

  1. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 27 November 2012

    Europe: Promoting Public Sector Education in an age of austerity

    Around 300 education union members assembled yesterday at the 2012 Conference of the European Trade Union Committee for Education (ETUCE) in Budapest, to successfully confront the austerity frenzy driving Europe’s political agenda.

    Europe: Promoting Public Sector Education in an age of austerity
  2. Standards and working conditions 26 November 2012

    Germany: Teacher unionists on a warning strike over working conditions

    The Gewerkschaft Erziehung und Wissenschaft (GEW), one of EI’s national affiliates, was involved in a strike action in the state of Saxony. More than 10,000 teachers participated in the action, demanding more teacher jobs, better wages, and legislation regulating pre-pension.

    Germany: Teacher unionists on a warning strike over working conditions
  3. Standards and working conditions 26 November 2012

    The ETUCE holds 2012 Conference in Hungary

    Budapest will host the 2012 Conference of the European Trade Union Committee for Education (ETUCE) from 26-28 November. ETUCE is the European branch of Education International in Europe and represents over 12 million teachers and education workers in 45 countries.

    The ETUCE holds 2012 Conference in Hungary
  4. Union growth 23 November 2012

    Turkey: Stop the judicial harassment against unionists

    On 13 December 2012, Turkey will see a new episode in the judicial harassment against trade unionists, as three women unionists, including Güldane Erdo?an from the teacher union Egitim Sen, will appear in front of the Court in Ankara. Those women were amongst of the 15 female union leaders who...

    Turkey: Stop the judicial harassment against unionists
  5. Union renewal and development 23 November 2012

    Updated memorandum of understanding between UNESCO and EI

    UNESCO and EI have signed a renewed memorandum of understanding (MoU) in Paris, France, on 22 November 2012. The document lays out the cooperation for the 2012-2020 period between the two organisations dedicated to achieving free quality public education.

    Updated memorandum of understanding between UNESCO and EI
  6. Equity and inclusion 22 November 2012

    Education unions work to prevent violence against women

    EI marks November 25, the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women, as a day to promote women’s rights at work and to call for the prevention of violence against all women and girls.

    Education unions work to prevent violence against women
  7. Equity and inclusion 22 November 2012

    EI calls for a rights-based approach to migration

    EI joined forces with other global unions to call for a rights-based approach to the governance and management of migration. This call was made at the Global Forum on Migration and Development (GFMD), held in Port Louis, Mauritius, from 19 to 22 November 2012.

    EI calls for a rights-based approach to migration
  8. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 22 November 2012

    Share My Lesson: using technology to share teaching resources

    Share My Lesson (SML) is a new digital platform developed by the American Federation of Teachers (AFT) and its British partner, TES Connect. In the free SML online community, educators can come together to access and share high-quality teaching resources.

    Share My Lesson: using technology to share teaching resources
  9. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 21 November 2012

    UK: Mixed reviews for 2013 English grading process

    Two of EI’s national affiliates, the National Union of Teachers (NUT) and the National Association of Schoolmasters Union of Women Teachers (NASUWT), have commented on plans to change the GCSE English grading process for 2013.

    UK: Mixed reviews for 2013 English grading process
  10. Union growth 21 November 2012

    Bahrain: Free Jalila al-Salman and Mahdi Abu Dheeb!

    EI launched in November an Urgent Action Appeal for Bahrain. It demands that Jalila al-Salman and Mahdi Abu Dheeb, Vice President and President of the Bahrain Teacher Association (BTA), be released from jail.

    Bahrain: Free Jalila al-Salman and Mahdi Abu Dheeb!
  11. Union growth 19 November 2012

    ILO highlights serious labour right cases

    Argentina, Cambodia, Ethiopia, Fiji and Peru were singled out by the Committee on Freedom of Association of the UN International Labour Organisation (ILO). Committee members reviewed cases involving rights to organise, negotiation through collective bargaining and engagement in social dialogue, on 1-16 November in Geneva.

    ILO highlights serious labour right cases
  12. Climate action and literacy 19 November 2012

    Gambia: EI and GTU join forces to Occupy education!

    Last week in Banjul, Gambia, Education International and the GTU laid the foundation of EI’s new initiative “Occupy Education”. The first stage of this pilot phase consisted of a needs assessment workshop the purpose of which was to identify current gaps and strategic areas for GTU’s future collaboration with EI,...

    Gambia: EI and GTU join forces to Occupy education!
  13. Union growth 16 November 2012

    EI calls for cease-fire in Middle East

    Education International has expressed deep concern over the safety of school children and teachers in Gaza and Israel, as violence is escalating in the area. It has urged Hamas and Israel to call a permanent cease-fire, and to respect the principle of the right to education in safety.

    EI calls for cease-fire in Middle East
  14. Trade union rights are human rights 16 November 2012

    Honduras: Union condemns intimidation of teachers

    The Federation of Teachers’ Organisations of Honduras (FOMH), of which there are five EI member organisations, has reported large-scale dismissals, salary cuts and temporary suspensions of teachers which have been justified by false allegations.

    Honduras: Union condemns intimidation of teachers
  15. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 15 November 2012

    Tanzania: Solving the teacher shortage problem

    A shortage of teachers in over 250 schools has been the focus of Government and education union action in Zanzibar. The fundamental issue for both is to determine how Zanzibar can train, recruit and retain teachers in their teaching jobs.

    Tanzania: Solving the teacher shortage problem
  16. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 14 November 2012

    Crisis not an excuse for cuts in development cooperation spending

    The EI annual Development Cooperation (DC) meeting gathered 37 participants from 13 countries on 12-13 November in Brussels, Belgium. One of the six sessions allowed participants to take stock of the impact of the economic crisis on DC funding and activities, and discuss solutions.

    Crisis not an excuse for cuts in development cooperation spending
  17. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 13 November 2012

    Mali: ‘Every Child Needs a Teacher’ programme launched

    A workshop to launch the ‘Every Child Needs a Teacher’ programme was held on 30 October in Ségou, Mali. The workshop was part of the “Quality Educators for All” project, supported by EI.

    Mali: ‘Every Child Needs a Teacher’ programme launched
  18. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 12 November 2012

    USA: Educators celebrate International Education Week

    The American Federation of Teachers (AFT), one of EI’s U.S. affiliates, will actively participate in the third annual Global Education Conference (GEC), to take place entirely online during International Education Week, from 12-16 November.

    USA: Educators celebrate International Education Week