose of advocating for the...

    Stand up for Malala – Girls Education is a Right