

  1. Equity and inclusion 11 October 2012

    EI advocates for the rights of girls

    The International Day of the Girl Child, celebrated annually from this year on October 11th, is an opportunity for EI and teachers’ unions to harness their advocacy and programmatic work to enhance the rights of the girl child.

    EI advocates for the rights of girls
  2. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 9 October 2012

    Global leaders demand immediate attention to children’s education in crisis zones

    Global leaders from governments, international organisations and civil society have demanded attention about children's education in crisis countries. The call came on 24 September when EI participated in a side event organised by the Global Partnership for Education prior to the UN General Assembly.

    Global leaders demand immediate attention to children’s education in crisis zones
  3. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 8 October 2012

    Global call for decent work for young people

    Since 2008, the International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC) has been organising the World Day for Decent Work (WDDW) on 7 October. This is a global day of action to remind governments across the globe that they must prioritise decent work to stimulate economic growth and build a new global economy...

    Global call for decent work for young people
  4. Union growth 5 October 2012

    Honouring the courage of persecuted teacher unionists in Colombia

    World Teachers’ Day is an opportunity to appreciate the tireless dedication and contribution of teachers to quality education. Unfortunately, in Colombia, teachers live in constant fear of being killed or maimed.

    Honouring the courage of persecuted teacher unionists in Colombia
  5. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 5 October 2012

    UNESCO launches eAtlas of teachers

    At the occasion of World Teachers’ Day, UNESCO has released its eAtlas of Teachers, which helps visualise the gaps in the supply and demand for teachers at national and global levels. Already, it reveals that massive teacher shortages are quietly looming in countries struggling to provide every child with quality...

    UNESCO launches eAtlas of teachers
  6. Equity and inclusion 4 October 2012

    Aob/GEW/EI Conference: combatting child labour through the right to education

    Strengthening the teacher unions’ role in combatting child labour and achieving Education For All is the aim of the International Conference on Child Labour, convened by EI and GEW, a teacher union in Germany and AOb from the Netherlands, on 5-7 October 2012 in Berlin, Germany.

    Aob/GEW/EI Conference: combatting child labour through the right to education
  7. Standards and working conditions 4 October 2012

    Take a stand for teachers and education unions on October 5th!

    At the occasion of World Teachers’ Day (WTD) on 5 October, EI will continue to stress the value of educators in the world. It will also highlight the need to pay more attention, on WTD and throughout the year, to the fact that education organisations are important actors in any...

    Take a stand for teachers and education unions on October 5th!
  8. Union growth 4 October 2012

    Turkey: International trade unions support Turkish workers’ rights

    Representatives of the European trade Union Committee for Education (ETUCE), Education International’s European region, are part of an international trade union delegation, together with representatives of the European Federation of Public Service Unions (EFPSU), the European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC), and the International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC), present in Ankara...

    Turkey: International trade unions support Turkish workers’ rights
  9. Standards and working conditions 4 October 2012

    Launch of the Reading Changed my Life Photo and Video Contest

    The Global Partnership for Education (GPE) launched the Reading Changed My Life Photo and Video Contest on 7 September 2012. It already celebrated 100 submissions from 36 different countries!

    Launch of the Reading Changed my Life Photo and Video Contest
  10. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 4 October 2012

    Spain: Unprecedented attack on union representation

    On the occasion of World Teachers’ Day, EI's affiliates in Spain issued a joint statement expressing their indignation at the central government’s attack on the teaching profession in particular and on public education in general.

    Spain: Unprecedented attack on union representation
  11. Union growth 2 October 2012

    Bahrain: Solidarity with teachers on WTD

    At the occasion of World Teachers’ Day (WTD), celebrated annually on 5 October, EI has issued a statement of solidarity with teachers in Bahrain and their trade union, the Bahrain Teacher Association (BTA).

    Bahrain: Solidarity with teachers on WTD
  12. Equity and inclusion 2 October 2012

    Costa Rica: public policy on Indigenous education needed

    Costa Rican Indigenous peoples have analysed the state and quality of education provided to Indigenous children, adolescents, and youth in the national meeting of Indigenous teachers and leaders, held in San José, from 25-26 September. The Asociación Nacional de Educadores (ANDE), one of EI’s national affiliates, participated in the discussions.

    Costa Rica: public policy on Indigenous education needed
  13. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 1 October 2012

    EI Conference: Higher education and research a public service

    EI members firmly committed to defending and promoting the professional, academic, trade union, and human rights of the higher education community. The commitment was made at EI’s 8th Higher Education and Research Conference, held in Buenos Aires, Argentina, from 25-27 September.

    EI Conference: Higher education and research a public service
  14. Standards and working conditions 1 October 2012

    Kenya: Successful conclusion to talks, teachers back at work

    EI’s affiliate, the Kenya National Union of Teachers (KNUT), has confirmed that its national teachers’ strike was called off on 24 September after successful negotiations with the Government.

    Kenya: Successful conclusion to talks, teachers back at work
  15. Standards and working conditions 28 September 2012

    Taiwan: Teachers wear black for Teachers' Day

    On the occasion of Taiwan's national teachers' day (28 September), National Teachers' Association (NTA) and National Federation of Teachers' Unions (NFTU) members join in a highly symbolic action to remind the government about its promises that have not been kept.

    Taiwan: Teachers wear black for Teachers' Day
  16. Union renewal and development 27 September 2012

    Shashi Bala Singh: New Chief Regional Coordinator for Asia-Pacific

    EI is pleased to announce the appointment of Shashi Bala Singh as Chief Regional Coordinator for the Asia-Pacific Region. She will take up the post on 1st January next when the present incumbent, Aloysius Mathews, retires.

    Shashi Bala Singh: New Chief Regional Coordinator for Asia-Pacific
  17. Union renewal and development 27 September 2012

    Shashi Bala Singh: New Chief Regional Coordinator for Asia-Pacific

    EI is pleased to announce the appointment of Shashi Bala Singh as Chief Regional Coordinator for the Asia-Pacific Region. She will take up the post on 1st January next when the present incumbent, Aloysius Mathews, retires.

    Shashi Bala Singh: New Chief Regional Coordinator for Asia-Pacific